- squeeze like a wedge into a tight space; "I squeezed myself into the corner" (同)squeeze, force
- any shape that is triangular in cross section (同)wedge_shape, cuneus
- (golf) an iron with considerable loft and a broad sole
- something solid that is usable as an inclined plane (shaped like a V) that can be pushed between two things to separate them
- a heel that is an extension of the sole of the shoe (同)wedge
- a wedge used to get out of sand traps
- part of the sirloin nearest the rump
- having been taken in marriage (同)wedded
- (特に,木製の)『くさび』 / 『くさび形の物』;くさびのような働きをするもの / (ゴルフの)ウェッジ(頭部がくさび形の短いアイアンクラブ) / …‘に'くさびを打ち込む / (…に)…‘を'無理に押し込んで動けないようにする《+名+in(into)+名》 / (…に)無理に割り込む,押し入る《+into+名》
- …‘と'結婚する,‘を'妻(夫)にする / 結婚する
- くぎ付けになった
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/07/16 07:01:34」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
ウェッジ (wedge)
- くさび
- くさび形の五面体。三角柱を寝かせたものはParallel triangle wedge。→en:Wedge (geometry)
- ハーチェク (ˇ)。
- ゴルフクラブの種類のひとつ。ピッチングウェッジ、サンドウェッジなど。
- モニタースピーカーの一種。
- 企業
- ウェッジ (無線機) - 無線機・インカム・トランシーバーを中心とした通信機器の販売、レンタル専門会社。
- ウェッジ (出版社) - 日本の出版社。東海旅客鉄道(JR東海)のグループ会社。
- ウェッジホールディングス - 日本のエンターテインメント系持株会社。
- 雑誌
- 月刊WEDGE - ウェッジ社の総合情報誌。
- WEDGE Infinity - ウェッジ社のウェブマガジン。
- 人名
- エリック・ウェッジ - 元プロ野球選手、監督。
- クリス・ウェッジ - アニメーション映画の監督。
- 架空の人名
- ウェッジ・アンティリーズ - 映画『スター・ウォーズ』シリーズの登場人物。
- ビッグス&ウェッジ - ゲーム『ファイナルファンタジー』シリーズの登場人物。
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[Wiki en表示]
Look up wedge in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Wedge or Wedges may refer to:
Abstract concepts:
- Wedge pattern, technical analysis financial chart patterns
- Wedge issue, in politics, a divisive issue used to split the support base of an opposing political group
- Wedge strategy, a creationist political action plan
- Stabilization Wedge Game, in climatology, a concept developed to demonstrate that global warming is a problem which can be solved by implementing today's technologies to reduce CO2 emissions
- Caron or háček, a diacritic symbol
- In phonetics, a name for the International Phonetic Alphabet symbol ʌ, representing the open-mid back unrounded vowel
- Triangular prism, a parallel triangle wedge
- Wedge (geometry), a polyhedral solid defined by two triangles and three trapezoid faces
- Wedge (symbol) (), a symbol which is interpreted as logical conjunction ("and")
- Wedge product, a term in exterior algebra, named for the "∧" logical operator symbol
- Wedge sum, a "one-point union" of a family of topological spaces
- Flying wedge, a troop formation
- Side cap, a type of hat used by some military organizations
- Wedge: The Secret War between the FBI and CIA, a book by Mark Riebling
Natural phenomena:
- Wedge tornado, a tornado similar in shape to the mechanical device
- A form of cold air damming, a weather phenomenon
- Wedge pressure, the blood pressure measured in a pulmonary artery
- Wedge Community Co-op, a cooperative grocery in Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
- Wedge Records, a record label
- Wedge Group, a British galvanising Company
People and characters:
- Eric Wedge, baseball manager
- Wedge (Transformers), an Autobot, leader of the Build Team in the "Transformers: Robots in Disguise" toy line
- Wedge Antilles, a character in the Star Wars films
- A recurring character in the Final Fantasy video game series, see Biggs and Wedge
Physical objects:
- A foldback (sound engineering) wedge, or monitor wedge
- A name for a submarine sandwich in Westchester & Putnam Counties, New York, and in Fairfield County, Connecticut, USA
- A range of sports cars from British manufacturer TVR
- Potato wedges
- Wedge base, an electrical fitting for small light bulbs
- Wedge (footwear), a specific form of shoe sole construction
- Wedge (golf), a specialized type of club used at short ranges
- Wedge (mechanical device), a simple machine used to separate two objects, or portions of objects, through the application of force
- Wedge prism, a thin triangular prism in optics
- Wheel chock, a wedge or at least partially wedge-shaped object used to arrest wheels and prevent their movement
- Wedge Island (disambiguation)
- Wedge (border), a small tract of land along the borders of Delaware, Maryland and Pennsylvania
- Wedges Creek, a stream in Wisconsin
See also
- The Wedge (disambiguation)
- Wedgie
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English Journal
- Clinical, Histopathologic, and Genomic Features of Spitz Tumors With ALK Fusions.
