- the business of producing printed material for sale or distribution
- reproduction by applying ink to paper as for publication (同)printing process
- text handwritten in the style of printed matter
- the part of a glove that provides a covering for the thumb
- the thick short innermost digit of the forelimb (同)pollex
- (of pages) worn or soiled by thumb and fingers by frequent handling or turning; "well-thumbed pages of the dictionary"
- 〈C〉『印刷』;印刷術;印刷業 / 〈C〉印刷物 / 〈C〉(1回分の)印刷部数, / 〈U〉(手書きの)活字体
- 『親指』;(手袋などの)親指の部分 / 〈本のページ〉‘を'親指でめくる / 《話》〈ヒッチハイカーが〉〈便乗〉‘を'親指を立てて頼む / ヒッチハイクする
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English Journal
- Toward regenerating a human thumb in situ.
- Weinand C, Gupta R, Weinberg E, Madisch I, Neville CM, Jupiter JB, Vacanti JP.SourceLaboratory for Tissue Engineering and Organ Fabrication, Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts 02114, USA.
- Tissue engineering. Part A.Tissue Eng Part A.2009 Sep;15(9):2605-15.
- Regenerative technology promises to alleviate the problem of limited donor supply for bone or organ transplants. Most expensive and time consuming is cell expansion in laboratories. We propose a method of magnetically enriched osteoprogenitor stem cells, dispersed in self-assembling hydrogels and ap
- PMID 19199577
- Closed degloving of the thumb.
- García-López A, Marco-Martinez F, Lopez-Oliva F.SourceDepartment of Orthopedic Surgery, General Hospital, C/Madre Teresa de Calcuta 4, 03016 Alicante, Spain. garcialopez1@hotmail.com
- The Journal of hand surgery.J Hand Surg Am.2007 Oct;32(8):1259-61.
- We present a work-related injury where the drums of a printing machine caused a closed degloving of the distal phalanx of the thumb, which represents detachment of the soft tissue from the bone.
- PMID 17923312
Japanese Journal
- 高原 浩,高原 聡
- 日本消化器内視鏡学会雑誌 55(1), 22-27, 2013
- … A small bowel follow-through X-ray with diatrizoic acid suggested segmental dilatation and narrowing of the ileum and the thumb printing sign. …
- NAID 130003375235
- 7-7 ケータイ小説における1行の表示文字数に対するサッカードとスクロールの分析(第7部門 ヒューマンインフォメーション1)
- 萩原 秀樹,鈴木 承子,惠良 悠一,山田 光穂
- 映像情報メディア学会年次大会講演予稿集 (2009), "7-7-1"-"7-7-2", 2009-08-26
- … We studied the relation between the saccade and the scroll by thumb when starting a new line to propose the presentation method suitable for the screen of a cell phone. …
- NAID 110009470017
- 渡邉 卓哉,石榑 清,藤岡 憲,堀場 隆雄,平井 敦,伊藤 洋一
- 日本消化器外科学会雑誌 41(9), 1729-1734, 2008-09-01
- 症例は68歳の女性で,下痢と下血を主訴に来院した.注腸造影X線検査では盲腸から下行結腸にかけてハウストラが消失し,内腔は狭小化して,一部に母指圧痕像もみられた.下部消化管内視鏡検査では同部位に粘膜の浮腫,びらんを認め,虚血性腸炎が疑われた.整腸剤による保存的治療にて経過観察された.下痢が続くため,約5か月後に下部消化管内視鏡検査が施行されたが,病状は変化していなかった.初診時より腹部単純X線検査, …
- NAID 110006894499
Related Links
- Thumb-printing Support Radiopaedia and see fewer ads Cases and Figures Case 1 Case 1 Drag here to reorder. Case 1 Case 1 Drag here to reorder. Case 2 Case 2 Drag here to reorder. Case 3 Case 3 Drag here to reorder. ...
- 注腸造影検査では下図のように、拇指圧痕像(thumb printing)と言われる特徴的な所見を呈します。 注腸造影検査:粘土を拇指で押した痕のようにみえるため、拇指圧痕像(thumb printing)と言われます。 鑑別疾患としては薬剤性 ...
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- 疾患と腹部X線造影所見で適切な組み合わせはどれか。
- 英
- thumb printing
- 同
- 拇指圧痕像、親指圧痕像 thumb printing sign
- 関
- 虚血性大腸炎
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