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English Journal
- Postnatal development of auditory central evoked responses and thalamic cellular properties.
- Venkataraman Y1, Bartlett EL.Author information 1Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana.AbstractDuring development, the sense of hearing changes rapidly with age, especially around hearing onset. During this period, auditory structures are highly sensitive to alterations of the acoustic environment, such as hearing loss or background noise. This sensitivity includes auditory temporal processing, which is important for processing complex sounds, and for acquiring reading and language skills. Developmental changes can be observed at multiple levels of brain organization-from behavioral responses to cellular responses, and at every auditory nucleus. Neuronal properties and sound processing change dramatically in auditory cortex neurons after hearing onset. However, development of its primary source, the auditory thalamus, or medial geniculate body (MGB), has not been well studied over this critical time window. Furthermore, to understand how temporal processing develops, it is important to determine the relative maturation of temporal processing not only in the MGB, but also in its inputs. Cellular properties of rat MGB neurons were studied using in vitro whole-cell patch-clamp recordings, at ages postnatal day (P) 7-9; P15-17, and P22-32. Auditory evoked potentials were measured in P14-17 and P22-32 rats. MGB action potentials became about five times faster, and the ability to generate spike trains increased with age, particularly at frequencies of 50 Hz and higher. Evoked potential responses, including auditory brainstem responses (ABR), middle latency responses (MLR), and amplitude modulation following responses, showed increased amplitudes with age, and ABRs and MLRs additionally showed decreased latencies with age. Overall, temporal processing at subthalamic nuclei is concurrently maturing with MGB cellular properties. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 74: 541-555, 2014.
- Developmental neurobiology.Dev Neurobiol.2014 May;74(5):541-55. doi: 10.1002/dneu.22148. Epub 2013 Nov 29.
- During development, the sense of hearing changes rapidly with age, especially around hearing onset. During this period, auditory structures are highly sensitive to alterations of the acoustic environment, such as hearing loss or background noise. This sensitivity includes auditory temporal processin
- PMID 24214269
- Spatio-temporal expression analysis of the growth factor receptor SorCS3.
- Oetjen S1, Mahlke C, Hermans-Borgmeyer I, Hermey G.Author information 1Institute for Molecular and Cellular Cognition, Center for Molecular Neurobiology Hamburg, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, 20251, Hamburg, Germany.AbstractSorCS3 is a member of the Vps10p-D receptor family. These type-I transmembrane proteins are regarded as sorting receptors and some family members modulate signal transduction pathways by acting as co-receptors. SorCS3 binds the nerve growth factor (NGF) and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF-BB), but the functional implications of these interactions are poorly understood. Here, we demonstrate that SorCS3 is almost exclusively expressed in the nervous system and localized to vesicular structures. We analyze by in situ hybridization SorCS3 dynamic expression during embryonic and postnatal development and compare the expression pattern to the homologous genes SorCS1 and SorCS2. SorCS3 transcripts are widely distributed in the nervous system but absent from the embryonic cerebral cortex. SorCS3 expression marks thalamic nuclei at embryonic and early postnatal stages. However, during postnatal development and in the adult a switch in the localization of SorCS3 transcripts was observed. At these stages forebrain structures, such as the hippocampus and the cerebral cortex, show most prominent expression. The developmental expression pattern of SorCS3 is in accordance with the proposed function as a receptor for growth factors or morphogenic signals. On the cellular level, we demonstrate that the SorCS3 cytoplasmic domain targets receptors to the Golgi apparatus, vesicular structures and the cell surface. In neurons, receptors are localized to vesicles in the soma and dendrites. Moreover, we show that the SorCS3 cytoplasmic domain conveys internalization through canonical endocytic motifs in an Adaptor-Protein 2 (AP-2) dependent way. This is in agreement with a proposed function as a neuronal sorting receptor. J. Comp. Neurol., 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
- The Journal of comparative neurology.J Comp Neurol.2014 Apr 9. doi: 10.1002/cne.23606. [Epub ahead of print]
- SorCS3 is a member of the Vps10p-D receptor family. These type-I transmembrane proteins are regarded as sorting receptors and some family members modulate signal transduction pathways by acting as co-receptors. SorCS3 binds the nerve growth factor (NGF) and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF-BB),
- PMID 24715575
- Cell size anomalies in the auditory thalamus of rats with hypoxic-ischemic injury on postnatal day 3 or 7.
