- come into the company of; "She joined him for a drink"
- cause to become joined or linked; "join these two parts so that they fit together" (同)bring together
- make contact or come together; "The two roads join here" (同)conjoin
- become part of; become a member of a group or organization; "He joined the Communist Party as a young man" (同)fall_in, get together
- united or combined; "a joint session of Congress"; "joint owners"
- marijuana leaves rolled into a cigarette for smoking (同)marijuana cigarette, reefer, stick, spliff
- a disreputable place of entertainment
- junction by which parts or objects are joined together
- (anatomy) the point of connection between two bones or elements of a skeleton (especially if it allows motion) (同)articulation, articulatio
- provide with a joint; "the carpenter jointed two pieces of wood" (同)articulate
- affecting or involving two or more; "joint income-tax return"; "joint ownership"
- fasten with a joint
- fit as if by joints; "The boards fit neatly"
- involving both houses of a legislature; "a joint session of Congress"
- separate (meat) at the joint
- the act of bringing two things into contact (especially for communication); "the joining of hands around the table"; "there was a connection via the internet" (同)connection, connexion
- having joints or jointed segments;
- 〈二つ以上のもの〉‘を'『つなぐ』,結合する《+『名』+『together』(『up』)》;(…に)…‘を'つなぐ《+『名』+『to』(『onto』)+『名』》 / (線などで)〈二つ以上のもの〉‘の'間を結ぶ(つなぐ)《+『名』+『by』(『with』)+『名』》 / (友情・結婚などで)〈人〉‘を'結びつける《+『名』+『in』+『名』》 / 〈川・道などが〉…‘と'いっしょになる,合流する / 〈会など〉‘に'『加入する』 / (…で)〈人〉‘の'『仲間に入る』,‘と'いっしょになる《+『名』〈人〉+『in』(『for』)+『名』,+『名』〈人〉+『in』do『ing』》 / (…に)『加わる』《+『in』+『名』〈事〉/+『in』 『with』+『名』〈人〉》 / (人と…を)『ともにする』《+『with』+『名』〈人〉+『in』+『名』(doing)》 / 〈川・道などが〉『いっしょになる』,合流する / 接合箇所(点,面,線);継ぎ目
- 『関節』 / 『継ぎ目』,接合箇所,合わせ目 / 継ぎ目と継ぎ目の間の部分,節 / (二つの部分を継いだり支えたりするのに用いる)継ぎ手,ジョイント / (枝や葉の)つけ根,節 / (骨付きの)肉の大切り身 / 《俗》安酒場,とばく宿,アヘン窟(くつ) / 『共同の』,共有の;連帯の,連合の / 両院合同の;二院制議会の両院の / …‘を'継ぎ合わせる;…‘を'継ぎ目(関節)でつなぐ / …‘を'継ぎ目で分ける;〈鳥・肉など〉‘を'関節で切り分ける
- 継ぎ目のある;関節のある
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/05/28 01:27:31」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Sternoclavicular articulation |
Sternoclavicular articulation. Anterior view.
Sternoclavicular articulation visible near center but not labeled.
Latin |
articulatio sternoclavicularis |
Gray's |
p.313 |
MeSH |
Sternoclavicular+Joint |
The sternoclavicular articulation is structurally classed as a synovial double-plane joint and functionally classed as a diarthrotic joint. It is composed of two portions separated by an articular disc which is made from fibrocartilage. The parts entering into its formation are the sternal end of the clavicle, the upper and lateral part of the manubrium sterni (clavicular notch of the manubrium sterni), and the cartilage of the first rib, visible from the outside as the suprasternal notch. The articular surface of the clavicle is much larger than that of the sternum, and is invested with a layer of cartilage, which is considerably thicker than that on the latter bone.
- 1 Movement
- 2 Ligaments
- 3 See also
- 4 References
- 5 External links
The sternoclavicular joint allows movement of the clavicle in three planes, predominantly in the anteroposterior & vertical planes, although some rotation also occurs. Muscles don't directly act on this joint, although almost all actions of the shoulder girdle or the scapula will cause some motion at this articulation.
The unique double-hinged articular disk found at the junction of the clavicular head and manubrium allows for movement between the clavicle and the disk during elevation and depression of the scapula. This disk also allows motion between the sternum (manubrium) and itself during protraction and retraction of the scapula.[1]
- Anterior sternoclavicular ligament
- Articular capsule
- Articular disk
- Costoclavicular ligament
- Interclavicular ligament
- Posterior sternoclavicular ligament
See also
- Acromioclavicular joint
- Shoulder
- Shoulder girdle (Pectoral girdle)
- Glenohumeral joint (Shoulder joint)
- ^ Lippert, Lynn. Clinical Kinesiology and Anatomy, 4th edition; pg.95-96.
External links
- 429523022 at GPnotebook
- Overview at ouhsc.edu
- SUNY Figs 10:01-08
This article incorporates text from a public domain edition of Gray's Anatomy.
