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- 1. 手首および手のガングリオン嚢胞ganglion cysts of the wrist and hand [show details]
… recurrent ganglia, another five improved with repeat aspirations. There were no complications from ganglia aspirations. Adjunctive techniques such as performing multiple punctures of the ganglion walls or …
- 2. 超音波内視鏡下の腹腔神経叢および神経節への介入endoscopic ultrasound guided celiac plexus and ganglia interventions [show details]
… abdominal pain or malignancy had no bearing on the identification or number of ganglia identified. The high rate of ganglion visualization and the lack of correlation with other pathologic processes suggested …
- 3. 舞踏病の概要overview of chorea [show details]
…reveals abnormal deposition of iron in the basal ganglia with gradient echo (T2*) signal loss, as well as cystic changes and necrosis in basal ganglia . A distinct imaging pattern of iron deposition, termed …
- 4. 成人における慢性膝痛の放射線評価radiologic evaluation of the chronically painful knee in adults [show details]
…types that are commonly found in this location are ganglion cysts and meniscal cysts. A ganglion is a cystic benign tumor of unknown origin. Ganglion cysts may be juxtaarticular, intraarticular, intraosseous …
- 5. 中間神経神経痛nervus intermedius neuralgia [show details]
… pathologic substrate for nervus intermedius neuralgia . In addition, there is no indisputable evidence that the neuralgic pain originates in the geniculate ganglion or the nervus intermedius. Some investigators …
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Related Pictures

- 英
- Charlin syndrome
- 同
- シャルラン・スルーダー症候群 Charlin-Sluder syndrome、鼻毛様体神経痛 nasociliary neuralgia、鼻神経症候群 nasal nerve syndrome、毛様体神経節神経痛 neuralgiaof ciliary ganglion
- 英
- ciliary body (KH)
- ラ
- corpus ciliare
- 関
- 毛様体筋、毛様体突起
- 英
- nerve
- ラ
- nervus
- 関
- ニューロン
- 中枢神経 central nervous systen CNS
- 末梢神経 peripheral nervous system PNS
- 感覚神経 sensory nerve = 求心性線維 afferent nerve
- 運動神経 motor nerve = 遠心性線維 efferent nerve
- 体性神経 somatic nervous system SNS
- 自律神経 autonomic nervous system ANS
- 英
- ganglion
- algia
- 英
- neuralgia, nerve pain
- 英
- pain
- 関
- 痛み、疼痛