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English Journal
- Recent advances in biosensor based endotoxin detection.
- Das AP, Kumar PS, Swain S.SourceBioengineering Laboratory, Centre of Biotechnology, Siksha O Anusandhan University, Bhubaneswar, India. Electronic address: alok1503@gmail.com.
- Biosensors & bioelectronics.Biosens Bioelectron.2014 Jan 15;51:62-75. doi: 10.1016/j.bios.2013.07.020. Epub 2013 Jul 20.
- Endotoxins also referred to as pyrogens are chemically lipopolysaccharides habitually found in food, environment and clinical products of bacterial origin and are unavoidable ubiquitous microbiological contaminants. Pernicious issues of its contamination result in high mortality and severe morbiditi
- PMID 23934306
- Designing personalised cancer treatments.
- Cree IA.SourceYvonne Carter Professor of Pathology, University of Warwick Medical School, University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire, Coventry CV2 2DX, UK. Electronic address: i.a.cree@warwick.ac.uk.
- Journal of controlled release : official journal of the Controlled Release Society.J Control Release.2013 Dec 10;172(2):405-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2013.07.007. Epub 2013 Jul 16.
- The concept of personalised medicine for cancer is not new. It arguably began with the attempts by Salmon and Hamburger to produce a viable cellular chemosensitivity assay in the 1970s, and continues to this day. While clonogenic assays soon fell out of favour due to their high failure rate, other c
- PMID 23867286
- Novel management of avulsed tooth by pulpal and periodontal regeneration.
- Johns DA, Shivashankar VY, Maroli RK, Vidyanath S.SourceDepartment of Endodontics, Government Dental College, Calicut, Kerala, India. Electronic address: dextonjohns@gmail.com.
- Journal of endodontics.J Endod.2013 Dec;39(12):1658-62. doi: 10.1016/j.joen.2013.08.012. Epub 2013 Sep 21.
- Introduction: The avulsion of anterior teeth of young children is a tragic occurrence and often presents an unparalleled challenge for the dentist. Reimplantation is the state-of-the-art treatment but may incur several complications, particularly with inappropriate posttraumatic management. Methods:
- PMID 24238468
Japanese Journal
- Report of the American Heart Association (AHA) Scientific Sessions 2014, Chicago
- Kohno Takashi
- Circulation Journal, 2014
- … Sessions over the 5 days included comprehensive and unparalleled education delivered via more than 5,000 presentations, with 1,000 invited faculty members and 4,000 abstract presentations from world leaders in cardiovascular (CV) disease. …
- NAID 130004704058
- 多賀谷 基博
- 色材協会誌 = Journal of the Japan Society of Colour Material 87(7), 235-239, 2014
- 日本国は,世界に類をみない少子高齢社会を迎えている。国民が健康で安心して暮らせる社会の実現が課題である。今後,ナノテクノロジーがかかわるバイオ・医療分野において,細胞機能へ効果的に働きかけるナノ粒子の創製(たとえば,"Nanoparticle Therapeutics"の概念)によって,再生医療や薬物治療などの飛躍的な進展が期待される。そこで,本稿では,無機ナノ粒子を活用した細胞機能の制御研究につ …
- NAID 130004699540
- 多種多様なRIビームのスピンを操る(最近の研究から)
- 市川 雄一,上野 秀樹
- 日本物理學會誌 68(12), 823-827, 2013-12-05
- スピンを操作するということ,それはそのスピンを持つ量子系に隠された非対称性あるいは磁気的な性質を垣間見ることにつながる.本稿では,不安定核(RI)ビームという近年注目を集めている量子系に対する新たなスピン操作の手段である「分散整合二回散乱法」を紹介する.本手法は,あらゆるRIに対して普遍的に高いスピン整列度を生成しつつ,かつ高収量のRIビームを得る方法である.本手法の実証実験は理化学研究所のRIビ …
- NAID 110009685705
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