- remain inactive or immobile; "standing water"
- a defensive effort; "the army made a final stand at the Rhone"
- a small table for holding articles of various kinds; "a bedside stand"
- a stop made by a touring musical or theatrical group to give a performance; "a one-night stand"
- tiered seats consisting of a structure (often made of wood) where people can sit to watch an event (game or parade)
- an interruption of normal activity (同)standstill, tie-up
- a growth of similar plants (usually trees) in a particular area; "they cut down a stand of trees"
- the position where a thing or person stands
- hold ones ground; maintain a position; be steadfast or upright; "I am standing my ground and wont give in!" (同)remain firm
- be standing; be upright; "We had to stand for the entire performance!" (同)stand_up
- put into an upright position; "Can you stand the bookshelf up?" (同)stand_up, place upright
- be available for stud services; "male domestic animals such as stallions serve selected females"
- be in effect; be or remain in force; "The law stands!"
- be in some specified state or condition; "I stand corrected"
- be tall; have a height of; copula; "She stands 6 feet tall"
- have or maintain a position or stand on an issue; "Where do you stand on the War?"
- occupy a place or location, also metaphorically; "We stand on common ground"
- permanent; "a standing army"
- social or financial or professional status or reputation; "of equal standing"; "a member in good standing"
- the act of assuming or maintaining an erect upright position
- an ordered listing of scores or results showing the relative positions of competitors (individuals or teams) in a sporting event
- (of fluids) not moving or flowing; "mosquitoes breed in standing water"
- (of persons) on the feet; having the torso in an erect position supported by straight legs; "standing room only"
- executed in or initiated from a standing position; "race from a standing start"; "a standing jump"; "a standing ovation"
- having a supporting base; "a standing lamp"
- not created for a particular occasion; "a standing committee"
- holding office; "the in party"
- to or toward the inside of; "come in"; "smash in the door" (同)inwards, inward
- currently fashionable; "the in thing to do"; "large shoulder pads are in"
- directed or bound inward; "took the in bus"; "the in basket"
- (psychology) an erroneous belief that is held in the face of evidence to the contrary (同)psychotic belief
- the act of deluding; deception by creating illusory ideas (同)illusion, head game
- a mistaken or unfounded opinion or idea; "he has delusions of competence"; "his dreams of vast wealth are a hallucination" (同)hallucination
- 〈人・動物が〉『立つ』,立っている / (すわっていたのが)『立ち上がる』,起立する《+『up』》 / 〈物が〉(ある場所に)『立っている』,立てかけてある,置かれている / 《副詞[句]を伴って》『位置する』ある(進行形にできない) / 〈人物が〉状態(関係)にある / 〈人が〉(…に)(賛成・反対の)態度をとる,主張をする《+『for』(『against』)+『名』》 / 《『stand』+『名』(『形』)〈補〉》〈身長・得点・温度・順位などが〉(…で)ある / 立ち止まる;〈車・機械などが〉停止している / 〈主張などが〉変わらないでいる,ぐらつかない;〈規則などが〉有効である(進行形にできない) / 〈水などが〉よどむ;〈涙・汗などが〉たまる / 《副詞[句]を伴って》(船が)針路をとる / …‘を'『立てる』,立たせる,立てかける;…‘を'置く,すえる / …‘に'『立ち向かう』;…‘に'ひるまない;…‘を'守り通す / 《追例否定文で》…‘に'『耐える』,‘を'がまんする(進行形にできない) / 〈検査など〉‘を'受ける;〈運命など〉‘に'従う / 《話》…‘を'おごる / 〈任務など〉‘を'務める / 『立つこと;立ち止まること』,停止 / 防御,抵抗 / 立場,(明確な)態度,意見 / 位置,場所 / 《しばしば複合語を作って》『台』,…立て,…掛け / 《米》=witness stand / 『屋台店』,売店 / (タクシー・バスなどの)駐車場・乗り場 / 《通例the stands》『観覧席』,さじき,スタンド / (同一の地域・種類・樹齢の)立ち木,樹木,草木,作物 / (巡業興行団の)巡業[先],巡回[地]
- 〈U〉〈C〉『身分』,地位;名声,評伴;立場 / 〈U〉継続,存続(duration) / 『立っている』,立ったままで行う / 動かない,止まった / 絶え間まなく続く,永続的な;固定した,いつもの;常備の,常設の
