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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/06/08 15:18:12」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- 電子支援対策 (ESM:Electronic Support Measures) の略。
- ミルウォーキー科学技術協会 (Engineers & Scientists of Milwaukee, Inc.) の略
- 生活サンプリング法 (Experience Sampling Method) の略
- 欧州スポーツ雑誌組合 (European Sports Magazines) の略。ESMゴールデンブーツの選定などを行っている。
- 欧州安定メカニズム(European Stability Mechanism)の略
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[Wiki en表示]
ESM is an acronym. Depending on context it may refer to:
Science and technology
- Earth System Model, a highly advanced form of Global climate model
- Election Stock Market
- Electron Scanning Microscope
- Electronic Support Measures and Electronic Surveillance Measures, military techniques of tactical electronic intelligence gathering
- Embedded system module
- End System Multicast
- Energy Saving Module
- Engineering Science and Mechanics
- Nortel Enterprise Switch Manager
- Enterprise systems management
- Ethosuximide, an antiepileptic drug
- Experience Sampling Method
- External Security Manager
- A file format predominantly used in the PC games developed by Bethesda Softworks such as the The Elder Scrolls series and Fallout 3
- Equipment Status Memorandum
- Esmeraldas, Ecuador IATA location identifier
- East Side Mario's (Restaurant)
- Eastman School of Music
- European School, Munich
- European School, Mol
- East Syracuse-Minoa Central School District or East Syracuse-Minoa High School
- Eastport-South Manor Central School District
- East of the last crusade, central school district
- Emergency Services Medal, (an Australian Honour Award)
- European Stability Mechanism
- European social model
- European Social Movement
- European Sports Media
English Journal
- Simultaneous registration of multiple images: similarity metrics and efficient optimization.
- Wachinger C, Navab N.SourceTechnische Universitat Munchen, Munich and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge.
- IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence.IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell.2013 May;35(5):1221-33. doi: 10.1109/TPAMI.2012.196.
- We address the alignment of a group of images with simultaneous registration. Therefore, we provide further insights into a recently introduced framework for multivariate similarity measures, referred to as accumulated pair-wise estimates (APE), and derive efficient optimization methods for it. More
- PMID 23520261
- Biomimetic metal oxides for the extraction of nanoparticles from water.
- Mallampati R, Valiyaveettil S.SourceMaterials Research Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, National University of Singapore, Science Drive 3, Singapore-117543. chmsv@nus.edu.sg.
- Nanoscale.Nanoscale.2013 Apr 21;5(8):3395-9. doi: 10.1039/c3nr34221b. Epub 2013 Mar 7.
- Contamination of nanomaterials in the environment will pose significant health risks in the future. A viable purification method is necessary to address this problem. Here we report the synthesis and application of a series of metal oxides prepared using a biological template for the removal of nano
- PMID 23471156
Japanese Journal
- Epileptic spasmsを呈したMECP2領域微細重複症候群の一例
- 衞藤 薫,坂内 優子,島田 姿野,大谷 ゆい,塩田 睦記,石垣 景子,下島 圭子,山本 俊至,小國 弘量,大澤 眞木子
- 東京女子医科大学雑誌 83(E1), E250-E254, 2013-01-31
- … その後エトスクシミド(ESM) を併用して失立発作は減少するも、律動性の頸部前屈発作は増悪、強直間代痙攣の群発あり精査のため入院した。 …
- NAID 110009559411
- Improving Accuracy of Planar Tracking by Resolving Resolution Inconsistencies
- Ushiki Tomohiro,Ito Eisuke,Okatani Takayuki
- IPSJ Transactions on Computer Vision and Applications 5(0), 109-113, 2013
- This paper presents a method for improving the accuracy of template-based planar tracking. It has been shown that when the ROI of the input image has a lower resolution than the template, tracking acc …
- NAID 130003369468
- Characterization of the ordered phase formed by sphingomyelin analogues and cholesterol binary mixtures
- Kinoshita Masanao,Goretta Sarah,Tsuchikawa Hiroshi,Matsumori Nobuaki,Murata Michio
- BIOPHYSICS 9(0), 37-49, 2013
- … Density measurements demonstrated that the ordered phase formation in threo-SM (tSM)/chol and dihydrosphingomyelin (DHSM)/chol binary bilayers shows similar chol concentration-dependency to that of natural erythro-SM (eSM)/chol bilayers; … Surface pressure vs. molecular area isotherms showed that the DHSM molecule (C-1mol=290 mN/m) is more rigid than eSM (C-1mol=240 mN/m) above 30 mol% chol (in the ordered phase), although these values are similar (140-150 mN/m) in the absence of chol (liquid condensed phase). …
- NAID 130003366028
Related Links
- デジタル大辞泉 ESMの用語解説 - 《 European Stability Mechanism 》ユーロ参加国が財政危機に陥った場合に金融支援を行うための恒久的な制度。2013年6月までの時限措置として設けられたEFSF(欧州金融安定ファシリティー)を ...
- ESMのアジャイルに対する価値観を知る 永和システムマネジメント副社長 チェンジビジョン代表取締役社長 平鍋健児 (ひらなべ けんじ) 永和システムマネジメント サービスプロバイディング事業部 コミュニティマネージャ ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- ethosuximide, ESM
- ラ
- ethosuximidum
- 同
- エトサクシミド
- 商
- ザロンチン、エピレオプチマル、Zarontin
- 関
- 抗てんかん薬