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- 1. 身体症状症:治療 somatic symptom disorder treatment
English Journal
- Death: a foe to be conquered? Questioning the paradigm.
- Gellie A1, Mills A2, Levinson M2, Stephenson G2, Flynn E3.
- Age and ageing.Age Ageing.2015 Jan;44(1):7-10. doi: 10.1093/ageing/afu116. Epub 2014 Sep 15.
- There are few certainties in life-death is one of them. Yet death is often thought of today as the 'loss of the battle' against illness, where in traditional societies it was the natural, meaningful, end to life. Medical knowledge and technologies have extended the possibilities of medical care and
- PMID 25225350
- A proposal for an updated neuropsychopharmacological nomenclature.
- Zohar J1, Nutt DJ2, Kupfer DJ3, Moller HJ4, Yamawaki S5, Spedding M6, Stahl SM7.
- European neuropsychopharmacology : the journal of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology.Eur Neuropsychopharmacol.2014 Jul;24(7):1005-14. doi: 10.1016/j.euroneuro.2013.08.004. Epub 2013 Sep 18.
- Current psychopharmacological nomenclature remains wedded in an earlier period of scientific understanding, failing to reflect contemporary developments and knowledge, does not aid clinicians in selecting the best medication for a given patient, and tends to confuse patients by prescribing a drug th
- PMID 24630385
- Invoking the muse: Dada's chaos.
- Rosen D1.
- Nonlinear dynamics, psychology, and life sciences.Nonlinear Dynamics Psychol Life Sci.2014 Jul;18(3):329-343.
- Dada, a self-proclaimed (anti)art (non)movement, took shape in 1916 among a group of writers and artists who rejected the traditions of a stagnating bourgeoisie. Instead, they adopted means of creative expression that embraced chaos, stoked instability and undermined logic, an outburst that overturn
- PMID 24894264
Japanese Journal
- 〈女らしさの神話〉とハリウッド・シェイクスピア─ 1967年の『じゃじゃ馬馴らし』─(中井紀明教授退任記念号)
- 小野 良子
- 英米評論 (28), 5-35, 2014-03-18
- … The story portrayed the process how the shrew was instructed and molded to the ideal wife by her newly wedded husband. …
- NAID 110009892125
- 織田作之助『夫婦善哉』の「形式」 : 「系譜小説」を手がかりに
- 斎藤 理生
- 日本近代文学 89, 108-122, 2013-11-15
- 『夫婦善哉』は、織田作之助の大阪の作家としてのイメージを今日まで強固に支えている。一方で昭和文学史においては、一九四〇年前後に多く書かれた「系譜小説」の一つとして言及され、「藝術的抵抗」の一環として評価されることもあった。しかし本論ではこれらの文脈からいったん距離を置いて、『夫婦善哉』が「系譜小説」として認知されていった当時の動向を再検討する。そのうえで、一篇の特徴が「系譜小説」に特有の素早く流れ …
- NAID 110009816665
- From National to Human Security? Reflections on Post 3.11 Japan
- Shani Giorgio
- 社会科学ジャーナル = The Journal of Social Sicence (76), 5-24, 2013-09-01
- … Whereas the Ministry of ForeignAffairs and Japan International Cooperation Agency have both incorporated"human security" into Japan's Foreign Policy to differing degrees, the Japanesestate remains wedded to the national security doctrine and has been reluctantto make human security a domestic priority after 3.11. …
- NAID 120005416035
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