- the act of inhaling; the drawing in of air (or other gases) as in breathing (同)inspiration, aspiration, intake, breathing in
- a product of your creative thinking and work; "he had little respect for the inspirations of other artists"; "after years of work his brainchild was a tangible reality" (同)brainchild
- arousing to a particular emotion or action (同)stirring
- a sudden intuition as part of solving a problem
- arousal of the mind to special unusual activity or creativity
- clean with a vacuum cleaner; "vacuum the carpets" (同)vacuum-clean, hoover
- the absence of matter (同)vacuity
- an electrical home appliance that cleans by suction (同)vacuum_cleaner
- a region that is devoid of matter (同)vacuity
- draw something in by or as if by a vacuum; "Mud was sucking at her feet"
- attract by using an inexorable force, inducement, etc.; "The current boom in the economy sucked many workers in from abroad" (同)suck_in
- be inadequate or objectionable; "this sucks!"
- draw into the mouth by creating a practical vacuum in the mouth; "suck the poison from the place where the snake bit"; "suck on a straw"; "the baby sucked on the mothers breast"
- pronounce with aspiration; of stop sounds
- suck in (air)
- a consonant pronounced with aspiration
- remove as if by suction; "aspirate the wound" (同)draw_out, suck out
- draw deep into the lungs in by breathing; "Clinton smoked marijuana but never inhaled"
- draw in (air); "Inhale deeply"; "inhale the fresh mountain air"; "The patient has trouble inspiring"; "The lung cancer patient cannot inspire air very well" (同)inspire, breathe in
- 吸入;〈C〉吸入剤
- 〈U〉『霊感』,インスピレーション / 〈C〉インスピレーション(霊感,激励)を与える人(物,事) / (霊感によって得た)すばらしい考え(行動),天来の妙案 / 〈U〉息を吸いこむこと(inhalation)
- 真空 / 《単数形で》‘空虚',‘空所',空白 / (現実から隔離された)孤立状態 / 《米》=vacuum cleaner / ‘…を'電気そうじ機でそうじする / 電気掃除機をかける
- 帯気音(破裂音や破擦音の発音で,口腔を閉鎖して呼気圧の高まった後開放するとき生じる[h]に似た音) / 〈語・音節〉'を'帯気音として発音する
- 〈空気など〉‘を'吸い込む / 息(たばこの煙)を吸い込む
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/06/15 21:30:36」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
"Inhale" redirects here. For other uses, see Inhale (disambiguation).
Inhalation (also known as inspiration) is the flow of air into an organism. It is a vital process for all human life. In humans it is the movement of air from the external environment, through the airways, and into the alveoli.
Inhalation begins with the contraction of the muscles attached to the rib cage; this causes an expansion in the chest cavity. Then takes place the onset of contraction of the diaphragm, which results in expansion of the intrapleural space and an increase in negative pressure according to Boyle's Law. This negative pressure generates airflow because of the pressure difference between the atmosphere and alveolus. Air enters, inflating the lung through either the nose or the mouth into the pharynx (throat) and trachea before entering the alveoli.
Other muscles that can be involved in inhalation include:[1]
- External intercostal muscles
- Scalene muscles
- Sternocleidomastoid muscle
- Trapezius muscle
Hyperaeration or hyperinflation is where the lung volume is abnormally increased, with increased filling of the alveoli. This results in an increased radiolucency on X-ray, a reduction in lung markings and depression of the diaphragm. It may occur in partial obstruction of a large airway, as in e.g. congenital lobar emphysema, bronchial atresia and mucous plugs in asthma.[2]
It causes one form of overexpansion of the lung. Overexpansion, however, can also be caused by increase in lung mass itself.
See also
- List of terms of lung size and activity
- Inhalant – Psychoactive drugs consumed through inhalation
- Respiratory system
- Ventilation (physiology)
- Exhalation
- ^ Physiology at MCG 4/4ch2/s4ch2_10[dead link]
- ^ "Hyperinflation". Medcyclopaedia. GE. Archived from the original on 2012-02-05.
