- 英
- supporting reaction
- 同
- 支持反射 supporting reflex
- 関
- 姿勢反射、陽性支持反応、原始反射
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- 1. 中等症から重症の熱傷における代謝亢進反応hypermetabolic response to moderate to severe burn injury and management [show details]
…hypermetabolic response are reviewed here. The general care of the burn patient, including burn wound care and nutritional support, is reviewed separately. The hypermetabolic response to injury is characterized …
- 2. 慢性骨髄性白血病の治療の概要overview of the treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia [show details]
… expectation that continued improvement over time will occur in most such individuals Support for the use of these response criteria comes from retrospective and prospective studies . As examples: A retrospective …
- 3. 手術を受ける成人患者への臨床評価と栄養指導clinical assessment and monitoring of nutritional support in adult surgical patients [show details]
… monitoring is the key tool for assessing the adequacy of ongoing nutritional support. Laboratory markers for immune response, indirect calorimetry, and body weight and composition can also used. The initial …
- 4. 離人症性障害(離人・現実感喪失症侯群)の治療法approach to treating depersonalization derealization disorder [show details]
…depersonalization/derealization disorder (DDD) patients who experience an inadequate response to a trial of education, psychotherapy, and support include longer-term psychotherapy, medication, and (for those potentially …
- 5. 原発性胆汁性胆管炎のマネージメントの概要overview of the management of primary biliary cholangitis [show details]
…practice to use fibrates in conjunction with UDCA in patients with an inadequate response to UDCA alone. However, evidence to support this approach is limited. Initial therapy for all patients with PBC is …
Japanese Journal
- ビデオ式3次元動作解析システムを用いてのCollis水平反応の発達変化 第2報 Collis水平反応の上肢運動の検討:第2報Collis水平反応の上肢運動の検討
- 反射運動と理学療法(<特集>運動の制御と評価における反射活動)
- 305. 部分荷重によるヒト脊髄興奮準位の変動様式
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- 英
- positive supporting reaction
- 同
- 磁石反応 magnetic reaction
- 関
- 支持反応
- 英
- negative supporting reaction
- 関
- 陽性支持反応
- 英
- support、endorsement、support、favor、favour、underpin、endorse、bolster、sustentacular
- 関
- 援助、好む、支援、親切、担体、保証、補助、推奨、好意、補強、サポート、裏づけ、裏付け、裏書き、支える、支持的精神療法
- 英
- (生物)response、(化学)reaction、respond、react、responsive
- 関
- 応答、応答性、反応性、返答