- 関
- alone、by itself、exclusively、merely、only、simply、singly
- isolated from others; "could be alone in a crowded room"; "was alone with her thoughts"; "I want to be alone"
- lacking companions or companionship; "he was alone when we met him"; "she is alone much of the time"; "the lone skier on the mountain"; "a lonely fisherman stood on a tuft of gravel"; "a lonely soul"; "a solitary traveler" (同)lone, lonely, solitary
- exclusive of anyone or anything else; "she alone believed him"; "cannot live by bread alone"; "Ill have this car and this car only" (同)only
- without anybody else or anything else; "the child stayed home alone"; "the pillar stood alone, supporting nothing"; "he flew solo" (同)solo, unaccompanied
- radically distinctive and without equal; "he is alone in the field of microbiology"; "this theory is altogether alone in its penetration of the problem"; "Bach was unique in his handling of counterpoint"; "craftsmen whose skill is unequaled"; "unparalleled athletic ability"; "a breakdown of law unparalleled in our history" (同)unique, unequaled, unequalled, unparalleled
- with nevertheless the final result; "He arrived only to find his wife dead"; "We won only to lose again in the next round"
- never except when; "call me only if your cold gets worse" (同)only if, only when
- as recently as; "I spoke to him only an hour ago"
- except that; "It was the same story; only this time she came out better"
- in the final outcome; "These news will only make you more upset"
- absolutely; altogether; really; "we are simply broke"
- and nothing more; "I was merely asking"; "it is simply a matter of time"; "just a scratch"; "he was only a child"; "hopes that last but a moment" (同)simply, just, only, but
- one by one; one at a time; "they were arranged singly"
- put a new sole on; "sole the shoes" (同)resole
- right-eyed flatfish; many are valued as food; most common in warm seas especially European
- the underside of footwear or a golf club
- lean flesh of any of several flatfish (同)fillet of sole
- the underside of the foot
- 『一人で』,『単独で』(alone) / ただ,全く,もっぱら(only)
- 『ひとりで』,一つで,単独で;ただ…だけで / 《名詞・代名詞のすぐ後に用いて》ただ…だけ(only)
- 『唯一の』,たった一つ(一人)の;《複数名詞に付けて》ただ…だけ / 『最適の』,最良の(best) / 《数量に関して》『たった』,わずか / 『ただ…だけ』(『ばかり』),単に…に過ぎない / ただし,だが / 《英》《thatを伴って》…ということさえなければ
- 『簡単に』,分かり易く / 『飾り気なく』,簡素に;もったいぶらないで,率直に / 『単に』,ただ(merely, only) / 『全く』,ほんとうに(really);とても,悲常に(very much)
- 『単に』,ただ
- 一つ一つ,個々に(one by one) / ひとりで,単独で(alone) / 独力で
- 足の裏 / 靴底 / 〈靴〉‘に'底をつける
- 『たった一人』(『一つ』)『の』 / 『独占的な』,一手に扱う
- ウシノシタ,シタビラメ(ササウシノシタ科,ウシノシタ科の魚の総称)
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English Journal
- Effects of lipid chain length on the surface properties of alkylaminomethyl rutin and of its mixture with model lecithin membrane.
- He F, Lin Y, Li R, Tang G, Wu D.SourceTextile Institute, Sichuan University, No. 24, South Section 1, Yihuan Road, Chengdu 610065, PR China.
- Colloids and surfaces. B, Biointerfaces.Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces.2011 Oct 1;87(1):164-72. Epub 2011 May 13.
- Three model flavonoid-based bioactive molecules with different lipid chain lengths (RuCn: n=8, 12, 18) were newly synthesized. The surface properties [surface pressure (π)-area (A), surface potential (ΔV)-surface pressure (π) and dipole moment (u(⊥))-surface pressure (π)] of pure RuCn and the
- PMID 21632220
- Telencephalic histopathology and changes in behavioural and neural plasticity in a murine model for metachromatic leukodystrophy.
- Faldini E, Stroobants S, Lullmann-Rauch R, Eckhardt M, Gieselmann V, Balschun D, D'Hooge R.SourceLaboratory of Biological Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Leuven, Tiensestraat 102, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium.
- Behavioural brain research.Behav Brain Res.2011 Sep 23;222(2):309-14. Epub 2011 Apr 1.
- Arylsulfatase A-deficient (ASA(-/-)) mice constitute an animal model for metachromatic leukodystrophy, a lysosomal storage disorder. We had previously examined the behavioural phenotype of these mice, but were unable to distinguish between proper cognitive symptoms and potentially interfering, solel
- PMID 21459117
Japanese Journal
- A New Method for Sex Determination Based on Detection of SRY, STS and Amelogenin Gene Regions with Simultaneous Amplification of Their Homologous Sequences by a Multiplex PCR
- Morikawa Toshio,Yamamoto Yuji,Miyaishi Satoru
- Acta Medica Okayama 65(2), 113-122, 2011-04
- … An AMELY-deleted male sample, which would have been erroneously considered female based solely on analysis of the amelogenin locus, was successfully identified as male by the present method. …
- NAID 120002970768
- エーリッヒ・フロムにおけるアクティビティの概念 : 市民性教育への示唆
- 萩森 直子
- 東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 50, 201-209, 2011-03-10
- … Erich Fromm discusses activity as an important concept that has evolved in meaning over time - what used to point solely to actions of significance which are not alienated from the self (inner activity) in ancient times now points mainly to actions that are relatively insignificant and are alienated from the self (outward activity). …
- NAID 120002924399
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- 2011年4月21日 ... solelyの意味や和訳。 【副詞】1たった一人で,単独で.用例You're solely responsible for it. 君一人に責任がある, 君の単独責任だ.2ただ,単に,まったく.用例I did it solely... - 約492万語ある英和辞典・和英辞典。
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- 関
- a fraction of、few、insignificant、little、marginally、merely、modest、modestly、scant、simply、singular、slight、slightly、sole、solely、subtle、subtly、unique、uniquely
- 英
- simply、merely、solely、only
- 関
- 単純、単独、わずか、もっぱら、唯一
- 英
- alone、solely、by itself、singly
- 関
- それ自体、単に、もっぱら、独力
- 関
- (adj.)exclusive
- 関
- alone、as such、itself、per se、singly、solely
- 関
- only、plantar、plantaris、singular、unique、uniquely