- Alexander M1, Garbus H2, Smith AL2, Fitch RH2.Author information 1University of Connecticut, Department of Psychology, 406 Babbidge Road, Unit 1020, Storrs, CT 06269, United States. Electronic address: alex0213@umn.edu.2University of Connecticut, Department of Psychology, 406 Babbidge Road, Unit 1020, Storrs, CT 06269, United States.AbstractChildren born prematurely (<37 weeks gestational age) or at very low birth weight (VLBW; <1500g) are at increased risk for hypoxic ischemic (HI) brain injuries. Term infants can also suffer HI from birth complications. In both groups, blood/oxygen delivery to the brain is compromised, often resulting in brain damage and later cognitive delays (e.g., language deficits). Literature suggests that language delays in a variety of developmentally impaired populations (including specific language impairment (SLI), dyslexia, and early HI-injury) may be associated with underlying deficits in rapid auditory processing (RAP; the ability to process and discriminate brief acoustic cues). Data supporting a relationship between RAP deficits and poor language outcomes is consistent with the "magnocellular theory," which purports that damage to or loss of large (magnocellular) cells in thalamic nuclei could underlie disruptions in temporal processing of sensory input, possibly including auditory (medial geniculate nucleus; MGN) information This theory could be applied to neonatal HI populations that show subsequent RAP deficits. In animal models of neonatal HI, persistent RAP deficits are seen in postnatal (P)7 HI injured rats (who exhibit neuropathology comparable to term birth injury), but not in P1-3 HI injured rodents (who exhibit neuropathology comparable to human pre-term injury). The current study sought to investigate the mean cell size, cell number, and cumulative probability of cell size in the MGN of P3 HI and P7 HI injured male rats that had previously demonstrated behavioral RAP deficits. Pilot data from our lab (Alexander, 2011) previously revealed cell size abnormalities (a shift toward smaller cells) in P7 but not P1 HI injured animals when compared to shams. Our current finding support this result, with evidence of a significant shift to smaller cells in the experimental MGN of P7 HI but not P3 HI subjects. P7 HI animals also showed significantly fewer cells in the affected (right) MGN as compared P3 HI and shams animals. Moreover, cell number in the right hemisphere was found to correlate with gap detection (fewer cells=worse performance) in P7 HI injured subjects. These findings could be applied to clinical populations, providing an anatomic marker that may index potential long-term language disabilities in HI injured infants and possibly other at-risk populations.
- International journal of developmental neuroscience : the official journal of the International Society for Developmental Neuroscience.Int J Dev Neurosci.2014 Apr;33:1-7. doi: 10.1016/j.ijdevneu.2013.10.006. Epub 2013 Oct 30.
- Children born prematurely (<37 weeks gestational age) or at very low birth weight (VLBW; <1500g) are at increased risk for hypoxic ischemic (HI) brain injuries. Term infants can also suffer HI from birth complications. In both groups, blood/oxygen delivery to the brain is compromised, often re
- PMID 24184287
Japanese Journal
- 顎顔面の運動神経細胞の脳内分布,および味覚の神経回路
- 植村 正憲,薗村 貴弘,岩井 治樹,山中 淳之,ウエムラ マサノリ,ソノムラ タカヒロ,イワイ ハルキ,ヤマナカ アツユキ,Uemura Masanori,Sonomura Takahiro,Iwai Haruki,Yamanaka Atsuyuki
- 鹿児島大学歯学部紀要 33, 3-17, 2013-03-26
- … The present article is described that the somatotopical relationships between the orofacial muscles and neuronal nuclei innervating them, and the innervation ratio (IR) of the masticatory system, and also that neuronal circuits about the taste sense in a neural system, as a memorial to retirement of prof. Uemura, Kagoshima University. …
- NAID 120005324755
- A morphological analysis of thalamocortical axon fibers of rat posterior thalamic nuclei: a single neuron tracing study with viral vectors.
- Ohno Sachi,Kuramoto Eriko,Furuta Takahiro,Hioki Hiroyuki,Tanaka Yasuhiro R,Fujiyama Fumino,Sonomura Takahiro,Uemura Masanori,Sugiyama Kazuna,Kaneko Takeshi
- Cerebral cortex 22(12), 2840-2857, 2011-12
- … The rostral sector of the posterior thalamic nuclei (POm) is, together with the ventral posterior nuclei (VP), involved in somatosensory information processing in rodents. … The POm receives inputs from the spinal cord and trigeminal nuclei and projects to the primary somatosensory (S1) cortex and other cortical areas. …
- NAID 120005243652
- The dusp1 immediate early gene is regulated by natural stimuli predominantly in sensory input neurons
- Horita Haruhito,Wada Kazuhiro,Rivas Miriam V.,Hara Erina,Jarvis Erich D.
- The Journal of Comparative Neurology 518(14), 2873-2901, 2010-07-15
- … However, none have been reported yet with regulation specific to thalamic-recipient sensory input neurons of the telencephalon or in the thalamic sensory input neurons themselves. …
- NAID 120002317143
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