- 英
- radioisotope dilution analysis
- 関
- RI希釈法, RI dilution analysis
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- 1. 抗菌薬感受性試験の概要overview of antibacterial susceptibility testing [show details]
…susceptibility methods are currently available, including agar dilution, broth dilution (macrodilution and microdilution), and gradient methods, as detailed below. The agar dilution method is a well-studied …
- 2. アレルギー疾患のための皮膚試験の概要overview of skin testing for allergic disease [show details]
… prick/puncture method is the primary diagnostic method and is the most appropriate initial test, in the absence of contraindications. The prick/puncture or epicutaneous method of skin testing… End-point dilution is performed by injecting a series of dilutions of an extract into a patient skin,…
- 3. 自発性頭蓋内圧低下症:病態生理、臨床的特徴および診断spontaneous intracranial hypotension pathophysiology clinical features and diagnosis [show details]
…detected . Additional studies are needed to determine the sensitivity and specificity of this method. Radioisotope cisternography is not widely available but is particularly useful for confirming a CSF leak …
- 4. 負荷時の放射性核種心筋血流イメージングの概要overview of stress radionuclide myocardial perfusion imaging [show details]
… of stress method is largely governed by patient characteristics. For patients in whom radionuclide myocardial perfusion imaging (rMPI) is indicated, an algorithm for stress method selection is… The radioisotope should be injected as close to peak exercise as possible, and then exercise should be continued for at least one more minute to allow the radioisotope to circulate…
- 5. 小児の身体組成測定measurement of body composition in children [show details]
…choice of method depends on which of these compartments are of interest, whether the measurement is for clinical purposes or research, and what degree of precision is required. The main methods used to estimate… younger children because of the change in density of lean body mass during maturation . In isotope dilution techniques, the volume of a body compartment is determined by the ratio of the dose of a tracer …
Japanese Journal
- β-オキシ酸誘導体の転位に関する研究(第1報)放射性炭素標識法によるブレイズ転位の研究
- 横山 泰,湯川 泰秀
- 日本化學雜誌 82(2), 259-261, 1961
- … また放射性同位元素希釈法を用いて定墨を行なった結果,この場合メチル基の1,2一転位はほとんど起っていないことを確かめた。 …
- NAID 130003509830
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- 英
- radiation、beam、radiate、emit、beam、radiative、radiant
- 関
- 照射、照射性、排出、ビーム、放散、放射状、放射線、放射線照射
- 英
- radioactive、hot、(pref.)radio
- 関
- アイソトープ、熱、ラジオ、熱い、熱感、ホット、放射活性
- 英
- method、law
- 関
- 測定法、測定方法、訴訟、方法、法律学、手法、方式、法律
- 英
- dilution、dilute、attenuant
- 関
- 希釈度、希釈法、希薄、薄い
- 英
- element
- 関
- エレメント、基本、初等、成分、要素