- 関
- dilute、dilution
- lessen the strength or flavor of a solution or mixture; "cut bourbon" (同)thin, thin_out, reduce, cut
- a diluted solution
- weakening (reducing the concentration) by the addition of water or a thinner
- (…で)〈液体〉‘を'薄める《+『名』+『with』+『名』》 / 〈力・効力など〉‘を'弱める / (液体などが)薄い
- 〈U〉(液体などを)薄めること / 〈C〉薄めたもの,希釈液
English Journal
- Expression, localization, and clinical application of the RNA binding domain of U1-70kD in HEp-2 cells.
- Song Y1, Chen SL1, Shen N1, Xue F1, Ye P1, Bao CD1, Gu YY1, Yu CZ1, Lu LJ2.
- Annals of clinical and laboratory science.Ann Clin Lab Sci.2015 Spring;45(2):134-9.
- OBJECTIVE: To develop an improved substrate for indirect immunofluorescent test (IIF) to detect anti-U1-70kD autoantibodies.METHODS: The RNA binding domain of U1-70kD (U1BD) complementary DNA was obtained from human larynx carcinoma cell line HEp-2 by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction
- PMID 25887865
- Expression, localization and clinical application of exogenous Smith proteins D1 in gene transfected HEp-2 cells.
- Wang SL1, Wang FF, Chen SL, Shen N, Xue F, Ye P, Bao CD, Gu YY, Yu CZ, Wilson A, Wallace DJ, Weisman MH, Lu LJ.
- International journal of rheumatic diseases.Int J Rheum Dis.2013 Jun;16(3):303-9. doi: 10.1111/1756-185X.12000. Epub 2012 Oct 22.
- AIM: To establish an improved substrate for an indirect immunofluorescence test (IIF) to detect anti-Sm antibody.METHODS: Full-length Smith protein D1(Sm-D1) complementary DNA was obtained from human larynx carcinoma cell line HEp-2 by reverse transcription - polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and c
- PMID 23981752
- Predicting attenuant and resonant 2-cycles in periodically forced discrete-time two-species population models.
- Morena MA1, Franke JE.
- Journal of biological dynamics.J Biol Dyn.2012;6:782-812. doi: 10.1080/17513758.2012.710338.
- Periodic environments may either enhance or suppress a population via resonant or attenuant cycles. We derive signature functions for predicting the responses of two competing populations to 2-periodic oscillations in six model parameters. Two of these parameters provide a non-trivial equilibrium an
- PMID 22873617
Japanese Journal
- 経皮的大動脈弁置換術(TAVR)における3Dナビゲーションシステム使用経験
- 柳川 康洋,浅田 朋宏,土井 司 [他],前田 孝一,島村 和男,鳥飼 慶,倉谷 徹,澤 芳樹
- 医療機器学 = The Japanese journal of medical instrumentation 83(3), 267-272, 2013-06-01
- … And also I elucidated clinical impacts.Regarding 3D reconfiguration image, reduction of the contrast media consumption is possible by the triple attenuant imaging with the saline, I could secure enough imaging in clinical. …
- NAID 10031173614
- 今里 智晃
- 言語文化研究 (14), p101-112, 1988
- … to plë." (I pray you give your scholars leave to play.) Thus the speech of the Mopsae shows a strong tendency towards high-pitch vowels.As Gill says, 'Orientates contra pleraque attenuant,' the Eastern dialect is remarkable for a general 'thinness.' It is quite the same with the pronunciations of the Mopsae, because they 'qae quidem ita omnia attenuant.' Judging from the fact that all the other features of the speech of the Mopsae have Eastern parallels, Dobson (1968^2) derives the pronunciations of the Mopsae from those of the …
- NAID 120001065375
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- attenuant / əˈtɛn yu ənt / Show Spelled [uh-ten-yoo-uh nt] Show IPA noun a medicine or agent that thins the blood. Origin: 1595–1605; Latin attenuant-(stem of attenuāns thinning, present participle of attenuāre). See at-, tenuis, -ant
- at·ten·u·ant (ă-ten'yū-ănt), 1. Denoting that which attenuates. 2. An agent, means, or method that attenuates. ... L'Italie est la plus visee "S'il y a des facteurs attenuants comme la position de soutien de nombreux gouvernements a l ...
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- 関
- attenuant、dilution、rare、tenuous、thin
- 関
- attenuant、dilute、dilution method
- 英
- dilution、dilute、attenuant
- 関
- 希釈度、希釈法、希薄、薄い