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- 1. がん予防cancer prevention [show details]
…1 human carcinogen . The mechanisms for this increased risk have not been determined, but several factors have been suggested, including heme content in the meat, animal fat, and carcinogens produced …
- 2. 喫煙と肺癌の発症につながるその他の危険因子cigarette smoking and other possible risk factors for lung cancer [show details]
…tobacco smoke can begin earlier in life than it does with active smoking, and the exposure to carcinogens occurs over a longer period of time. There is a dose-response relationship between intensity of …
- 3. 女性における乳癌リスクに影響を与える因子factors that modify breast cancer risk in women [show details]
…the International Agency for Research on Cancer and the World Health Organization as a probable carcinogen , although evidence is mixed . This association may be related to nocturnal light exposure, which…
- 4. 頭頸部癌に対する疫学および危険因子epidemiology and risk factors for head and neck cancer [show details]
… construction workers (cement) , farmers, and metal workers . Formaldehyde was classified as a carcinogen in 2004 because of its association with nasopharyngeal cancer and possibly cancers of the nasal …
- 5. 尿路上皮(移行上皮)膀胱癌の疫学および危険因子epidemiology and risk factors of urothelial transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder [show details]
… to identify specific carcinogens. Cigarette smoking is the most important factor contributing to the overall incidence of urothelial cancer in western countries . The carcinogenic compounds present in …
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- 英
- tumor promoter, carcinogenic promoter
- 関
- プロモーター、発癌補助物質。がん原物質、発がんプロモーター、腫瘍プロモーター、腫瘍イニシエーター
- 英
- assistance、adjunct、assist、support、auxiliary、adjunct、subsidiary
- 関
- 援助、支援、支持、担体、補助剤、補助的、付属物、従属的、サポート、裏づけ、裏付け、支える
- 英
- substance、material、matter
- 関
- 実体、問題、問題になる、材料、重要なこと、事項、サブスタンス
- 英
- carcinogenesis, oncogenesis
- 関
- 発癌物質
- 英
- quality
- 関
- 品質