- Yeh I1, de la Fouchardiere A, Pissaloux D, Mully TW, Garrido MC, Vemula SS, Busam KJ, LeBoit PE, McCalmont TH, Bastian BC.
- The American journal of surgical pathology.Am J Surg Pathol.2015 May;39(5):581-91. doi: 10.1097/PAS.0000000000000387.
- Activating kinase fusions have recently been described as early oncogenic events that are mutually exclusive with HRAS and BRAF mutations in Spitz tumors. Here, we report a series of 32 Spitz tumors with ALK fusions (6 Spitz nevi, 22 atypical Spitz tumors, and 4 spitzoid melanomas) in patients rangi
- PMID 25602801
- Effect of the world health organization checklist on patient outcomes: a stepped wedge cluster randomized controlled trial.
- Haugen AS1, Søfteland E, Almeland SK, Sevdalis N, Vonen B, Eide GE, Nortvedt MW, Harthug S.
- Annals of surgery.Ann Surg.2015 May;261(5):821-8. doi: 10.1097/SLA.0000000000000716.
- OBJECTIVES: We hypothesized reduction of 30 days' in-hospital morbidity, mortality, and length of stay postimplementation of the World Health Organization's Surgical Safety Checklist (SSC).BACKGROUND: Reductions of morbidity and mortality have been reported after SSC implementation in pre-/postdesig
- PMID 24824415
- How Are Dysplastic Hips Different? A Three-dimensional CT Study.
- van Bosse H1, Wedge JH, Babyn P.
- Clinical orthopaedics and related research.Clin Orthop Relat Res.2015 May;473(5):1712-23. doi: 10.1007/s11999-014-4103-y. Epub 2014 Dec 19.
- BACKGROUND: Surgical correction of acetabular dysplasia can postpone or prevent joint degeneration. The specific abnormalities that make up the dysplastic hip are controversial.QUESTIONS/PURPOSES: (1) What are the relative size, shape, and orientations of the typical nondysplastic hip (2) How do th
- PMID 25524428
- Improving Use of Targeted Temperature Management After Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: A Stepped Wedge Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial.
- Morrison LJ1, Brooks SC, Dainty KN, Dorian P, Needham DM, Ferguson ND, Rubenfeld GD, Slutsky AS, Wax RS, Zwarenstein M, Thorpe K, Zhan C, Scales DC; Strategies for Post-Arrest Care Network.
- Critical care medicine.Crit Care Med.2015 May;43(5):954-64. doi: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000000864.
- RATIONALE: International guidelines recommend use of targeted temperature management following resuscitation from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. This treatment, however, is often neglected or delayed.OBJECTIVE: To determine whether multifaceted quality improvement interventions would increase the p
- PMID 25654175
Japanese Journal
- にっぽんの100人の青年(98)ゲストからの依頼メールは1日100通 「NO」とは決して言わない 先んじることこそ気遣い 野武宏仁さん コンシェルジュ
- 地域再生のキーワード 町の職員は営業マン 目指すは写真写りの良い町
- 遠のいたホルムズ封鎖 NPT体制は限界に (WEDGE OPINION イラン経済制裁の解除が中東と世界にもたらすもの イラン核合意は吉とでるか凶とでるか)
- 同盟国を蔑ろにした米国の歴史的戦略変更 (WEDGE OPINION イラン経済制裁の解除が中東と世界にもたらすもの イラン核合意は吉とでるか凶とでるか)
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- wedge
- 日
- けつにゅうあつ
- 英
- pulmonary arterial wedge pressure, PAWP, pulmonary artery wedge pressure
- 同
- 肺毛細血管楔入圧 pulmonary capillary wedge pressure PCWP PCW
- 4.5-13mmHg (臨床検査法提要第32版 p.1574)
- 正常値は2~15(平均9)mmHg。
- スワン-ガンツ・カテーテルで肺動脈の枝を閉塞したときに、そのカテーテル末端で測定される血圧。
- 拡張期左室圧を推定できる ← 拡張期には僧帽弁は開放されており、 左室圧 = 左房圧 = pulmonary venous bedの圧力
- 左心系前負荷である左房圧を反映するため、左室の前負荷状態の指標として有用
左室不全と右室不全 LAB.1573
- 左室不全:左室拡張末期圧12mmHg以上(肺動脈楔入圧13Hg以上)かつ心係数2.71/分/m2以下
- 右室不全:右室拡張末期圧 5mmHg以下 かつ心係数2.71/分/m2以下
- 関
- pulmonary artery wedge pressure、pulmonary capillary wedge pressure、wedge pressure
- 関
- cuneate、cuneiform、sphenoid
肺動脈楔入圧 PAWP