- 英
- magnetic reaction
- 関
- 陽性支持反応
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- 1. ペースメーカーを植え込んだ患者もしくは植込み型除細動器のある患者の周術期マネージメントperioperative management of patients with a pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator [show details]
…ICD), magnet application might fail to elicit the magnet response . Two or more magnets can sometimes be used in a stacked configuration to increase the likelihood of eliciting the magnet response. However …
- 2. 核磁気共鳴画像法の原理principles of magnetic resonance imaging [show details]
…field homogeneity. Alternative magnet technologies in clinical use include permanent and resistive magnets, which are of lower field strength than superconducting magnets. The majority of clinical MRI systems …
- 3. ペーシングシステムの誤作動:評価およびマネージメントpacing system malfunction evaluation and management [show details]
… not informed that a magnet was placed over the pulse generator, there will probably be concern about loss of sensing as indicative of a true malfunction. The noise mode response is another situation …
- 4. 鼻腔内異物の診断およびマネージメントdiagnosis and management of intranasal foreign bodies [show details]
… between the intranasal magnets . This problem can be overcome as follows: Sequentially apply a pocket magnet pickup (available at automobile parts stores) to the impacted nasal magnets . Magnetize two instruments …
- 5. 前立腺癌におけるMRIの役割the role of magnetic resonance imaging in prostate cancer [show details]
… 0.08 Tesla (T) magnet . Since then, MRI hardware and software have advanced considerably with the introduction and widespread adoption of higher strength magnets (1.5… MRI also provides information for staging tumor extent and monitoring treatment response.…
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- 英
- positive supporting reaction
- 同
- 磁石反応 magnetic reaction
- 関
- 支持反応
- 英
- (生物)response、(化学)reaction、respond、react、responsive
- 関
- 応答、応答性、反応性、返答