Joints and ligaments of upper limbs (TA A03.5, GA 3.313)
Shoulder |
- Anterior sternoclavicular
- Posterior sternoclavicular
- Interclavicular
- Costoclavicular
- Syndesmoses: Coracoacromial
- Superior transverse scapular
- Inferior transverse of scapula
Synovial: Acromioclavicular
- Coracoclavicular (trapezoid
- conoid)
- Capsule
- Coracohumeral
- Glenohumeral (superior, middle, and inferior)
- Transverse humeral
- Glenoid labrum
Elbow |
Proximal radioulnar
- Anular
- Oblique cord
- Quadrate
Forearm |
Distal radioulnar
- Palmar radioulnar
- Dorsal radioulnar
- Interosseous membrane of forearm
Hand |
- Dorsal radiocarpal/Palmar radiocarpal
- Dorsal ulnocarpal/Palmar ulnocarpal
- Ulnar collateral/Radial collateral
- Radiate carpal
- Dorsal intercarpal
- Palmar intercarpal
- Interosseous intercarpal
- Scapholunate
- Pisiform joint (Pisohamate
- Pisometacarpal)
- Dorsal carpometacarpal
- Palmar carpometacarpal
- thumb: Radial collateral
- Ulnar collateral
- Deep transverse metacarpal
- Superficial transverse metacarpal
- Carpal tunnel
- Ulnar canal
noco (arth/defr/back/soft)/cong, sysi/epon, injr
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English Journal
- [Treatment Strategies for Septic Arthritis of the Sternoclavicular Joint.]
- Kuhtin O1, Schmidt-Rohlfing B2, Dittrich M3, Lampl L4, Hohls M5, Haas V5.
- Zentralblatt fur Chirurgie.Zentralbl Chir.2014 Nov 13. [Epub ahead of print]
- Septic arthritis of the sternoclavicular joint (SCJ) is a relatively rare disease. Due to serious complications including mediastinitis and generalised sepsis early diagnosis and rapid onset of treatment are mandatory. The disease often affects immunocompromised patients, diabetics, or patients with
- PMID 25393732
- CORR Insights®: does patient sex affect the anatomic relationships between the sternoclavicular joint and posterior vascular structures?
- Lee DH.
- Clinical orthopaedics and related research.Clin Orthop Relat Res.2014 Nov;472(11):3507-9. doi: 10.1007/s11999-014-3920-3. Epub 2014 Sep 4.
- PMID 25187330
- Does patient sex affect the anatomic relationships between the sternoclavicular joint and posterior vascular structures?
- Merriman JA1, Villacis D, Wu B, Patel D, Yi A, Hatch GF 3rd.
- Clinical orthopaedics and related research.Clin Orthop Relat Res.2014 Nov;472(11):3495-506. doi: 10.1007/s11999-014-3853-x. Epub 2014 Aug 12.
- BACKGROUND: Despite increased concern for injury during surgical reconstruction of the sternoclavicular joint, to our knowledge there are few studies detailing the vascular relationships adjacent to the joint.QUESTIONS/PURPOSES: We investigated sex differences in the following relationships for ster
- PMID 25113266
Japanese Journal
- 臨床室 観血的整復を要した外傷性胸鎖関節後方脱臼の1例
- 三嶋 信太郎,加藤 有紀,關 雅之 [他]
- 整形外科 = Orthopedic surgery 66(5), 432-435, 2015-05
- NAID 40020456389
- びまん性硬化性下顎骨骨髄炎として初発しビスフォスフォネートが著効したSAPHO症候群の1例
- 鈴木 健司,小林 優,小澤 重幸,近藤 忠稚,生駒 丈晴,岩渕 博史,久保田 英朗
- 歯科薬物療法 34(1), 16-22, 2015
- … After the 10 years of follow-up period, bone scintigram showed high-uptake at sternoclavicular joint as well as sacroiliac joint, and the patient was diagnosed as SAPHO syndrome. …
- NAID 130005072784
- 南部 拓央,加藤 朋子,松尾 浩司,村上 隆亮,松田 優樹,米光 新,武呂 誠司,隠岐 尚吾
- 糖尿病 58(1), 27-33, 2015
- 症例1は72歳男性.20年来の糖尿病歴が有り,血糖コントロールは不良であった.1週間前から左胸鎖関節部の疼痛と発熱が出現し,入院時同部位の疼痛は著明であり,頸部CTで左胸鎖関節炎及び関節周囲膿瘍と診断された.膿瘍穿刺と抗菌薬投与により症状は改善した.症例2は55歳男性.15年来の糖尿病歴が有り,2年前に糖尿病性壊疽により左第V趾が切断されていた.前日から右胸鎖関節部の疼痛と発熱が出現し,入院時同部 …
- NAID 130004905469
Related Links
- This join is make up of two portions and also separated by an articular disc. this particular disc which is made from fibrocartilage. ... Sternoclavicular articulation infect is a synovial double-plane joint. This join is make up of two ...
- A Patient's Guide to Sternoclavicular Joint Problems Introduction The sternoclavicular (SC) joint is important because it helps support the shoulder. The SC joint links the bones of the arms and shoulder to the vertical skeleton.
Related Pictures

- 英
- sternoclavicular joint (M)
- ラ
- articulatio sternoclavicularis
- 関
- 上肢帯
血管 (M.442)
神経 (M.442)
- 関
- associate、attend、bind、binding、bond、bonding、catenate、combine、concatenation、conjoin、conjugate、conjugation、conjunction、connect、connection、couple、dock、engage、engagement、juncture、ligate、ligation、link、linkage、participation、symphysial、union
implode() のエイリアス
- 関
- sternocleidal