- suck milk from the mothers breasts; "the infant was suckling happily"
- shrubby tree with silky foliage and spikes of cylindrical yellow nectarous flowers (同)Australian honeysuckle, coast banksia, Banksia integrifolia
- shrub or vine of the genus Lonicera
- an Asiatic trailing evergreen honeysuckle with half-evergreen leaves and fragrant white flowers turning yellow with age; has become a weed in some areas (同)Lonicera japonica
- twining deciduous shrub with clusters of purple-tinged yellow-green flowers; northeastern America (同)Lonicera dioica
- West Indian passionflower; cultivated for its yellow edible fruit (同)yellow granadilla, Passiflora laurifolia
- erect deciduous North American shrub with yellow-white flowers (同)fly honeysuckle, Lonicera canadensis
- draw something in by or as if by a vacuum; "Mud was sucking at her feet"
- attract by using an inexorable force, inducement, etc.; "The current boom in the economy sucked many workers in from abroad" (同)suck_in
- be inadequate or objectionable; "this sucks!"
- draw into the mouth by creating a practical vacuum in the mouth; "suck the poison from the place where the snake bit"; "suck on a straw"; "the baby sucked on the mothers breast"
- feeding an infant by giving suck at the breast (同)lactation
- a young mammal that has not been weaned
- …に乳を飲ませる,授乳する / 乳を飲む
- スイカズラ(常緑のつる植物)
- 乳児,幼獣 / 若くて未熟な / 乳離れしていない
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Suckle may refer to:
- Suckling, or Breastfeeding
- Suckle (band), Scottish indie pop band
- Richard Suckle, film producer
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English Journal
- Taste of milk from inflamed breasts of breastfeeding mothers with mastitis evaluated using a taste sensor.
- Yoshida M1, Shinohara H, Sugiyama T, Kumagai M, Muto H, Kodama H.Author information 11 Department of Maternity Child Nursing, Akita University Graduate School of Health Sciences , Akita, Japan .AbstractAbstract Background: The refusal of infants to suckle from a breast that is inflamed with mastitis suggests that the taste of the milk has changed. However, the taste of milk from a breast with mastitis has never been empirically determined. The present study compares the taste of milk from breastfeeding mothers with or without mastitis and identifies specific changes in the taste of milk from mothers with mastitis. Subjects and Methods: The intensity of four basic tastes (sourness, saltiness, bitterness, and umami) of breastmilk from 24 healthy mothers at 3-5 days and at 2-3, 4-5, and 8-10 weeks postpartum and from 14 mothers with mastitis was determined objectively using a taste sensor. The intensity of each basic taste and the concentrations of main taste substances in milk were compared between the inflamed breasts and the normal breasts of control mothers or the contralateral asymptomatic breast of mothers with unilateral mastitis. Results: The transition from colostrum to mature milk was accompanied by changes in the taste of the milk, such as decreased saltiness and umami and increased bitterness and sourness. Umami and saltiness increased in milk from inflamed breasts. Contents of sodium, glutamate, and guanosine monophosphate increased in milk from inflamed breasts. Conclusions: Tastes that were specifically associated with inflamed breasts appeared to include an increase in umami and saltiness, which might have resulted from an increased content in factors associated with umami and sodium.
- Breastfeeding medicine : the official journal of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine.Breastfeed Med.2014 Mar;9:92-7. doi: 10.1089/bfm.2013.0084. Epub 2013 Dec 18.
- Abstract Background: The refusal of infants to suckle from a breast that is inflamed with mastitis suggests that the taste of the milk has changed. However, the taste of milk from a breast with mastitis has never been empirically determined. The present study compares the taste of milk from breastfe
- PMID 24350703
- Exercise and environment as an intervention for neonatal alcohol effects on hippocampal adult neurogenesis and learning.
- Hamilton GF1, Jablonski SA1, Schiffino FL1, St Cyr SA1, Stanton ME1, Klintsova AY2.Author information 1Psychology Department, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716, United States.2Psychology Department, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716, United States. Electronic address: klintsov@udel.edu.AbstractNeonatal alcohol exposure impairs cognition and learning in adulthood and permanently damages the hippocampus. Wheel running (WR) improves hippocampus-associated learning and memory and increases the genesis and survival of newly generated neurons in the hippocampal dentate gyrus. WR significantly increases proliferation of newly generated dentate granule cells in alcohol-exposed (AE) and control rats on Postnatal Day (PD) 42 but only control rats show an increased number of surviving cells thirty days after WR (Helfer et al., 2009b). The present studies examined whether proliferation-promoting WR followed by survival-enhancing environmental complexity (EC) during adolescence could increase survival of new neurons in AE rats. On PD 4-9, pups were intubated with alcohol in a binge-like manner (5.25g/kg/day, AE), were sham-intubated (SI), or were reared normally (suckle control, SC). On PD 30 animals were assigned to WR (PD 30-42) followed by EC (PD 42-72; WR/EC) or were socially housed (SH/SH) for the duration of the experiment. All animals were injected with 200mg/kg bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) on PD 41. In Experiment 1, survival of newly generated cells was significantly enhanced in the AE-WR/EC group in comparison with AE-SH/SH group. Experiment 2A examined trace eyeblink conditioning. In the SH/SH condition, AE impaired trace eyeblink conditioning relative to SI and SC controls. In the WR/EC condition, AE rats performed as well as controls. In Experiment 2B, the same intervention was examined using the context preexposure facilitation effect (CPFE); a hippocampus-dependent variant of contextual fear conditioning. Again, the WR/EC intervention reversed the deficit in conditioned fear to the context that was evident in the SH/SH condition. Post-weaning environmental manipulations promote cell survival and reverse learning deficits in rats that were exposed to alcohol during development. These manipulations may provide a basis for developing interventions that ameliorate learning impairments associated with human fetal alcohol spectrum disorders.
