- 英
- flaccid paresis
- 関
- 弛緩性麻痺
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- 1. 両側性横隔膜麻痺の原因および診断causes and diagnosis of bilateral diaphragmatic paralysis [show details]
… extremely useful in differentiating diaphragmatic paralysis from other causes of respiratory failure. Patients with bilateral diaphragmatic paralysis often report dyspnea with recumbency and disturbed …
- 2. 成人の慢性不眠症への行動療法と薬物療法behavioral and pharmacologic therapies for chronic insomnia in adults [show details]
… Relaxation therapy may be implemented before each sleep period. There are two common techniques for relaxation therapy: progressive muscle relaxation and the relaxation response.… sleepwalking, REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD), suicidal ideation, and the emergence of sleep paralysis, hypnogogic hallucinations, and mild cataplexy (as seen in narcolepsy). Risk of RBD is likely highest … prior to the failure of routine therapy) if there is clinical suspicion that sleep apnea or another etiology exists.…
- 3. 12歳未満の小児に生じる重症喘息の急性増悪:気管内挿管および人工呼吸器の使用acute severe asthma exacerbations in children younger than 12 years endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation [show details]
… patients with continued progression toward respiratory failure despite maximal medical therapy.… and potentially also muscle relaxation if a spontaneous breathing mode is not used .… patients are also given intravenous fluids to treat dehydration and prevent hypotension. Sedation and paralysis are reviewed below. Other supportive measures are discussed in detail separately. A variety of …
- 4. 成人に現れる多発性硬化症の症状と徴候manifestations of multiple sclerosis in adults [show details]
… contraction without urethral sphincter relaxation, leading to functional bladder outlet obstruction and failure to empty,… cerebral lesions occasionally manifest as a confusional state associated with progressive focal paralysis. These findings can be mistakenly attributed to a tumor . The management of cognitive impairment …
- 5. 持続勃起症priapism [show details]
…the more common form. Ischemic priapism is prolonged erection with failure of detumescence related to impaired relaxation and paralysis of cavernosal smooth muscle . This results in a compartment syndrome …
Japanese Journal
- 術後,馬尾神経の虚血性損傷を合併した破裂性腹部大動脈瘤症例
- 上田 正生,山田 知行,家村 順三,安藤 史隆,皐 弘志
- 日本心臓血管外科学会雑誌 20(1), 11-16, 1990
- … 膜動脈は結紮処理した.両総腸骨動脈の著明な硬化性変化および癒着のため,大動脈遮断が3時間におよんだ.術後の全身状態は良好であったが,左膝関節以下と右足関節以下の全知覚脱失が出現し,両下肢の弛緩性不全麻痺も認めた.左下肢の深部腱反射は消失し,Lasègue徴候陽性であった.血管造影では左総・内腸骨動脈が完全閉塞していた.患者は理学療法で歩行可能となったが,左下腿にパレステジーが残存した.臨床症 …
- NAID 130003628026
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- 小児麻痺といわれるポリオは、ウイルス感染による急性灰白脊髄炎で、脊髄前角細胞の病変による弛緩性麻痺を特徴とするが、発育しつつある脳組織が障害された後遺症としておこり、知的障害、けいれんなどを合併する脳性麻痺は痙性
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- 関
- 機能不全、失敗、不十分、不全症、不足、無能、無能力、弁閉鎖不全、弁閉鎖不全症、機能不全症
- 英
- paralysis, palsy
- 関
- (comb form)plegia。不全麻痺 paresis
- 英
- relaxation、relax
- 関
- 緩和、ほどける、リラクゼーション
- 英
- paresis
- 関
- 麻痺 paralysis palsy
- 同
- paresis
- 英
- flaccid、diastolic
- 関
- 拡張期、弛緩期