- 《具体的な場所,位置》 / …『の中に』(『で』) / …『において』,…で / 《intoの代りに移動を表す動詞と共に》…『の中へ』 / (乗り物)『に乗って』 / …『の状熊に』(『で』) / …『に従事して』,に属して / …『を身につけて』,に覆われて / 《『in』do『ing』の形で》…『するときに』,する際に(when) / 《時間》 / …『して』,…『が経過したあと』 / …『の間に』 / …『については』,…の点では / 《方法・手段・材料》…『で』 / 《人を目的語にして,性質・能力があることを示して》…の中に / …の目的で,のつもりで,として / 《比率割合》…のうちで,につき / 《過去分詞に伴って》…に[…されて] / 『中へ』(に) / 『在宅して』,帰って / (乗り物などが)『到着して』,(時期・季節が)来て / 出回って,流行して / 《俗》流行の,当世風の / 《話》特定の人々にのみ理解される
- 〈U〉〈C〉思い違い;錯覚;誤った考え;(…という)思い違い《+『that節』》 / 〈U〉余わすこと,だますこと;だまされること
- indiumの化学記号
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English Journal
- Values in persons with schizophrenia.
- Stanghellini G1, Ballerini M.
- Schizophrenia bulletin.Schizophr Bull.2007 Jan;33(1):131-41. Epub 2006 Aug 29.
- This is an explorative study on the values of persons with schizophrenia based on transcripts of individual therapy sessions conducted for 40 persons with chart diagnoses of schizophrenia or schizotypal disorder. Values are action-guiding attitudes that subject human activities to be worthy of prais
- PMID 16940339
- Stalking and the pathologies of love.
- Mullen PE1, Pathé M.
- The Australian and New Zealand journal of psychiatry.Aust N Z J Psychiatry.1994 Sep;28(3):469-77.
- Fourteen patients with pathologies of love (erotomania) are presented; all stalked the object of their disordered affections. These cases were encountered in forensic practice and were personally assessed, and in most cases managed, by the authors. Victim impact reports or depositions made by the ob
- PMID 7893243
- Methods for assessing positive and negative symptoms.
- Andreasen NC.
- Modern problems of pharmacopsychiatry.Mod Probl Pharmacopsychiatry.1990;24:73-88.
- Once adequate reliability has been achieved, however, it is important to document internal consistency and external validity. This chapter has summarized some of our work with the former topic. It suggests that the SANS has high internal consistency, while the SAPS is somewhat less internally consis
- PMID 2336066
Japanese Journal
- 深谷 澄男,向井 敦子,フカヤ スミオ,ムカイ アツコ,Sumio Fukaya,Atsuko Mukai
- 国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 29, 137-168, 1987-03
- … The idea that people are more comfortable with consistent than with inconsistent cognitions has been proclaimed in the social psychological literature. … We want our attitudes and beliefs to support rather than contradict our behavior, and we want our cognitions tied together in a coherent, mutually reinforcing systems. … Such basic assumptions characterize a variety of consistency theories in the huge compendium edited by Abelson et al. …
- NAID 120005416727
- 深谷 澄男,向井 敦子
- 国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 29, 137-168, 1987-03
- … The idea that people are more comfortable with consistent than with inconsistent cognitions has been proclaimed in the social psychological literature. … We want our attitudes and beliefs to support rather than contradict our behavior, and we want our cognitions tied together in a coherent, mutually reinforcing systems. … Such basic assumptions characterize a variety of consistency theories in the huge compendium edited by Abelson et al. …
- NAID 110007324490
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- 英
- stand-in delusion?
- 関
- カプグラ症候群、妄想
- 立つ、起立する。
- 立ち止まる。(自動車などが)静止したままである、動かない
- もとのままである、持ちこたえる、耐える。一致する、合う。
- it stands to reason that ~ それは~という理由と一致する
- 関
- bear、canopy、community、endure、lie、locate、location、loci、locus、map、position、rank、resist、resistance、resistant、sit、situated、situation、standing、tolerate、topo、withstand
- 関
- eternal、immutable、invariable、invariant、stand、unabated、unaltered、unchanged、unchanging
インジウム indium