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- cancer chemotherapy
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- 癌化学療法
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- 1. 成人の化学療法誘発性悪心・嘔吐の予防と治療prevention and treatment of chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting in adults [show details]
…administered chemotherapy agents. Management of antiemetics for patients receiving oral chemotherapy is discussed below. Guidelines for antiemetic therapy for intravenously administered chemotherapy according …
- 2. 高齢者における癌に対する全身化学療法systemic chemotherapy for cancer in elderly persons [show details]
…after initiation of chemotherapy . Investigators at the Moffitt Cancer Center developed a Chemotherapy Risk Assessment Scale for High age (CRASH) score to predict the risk of chemotherapy-related hematologic …
- 3. 女性の転移性乳癌に対する全身療法:化学療法systemic treatment of metastatic breast cancer in women chemotherapy [show details]
…olaparib has shown efficacy. For such patients, chemotherapy versus PARP inhibition is discussed in more detail elsewhere. For patients in whom chemotherapy is recommended, the choice between a single agent …
- 4. 化学療法剤の腸管毒性enterotoxicity of chemotherapeutic agents [show details]
…acute chemotherapy-related diarrhea is discussed separately, as is diarrhea related to immunotherapy with checkpoint inhibitors, chemotherapy-induced oral toxicity (mucositis), and chemotherapy-induced …
- 5. Management of ovarian cancer associated with BRCA and other genetic mutationsmanagement of ovarian cancer associated with brca and other genetic mutations [show details]
…clinical trial, Gynecologic Oncology Group (GOG) 172, which tested intraperitoneal chemotherapy versus intravenous chemotherapy in stage IIIC EOC or primary peritoneal carcinoma, aberrant BRCA1 expression was …
Japanese Journal
- 薬剤師による処方設計(58)外来がん化学療法に対する薬剤師の介入
- がん化学療法におけるナーシング・プロブレム(85)転移性がん患者における化学療法看護として提供できうる緩和ケアとは : Temel文献を読み解きながら
- 患者とともに実施していくケア がん化学療法に伴う粘膜障害 (特集 早期だから知っておきたい緩和ケア : つらい治療から生活の中の治療へ) -- (早期にかかわる症状マネジメントの必須スキル : 治療に取り組む力を維持するために)
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- cancer chemotherapy
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- 関
- 癌化学療法