- 同
- 頤部後方回旋
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- 1. 分娩時の顔位および額位face and brow presentations in labor [show details]
… Operative vaginal delivery is contraindicated for mentum posterior presentations . In the past, manual version of the mentum posterior face to an occiput anterior or mentum anterior position was attempted …
- 2. 網膜剥離retinal detachment [show details]
…acid that slowly liquefies throughout life. These pockets of liquid can break through the posterior vitreous face and cause PVD from the retina. This event, which occurs typically in patients between the …
- 3. 後方循環系の脳血管症候群posterior circulation cerebrovascular syndromes [show details]
…within the posterior circulation. Unlike the vertebral and basilar arteries, atherosclerosis and dissection of the posterior cerebral arteries is not common. Most infarcts in the posterior cerebral… sensation in the ipsilateral face and the contralateral trunk and limbs. The next most frequent combination is hypalgesia in the ipsilateral face and contralateral face,…
- 4. 熱傷再建の原則:顔面、頭皮、および頸部principles of burn reconstruction face scalp and neck [show details]
… Burns to the face, with the exception of a sunburn, are never considered minor given that even small burns affect function and/or cosmesis. Burns to the face are particularly… of an anterior and a posterior lamella. The anterior lamella consists of skin, subcutaneous tissues, and the striated orbicularis muscle. The posterior lamella includes the tarsal plate,…
- 5. 幼児血管腫:評価および診断infantile hemangiomas evaluation and diagnosis [show details]
…diameter), segmental hemangiomas, particularly when located on the face, scalp, or posterior neck , are at risk for PHACE (posterior fossa anomalies, hemangioma, arterial anomalies, cardiac anomalies, …
Japanese Journal
- 帝王切開術を施行し母児共に救い得た〓部後方顔位の一例
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- 後方後頭位が確認された場合は、胎児の後頭が下になるように母体は横向きに寝ている側臥位(そくがい)の状態で経過観察を行いながら分娩を続行します。また、児頭骨盤不均衡が確認された場合は、子宮口が全開していれば吸引 ...
- ⇒先進部が小泉門で,小泉門が大泉門の後方にある ⇒胎児は,母体の恥骨側を向き,顎を引いた姿勢 ※第1頭位:胎児が母親の右手の方を向いている、第2頭位:その逆 ⇒どちらでも問題なく、回旋異常と関係ない 回旋異常 ※第1頭位 ...
- 顔位:先進部は顔(顎が母体前を向くのはオトガイ前方顔位、顎が母体後ろを向くのはオトガイ後方顔位) ・分娩開始:10分に1回の規則的な分娩陣痛 ・分娩機転 第1期:陣痛周期10分~子宮口全開大、固定は38週頃でsp0、第1回旋 ...
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- 英
- vaginal delivery
- 同
- 経膣分娩
- 関
- 異常分娩
- QB.P-306
- 英
- posterior、backward
- 関
- 後、逆、後側