Respiratory system, physiology: respiratory physiology
Lung volumes |
- VC
- Vt
- dead space
- CC
- calculations
- respiratory minute volume
- FEV1/FVC ratio
- methods of lung testing
- spirometry
- body plethysmography
- peak flow meter
- nitrogen washout
Airways/ventilation (V) |
- positive pressure ventilation
- breath (inhalation
- exhalation)
- respiratory rate
- respirometer
- pulmonary surfactant
- compliance
- elastic recoil
- hysteresivity
- airway resistance
- bronchial hyperresponsiveness
- bronchoconstriction/bronchodilation
Blood/perfusion (Q) |
- pulmonary circulation
- hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction
- pulmonary shunt
ventilation/perfusion ratio (V/Q) |
- ventilation/perfusion scan
- zones of the lung
- gas exchange
- pulmonary gas pressures
- alveolar gas equation
- alveolar–arterial gradient
- hemoglobin
- oxygen–haemoglobin dissociation curve (Oxygen saturation
- 2,3-BPG
- Bohr effect
- Haldane effect)
- carbonic anhydrase (chloride shift)
- oxyhemoglobin
- respiratory quotient
- arterial blood gas
- diffusion capacity (DLCO)
Control of respiration |
- pons
- pneumotaxic center
- apneustic center
- medulla
- dorsal respiratory group
- ventral respiratory group
- chemoreceptors
- pulmonary stretch receptors
Insufficiency |
- high altitude
- oxygen toxicity
- hypoxia
anat (n, x, l, c)/phys/devp
noco (c, p)/cong/tumr, sysi/epon, injr
proc, drug (R1/2/3/5/6/7)
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English Journal
- Hemimellitene (1,2,3-trimethylbenzene) in the liver, lung, kidney, and blood, and dimethylbenzoic acid isomers in the liver, lung, kidney and urine of rats after single and repeated inhalation exposure to hemimellitene.
- Świercz R1, Majcherek W2, Wąsowicz W3.
- International journal of occupational medicine and environmental health.Int J Occup Med Environ Health.2016;29(1):113-28. doi: 10.13075/ijomeh.1896.00599.
- OBJECTIVES: The aim of the study has been to explore hemimellitene distribution in blood, liver, lung and kidney as well as toxicokinetics of its elimination from blood of rats after single and repeated inhalation exposure to this compound. Tissue distribution and excretion with urine of 2-dimethylb
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- Yucesoy B1,2, Kashon ML2, Johnson VJ3, Lummus ZL1, Fluharty K2, Gautrin D4, Cartier A4, Boulet LP5, Sastre J6, Quirce S7, Tarlo SM8,9, Cruz MJ10, Munoz X10, Luster MI11, Bernstein DI1.
- Journal of immunotoxicology.J Immunotoxicol.2016 Jan;13(1):119-26. doi: 10.3109/1547691X.2015.1017061. Epub 2015 Sep 4.
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- Assessing human exposure and odor detection during showering with crude 4-(methylcyclohexyl)methanol (MCHM) contaminated drinking water.
- Sain AE1, Dietrich AM2, Smiley E3, Gallagher DL4.
- The Science of the total environment.Sci Total Environ.2015 Dec 15;538:298-305. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.08.050. Epub 2015 Aug 24.
- In 2014, crude (4-methylcyclohexyl)methanol (MCHM) spilled, contaminating the drinking water of 300,000 West Virginians and requiring "do not use" orders to protect human health. When the spill occurred, known crude MCHM physicochemical properties were insufficient to predict human inhalation and in
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Japanese Journal
- Inhalation Properties and Stability of Nebulized Naked siRNA Solution for Pulmonary Therapy
- MEIS3 is repressed in A549 lung epithelial cells by deoxynivalenol and the repression contributes to the deleterious effect
- Safety Evaluation of Dry Powder Formulations by Direct Dispersion onto Air-Liquid Interface Cultured Cell Layer
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- aspirate、aspiration、inhalation、inhalational、inhaling、inspiration、inspiratory、suck、suction、suctorial、vacuum
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- aspirate、aspiration、hypobaric、inhalation、inhale、reduced pressure、suck、suction
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- aspirate、aspiration、inhalation、inhale、suckling、suction、vacuum
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- aspiration、inhalation、inhale、suck、suction、vacuum
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- inhalation、inhale、inspiratory、inspire
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- gaseous anesthetic、inhalation anesthetic、volatile anesthetic
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