- grow out of, have roots in, originate in; "The increase in the national debt stems from the last war"
- stop the flow of a liquid; "staunch the blood flow"; "stem the tide" (同)stanch, staunch, halt
- remove the stem from; "for automatic natural language processing, the words must be stemmed"
- the tube of a tobacco pipe
- cause to point inward; "stem your skis"
- small room in which a monk or nun lives (同)cubicle
- a device that delivers an electric current as the result of a chemical reaction (同)electric cell
- a room where a prisoner is kept (同)jail cell, prison cell
- (biology) the basic structural and functional unit of all organisms; they may exist as independent units of life (as in monads) or may form colonies or tissues as in higher plants and animals
- any small compartment; "the cells of a honeycomb"
- a small unit serving as part of or as the nucleus of a larger political movement (同)cadre
- having the ability to give rise to unlike cells; "embryonic stem cells are totipotent"
- (草の)『茎』,(木の)『幹』 / 葉柄,花梗(かこう) / 『茎状のもの』;(杯・グラスの)『脚』,(パイプ・さじの)柄,(時計の)りゅうず / (単語の)語幹,語根 / 船首;船首材 / …‘の'茎(軸)を取り去る,へたをとる / (…から)生じる,(…に)由来する《+『from』+『名』(do『ing』)》
- 〈流れなど〉‘を'止める / 〈風・水流など〉‘に'逆らって進む,抵抗する / 〈攻撃・反対など〉‘を'くい止める,押さえる
- (刑務所の)『独房』;(修道院の)小さい独居室 / (ミツバチの)みつ房,巣穴 / 小さい部屋 / 『細胞』 / 電池 / 花粉室 / (共産党などの)細胞
UpToDate Contents
全文を閲覧するには購読必要です。 To read the full text you will need to subscribe.
- 1. 幹細胞の概要 overview of stem cells
- 2. 造血幹細胞の概要 overview of hematopoietic stem cells
- 3. 造血幹細胞の分布 sources of hematopoietic stem cells
- 4. ST上昇型心筋梗塞の非急性期マネージメントの概要 overview of the non acute management of st elevation myocardial infarction
- 5. 多発性骨髄腫における自家造血細胞移植 autologous hematopoietic cell transplantation in multiple myeloma
English Journal
- The plasticity of germ cell cancers and its dependence on the cellular microenvironment.
- Nettersheim D1, Schorle H1.
- Journal of cellular and molecular medicine.J Cell Mol Med.2017 Feb 28. doi: 10.1111/jcmm.13082. [Epub ahead of print]
- PMID 28244655
- Pineal germ cell tumors: Two cases with review of histopathologies and biomarkers.
- Nagasawa DT1, Lagman C1, Sun M1, Yew A1, Chung LK1, Lee SJ1, Bui TT1, Ooi YC1, Robison RA2, Zada G2, Yang I3.
- Journal of clinical neuroscience : official journal of the Neurosurgical Society of Australasia.J Clin Neurosci.2017 Apr;38:23-31. doi: 10.1016/j.jocn.2016.12.024. Epub 2017 Feb 8.
- PMID 28189312
- Multipotent Stem Cell and Current Application.
- Sobhani A1, Khanlarkhani N1, Baazm M2, Mohammadzadeh F1, Najafi A1, Mehdinejadiani S1, Sargolzaei Aval F3.
- Acta medica Iranica.Acta Med Iran.2017 Jan;55(1):6-23.
- PMID 28188938
Japanese Journal
- MOLECULAR APPROACH TO CHARACTERIZATION OF TOTIPOTENT STEM CELL IN PLANARIAN(Developmental Biology)(Proceedings of the Seventy-Third Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- Shibata Norito,Fukumura Ryutaro,Okumura Ryo-ichi,Hayashi Tetsutaro,Araki Ryo-ko,Abe Masumi,Ueno Naoto,Agata Kiyokazu
- Zoological science 19(12), 1454, 2002-12-25
- NAID 110003376459
- 神経細胞の脳内移植の現状と将来展望 : 幹細胞を中心として
- 板倉 徹,垣下 浩二,中尾 直之,上松 右二
- 脳神経外科ジャーナル 11(10), 643-649, 2002-10-20
- 成熟ヒト脳は,ひとたび損傷を受けるともはや再生せず,脳機能障害による後遺症として永久に残ることになる.失われた脳機能を神経移植によって補うことは各種神経疾患における神経回路網の再構築を期待させるもので,最も根治的な治療法として注目されている.本総説で,著者らは神経移植の対象疾患,移植治療の現状について詳述した.対象疾患としてはパーキンソン病があげられる.この疾患は中脳黒質のドーパミン細胞のみが変性 …
- NAID 110003813658
Related Links
- Totipotent cells can form all the cell types in a body, plus the extraembryonic, or placental, cells. Embryonic cells within the first couple of cell divisions after fertilization are the only cells that are totipotent. Pluripotent cells can give ...
- So what are the types of cells that totipotent cells can differentiate but pluripotent cells cannot? What is the difference between the unipotent stem cells and normal cells? Unipotent cells ca give rise to only one cell type but normal ...
- 英
- totipotent stem cell
- 関
- 骨髄系幹細胞
- 生じる、起こる、由来する(from,in,out of)
- In volvement in such disparate conditions stems from the widespread influences of GSK3 on many cellular functions.
- 関
- accrue、arise、basilar、basilaris、borne、come from、derive、descend、give rise to、happen、occur、plant stem、produce、proximal、proximal region、raise、scanning transmission electron microscopy
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- scanning transmission electron microscope、scanning transmission electron microscopy
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- totipotency