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- 外陰エスチオメーヌス
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- 1. 思春期前の小児に生じる外陰膣障害の概要overview of vulvovaginal complaints in the prepubertal child [show details]
… Foreign bodies in children can cause acute and chronic recurrent vulvovaginitis. Chronic vaginal discharge,… noninvasive imaging fail to provide an explanation for such complaints. Nonsexually transmitted vulvar ulcers, sometimes called Lipschutz ulcers, "virginal ulcers", or "aphthous ulcers", are typically seen …
- 2. 性器潰瘍患者へのアプローチapproach to the patient with genital ulcers [show details]
…pustular lesions may be seen. In severely immunosuppressed patients, such as those with untreated HIV, chronic lesions can develop and form large, crusted erosions. The syphilitic chancre is classically a …
- 3. 外陰部病変:形態に基づく鑑別診断vulvar lesions differential diagnosis based on morphology [show details]
… Chronic aphthous ulcers have the same appearance as those that occur in the acute setting. Both acute and chronic lesions have the same appearance… white coagulum or adherent, black crust at the base of the ulcer. In contrast to oral ulcers, vulvar ulcers are more likely to be large (up to 3 cm), may involve the skin as well as the modified mucous …
- 4. 急性外陰潰瘍(リプシュッツ潰瘍)acute genital ulceration lipschutz ulcer [show details]
… vulval pemphigoid of childhood is an exceedingly rare autoimmune bullous disease characterized by chronic, relapsing vulvar erosions . A skin biopsy from perilesional tissue for direct immunofluorescence …clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and management of acute genital ulceration. Other causes of vulvar ulceration are discussed separately. The precise incidence of acute genital ulceration is unknown. In …
- 5. 女性における生殖器出血の鑑別診断differential diagnosis of genital tract bleeding in women [show details]
…disease [PID]). Endometritis may be acute or chronic. The prevalence of chronic endometritis presenting with AUB is uncertain. Premenopausal women with chronic endometritis usually present with AUB, which …
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- 急性外陰潰瘍はまだわからないことも多い病気ですし、潰瘍のできる場所が性器ですので受診を避けて慢性化する女性が多いのですが深刻な病気に変化することも考えられるためきちんと受診することが大切です。
- 潰瘍は小陰唇や会陰に発生することが多いのですが、腟のなかや子宮頸部にできることもあります。 潰瘍は、瘢痕(傷あと)を残して2~4週間で自然に治りますが、とくに月経時などに再発を繰り返し、慢性に経過することがあります
- 急性外陰潰瘍はどんな病気か、原因は何か、何科を受診したらよいか、症状、検査と診断、治療方法について解説します。メディカルiタウンは、NTTタウンページ(株)が運営する医療総合サイトです。
Related Pictures

- 英
- ulcus vulvae, genital ulcer
- 関
- 外陰部潰瘍、陰部潰瘍
- 英
- ulcer
- ラ
- ulcus
- 関
- びらん
- 粘膜の損傷が粘膜筋板に達し、その筋層を貫通した場合。
- 英
- vulva、vulvae、external genital、pudendal
- 関
- 外陰部、産卵口、陰門
- 英
- chronicity
- 関
- 慢性的、慢性型