- 英
- cogwheel ocular movement
- 同
- 階段状眼球運動 stair case eye movement
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- 1. 成人における第三脳神経(動眼神経)麻痺third cranial nerve oculomotor nerve palsy in adults [show details]
… Dysfunction of the third cranial nerve (oculomotor nerve) can result from lesions anywhere along its path between the oculomotor nucleus in the midbrain and the extraocular muscles within the orbit. The …
- 2. 小児における第3脳神経(動眼神経)麻痺third cranial nerve oculomotor nerve palsy in children [show details]
… Dysfunction of the third cranial nerve (oculomotor nerve) can result from lesions anywhere along its path between the oculomotor nucleus in the midbrain and the extraocular muscles within the orbit. Third …
- 3. 小児における垂直斜視の原因causes of vertical strabismus in children [show details]
… though sometimes useful. The oculomotor nerve controls all extraocular muscles except the lateral rectus and superior oblique muscles. Patients with partial oculomotor nerve palsy may have hyperdeviation …
- 4. 小児における水平斜視の原因causes of horizontal strabismus in children [show details]
…component Complete oculomotor palsy presents with the classic triad : Exotropia and hypotropia of the involved eye; Mydriasis; Complete ptosis; The presentation of incomplete oculomotor paresis varies depending …
- 5. 進行性核上性麻痺(PSP):臨床的特徴および診断progressive supranuclear palsy psp clinical features and diagnosis [show details]
…occur later in PSP-P than in PSP-RS. PSP with predominant oculomotor dysfunction (PSP-OM) is characterized by presentation with oculomotor features of PSP (eg, vertical supranuclear gaze palsy, slow …
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- PSP患者では,眼球の動きが遅れるので,眼球を目標の位置に正しく保持するために多数の小さな衝動性眼球運動が必要です。PSP患者でのこの動きは「歯車様」といわれます。この動きはPSP患者に特異的な所見ではないのです
- 歯車式追従運動の例は正常な人では現れない速さの追従運動でも統合失調症などでは見られます。 滑動性眼球運動の経路は 頭頂、後頭、側頭連結(後頭眼野=19野)から刺激が出ており右の脳が右への眼球運動を引き起こす同側支配 ...
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- 英
- eyeball
- ラ
- bulbus oculi
- 関
- 眼
- (水晶体の支持靱帯 suspensory ligament of lens)
- 英
- external ocular movement EOM, eye movement
- 同
- 共同運動 synkinesis
- 関
- 眼球