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- 1. 妊娠していない成人の糖尿病患者に行う一般的な治療管理の概要overview of general medical care in nonpregnant adults with diabetes mellitus [show details]
… patients with type 1 diabetes and during pregnancy. Prevention of cardiovascular morbidity is a major priority for patients with diabetes, especially type 2. Smoking cessation is essential for patients who …
- 2. 糖尿病患者の筋骨格系に生じる合併症の概要overview of the musculoskeletal complications of diabetes mellitus [show details]
… contracture Shoulder tendinopathy Adhesive capsulitis Diabetic neuropathic arthropathy Bone disease associated with diabetes Diabetic muscle infarction Estimates of the prevalence of musculoskeletal …
- 3. 糖尿病患者に生じる末梢血管疾患の概要overview of peripheral artery disease in patients with diabetes mellitus [show details]
… factors that specifically influence the occurrence of PAD in patients with DM, including diabetes duration, diabetes severity, sex, and race/ethnicity, are briefly reviewed below. Duration – The duration …
- 4. 2型糖尿病の危険因子risk factors for type 2 diabetes mellitus [show details]
…had a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes (incidence rate ratio [IRR] 1.24, 95% CI 1.06-1.45). For fruit drinks (fortified fruit drinks, Kool-Aid, and fruit juices other than orange or grapefruit) …
- 5. 妊娠糖尿病:血糖コントロールおよび母体の予後gestational diabetes mellitus glycemic control and maternal prognosis [show details]
… postpartum progression of the woman with gestational diabetes mellitus towards impaired glucose tolerance/diabetes or on the possibility of gestational diabetes recurrence and whether glyburide affects the long-term …
Japanese Journal
- その他--果糖尿症--本態性果糖尿症と遺伝性果糖不耐症 (先天性代謝病・免疫病ハンドブック) -- (糖質代謝異常)
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- 英
- fructokinase deficiency
- 同
- 本態性フルクトース尿症 essential fructosuria、本態性果糖尿症
- 商
- フルクトン、アミノトリパ1号、グリセオール、グリセノン、グリセリンF、グリセレブ、グリポーゼ、グリマッケン、テルモ果糖、トリパレン、トリフリード、ヒシセオール、フルクトラクト、果糖
- 英
- essential
- 関
- 基本的、重要、必須、必要、本質的、必要不可欠
- 英
- sis, pathy
- 英
- glycosuria、glucosuria