- Neuroscience.Neuroscience.2014 Feb 8;265C:274-290. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2014.01.061. [Epub ahead of print]
- Neonatal alcohol exposure impairs cognition and learning in adulthood and permanently damages the hippocampus. Wheel running (WR) improves hippocampus-associated learning and memory and increases the genesis and survival of newly generated neurons in the hippocampal dentate gyrus. WR significantly i
- PMID 24513389
- Antenatal antioxidant treatment with melatonin to decrease newborn neurodevelopmental deficits and brain injury caused by fetal growth restriction.
- Miller SL1, Yawno T, Alers NO, Castillo-Melendez M, Supramaniam VG, Vanzyl N, Sabaretnam T, Loose JM, Drummond GR, Walker DW, Jenkin G, Wallace EM.Author information 1The Ritchie Centre, Monash Institute of Medical Research, Monash University, 27-31 Wright St, 3168, Clayton, Victoria, Australia; Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Southern Clinical School, Monash University, 3800, Clayton, Victoria, Australia.AbstractFetal intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is a serious pregnancy complication associated with increased rates of perinatal morbidity and mortality, and ultimately with long-term neurodevelopmental impairments. No intervention currently exists that can improve the structure and function of the IUGR brain before birth. Here we investigated whether maternal antenatal melatonin administration reduced brain injury in ovine IUGR. IUGR was induced in pregnant sheep at 0.7 gestation and a subset of ewes received melatonin via intravenous infusion until term. IUGR, IUGR+melatonin (IUGR+MLT) and control lambs were born naturally, neonatal behavioral assessment was used to examine neurological function and at 24 h after birth the brain was collected for examination of neuropathology. Compared to control lambs, IUGR lambs took significantly longer to achieve normal neonatal lamb behaviors, such as standing and suckling. IUGR brains showed widespread cellular and axonal lipid peroxidation, and white matter hypomyelination and axonal damage. Maternal melatonin administration ameliorated oxidative stress, normalized myelination and rescued axonopathy within IUGR lamb brains, and IUGR+MLT lambs demonstrated significant functional improvements including a reduced time taken to attach to and suckle at the udder after birth. Based on these observations we began a pilot clinical trial of oral melatonin administration to women with an IUGR fetus. Maternal melatonin was not associated with adverse maternal or fetal effects and it significantly reduced oxidative stress, as evidenced by reduced malondialdehyde levels, in the IUGR+MLT placenta compared to IUGR alone. Melatonin should be considered for antenatal neuroprotective therapy in human IUGR. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
- Journal of pineal research.J Pineal Res.2014 Jan 23. doi: 10.1111/jpi.12121. [Epub ahead of print]
- Fetal intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is a serious pregnancy complication associated with increased rates of perinatal morbidity and mortality, and ultimately with long-term neurodevelopmental impairments. No intervention currently exists that can improve the structure and function of the IUG
- PMID 24456220
Japanese Journal
- 味覚センサを用いた乳腺炎による母乳の味の変化の分析
- 吉田 倫子,篠原 ひとみ,兒玉 英也 [他],成田 好美,杉山 俊博
- 母性衛生 52(4), 472-480, 2012-01
- 味覚センサにより,乳腺炎を発症した母親の母乳の味の変化について検討した。母乳育児中で産後2ヵ月まで乳房トラブルのない母親18人(対照群)と,乳腺炎で外来を受診した産後1年以内の母親14人(乳腺炎群)を対象とした。対象から採取された母乳は,味覚センサ(味認識装量SA-402B)を用い,酸味,塩味,苦味,旨味,渋味の5種類の味覚項目について分析した。対照群の母乳の味は,初乳から成乳への移行に伴い苦味の …
- NAID 110008898040
- 奈良公園のニホンジカCervus nipponは母ジカ以外からも哺乳するか
- 市川 彩代子,市川 彩代子,ICHIKAWA Sayoko
- 奈良教育大学附属自然環境教育センター紀要 (11), 33-40, 2010-03
- Sika deer Cervus nippon breed a fawn from the end of May to the beginning of July. In Nara Park, 200 fawns are born every year. The Nara Deer Preservation Foundation is rearing a number of female and …
- NAID 120002083462
- 吉田 倫子,篠原 ひとみ,兒玉 英也 [他],成田 好美,YOSHIDA Michiko,SHINOHARA Hitomi,KODAMA Hideya,NARITA Yoshimi
- 秋田大学大学院医学系研究科保健学専攻紀要 18(1), 33-39, 2010-03
- 母乳育児に関わる助産師の経験知の一つとして,乳腺炎などの乳房トラブルに先行して乳児が授乳拒否を示す現象が言われている.そこで,そのような現象が実際にみられるのかどうか,実態調査を行った.生後2か月〜3歳までの乳幼児の母親105人を対象に授乳時の乳児の行動や乳房トラブルの経験について自記式質問紙調査を実施した.その結果,授乳拒否を経験した母親は63人(60%)おり,そのうち24人(38%)は授乳拒否 …
- NAID 110008425709
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- Suckle definition, to nurse at the breast or udder. See more. Thesaurus Translate Puzzles & Games Reference Word of the Day Blog Slideshows Apps by Dictionary My Account Log Out Log In follow Dictionary.com Dictionary ...
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- 英
- suckle
- 関
- 乳を飲ませる
- 英
- suckle
- 関
- 乳を飲む
- 関
- aspirate、aspiration、inhalation、inhale、suckling、suction、vacuum
- 関
- baby、feeding、infant、infantile、newborn infant、suck、sucklings