- the quantity that a bag will hold; "he ate a large bag of popcorn" (同)bagful
- the quantity of game taken in a particular period (usually by one person); "his bag included two deer"
- a container used for carrying money and small personal items or accessories (especially by women); "she reached into her bag and found a comb" (同)handbag, pocketbook, purse
- a portable rectangular container for carrying clothes; "he carried his small bag onto the plane with him" (同)traveling bag, travelling bag, grip, suitcase
- a flexible container with a single opening; "he stuffed his laundry into a large bag"
- put into a bag; "The supermarket clerk bagged the groceries"
- an ugly or ill-tempered woman; "he was romancing the old bag for her money" (同)old bag
- capture or kill, as in hunting; "bag a few pheasants"
- hang loosely, like an empty bag
- of a color intermediate between red and blue (同)violet, purplish
- color purple (同)empurple, purpurate
- become purple
- of imperial status; "he was born to the purple"
- a purple color or pigment (同)purpleness
- a pattern of symptoms indicative of some disease
- a complex of concurrent things; "every word has a syndrome of meanings"
- liquid excretory product; "there was blood in his urine"; "the child had to make water" (同)piss, pee, piddle, weewee, water
- 袋 / 袋状の物 / (女性の)ハンドバッグ;旅行かばん,スーツケース / (…の)1袋分の量《+『of』+『名』》 / (野球の)走塁ベース / 獲物入れ;(猟の)獲物 / …'を'袋に入れる / 《話》〈獲物〉'を'捕える / 《話》'を'失敬する,こっそりもらう / (からの袋のように)だらりと下がる,だぶだぶする
- 〈U〉『紫色』 / 〈U〉(特に,昔の王家や高位の人がつけた)紫布,紫衣 / 《the ~》王位,高位 / 『紫色の』
- (疾患の徴候となる一群の)症徴候,症候群 / (事件・社会的状態などのパターンを示す)徴候形態
- たくさん(…の)《+『of』+『名』》 / (博性用,また一般に)だぶだぶのズボン
- 僕(私)のものだ!;僕が(私が)するんだ!
- 尿,小便
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2012/07/18 17:20:18」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Purple urine bag syndrome is a medical syndrome where purple discoloration of urine occurs in people with urinary catheters and co-existent urinary tract infection. Bacteria in the urine produce the enzyme indoxyl phosphatase. This converts indoxyl sulfate in the urine into the red and blue colored compounds indirubin and indigo.[1] The most commonly implicated bacteria are Providencia stuartii, Providencia rettgeri, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Proteus mirabilis, Escherichia coli, Morganella morganii, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.[2]
- 1 Signs and symptoms
- 2 Pathophysiology
- 3 Epidemiology
- 4 History
- 5 References
Signs and symptoms
People with purple urine bag syndrome usually do not complain of any symptoms. Purple discoloration of urine is often the only finding, frequently noted by carers http://cdn2.kevinmd.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/11f1-792745.gif .[3]
Tryptophan in the diet is metabolized by bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract to produce indole. Indole is absorbed into the blood by the intestine and passes to the liver. There, indole is converted to indoxyl sulfate. Indoxyl sulfate is excreted in the urine. In purple urine bag syndrome, bacteria that colonize the urinary catheter convert the indoxyl sulfate to indirubin and indigo.[1]
Purple urine bag syndrome is more common in female nursing home residents. Other risk factors include alkaline urine, constipation, and polyvinyl chloride catheter use.[3]
The syndrome was first described in 1978.[4]
- ^ a b Tan, CK; Wu YP, Wu HY, Lai CC (August 2008). "Purple urine bag syndrome". Canadian Medical Association Journal 179 (5): 491. DOI:10.1503/cmaj.071604. PMC 2518199. PMID 18725621. //www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pmcentrez&artid=2518199.
- ^ Lin, CH; Huang HT, Chien CC et al. (December 2008). "Purple urine bag syndrome in nursing homes: ten elderly case reports and a literature review". Clinical Interventions in Aging 3 (4): 729–734. PMC 2682405. PMID 19281065. //www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pmcentrez&artid=2682405.
- ^ a b Su, FH; Chung SY, Chen MH et al. (September 2005). "Case analysis of purple urine-bag syndrome at a long-term care service in a community hospital". Chang Gung Medical Journal 28 (9): 636–642. PMID 16323555. http://www.cgmh.org.tw/cgmj/2809/280906.pdf. [dead link]
- ^ Barlow, GB; Dickson JAS (March 1978). "Purple urine bags". Lancet 1 (8062): 502. PMID 76045.
UpToDate Contents
全文を閲覧するには購読必要です。 To read the full text you will need to subscribe.
- 1. 尿道カテーテル関連尿路感染症 urinary tract infection associated with urethral catheters
- 2. 腎疾患の診断における尿検査 urinalysis in the diagnosis of kidney disease
English Journal
- Purple urine bag syndrome.
- Tür FÇ1, Zafer N1, Hocaoglu N2.
- Emergency medicine journal : EMJ.Emerg Med J.2015 May;32(5):347. doi: 10.1136/emermed-2014-203818. Epub 2014 May 29.
- PMID 24876154
- Purple urine bag syndrome: time for awareness.
- Alex R1, Manjunath K1, Srinivasan R1, Basu G2.
- Journal of family medicine and primary care.J Family Med Prim Care.2015 Jan-Mar;4(1):130-1. doi: 10.4103/2249-4863.152270.
- Purple urine bag syndrome occurs commonly in long-term catheterized patients causing significant stress for patients, care takers, and health care providers. This may lead to unwarranted investigation as well as treatment when not identified early. Demographic changes in Indian population with incre
- PMID 25811004
Japanese Journal
- 尿検査 インジカン (広範囲 血液・尿化学検査,免疫学的検査(第7版・1)その数値をどう読むか) -- (一般検査(尿・髄液・糞便検査を含む))
- Purple Urine Bag Syndromeとは (特集 知っておきたい 最新 ストーマ手術の合併症と関連知識)
Related Links
- Purple urine bag syndrome (PUBS) associated with strong alkaline urine Umeki S. Department of Medicine, Toshida-kai Kumeda Hospital. Mechanisms for purple discoloration of the plastic urine bag in purple urine bag ...
- コロッケ会(鹿児島総合内科医会) - PUBS - Purple Urine Bag syndrome 膀胱カテーテル留置中の慢性便秘患者に尿路感染症を合併した際にみられる現象であり、 尿自体は変色せず、蓄尿バッグやチューブに着色を来すことが特徴。 慢...
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- 英
- purple urine bag syndrome, PUBS]
- uptodate
- まれにウロバックが紫色に変色するとがあるが、パープルウロバック症候群と呼ばれる
- 着色尿の原因は尿に含まれる物質が分解されることによって、色素が生成される事による
- 腸管の細菌叢がアミノ酸トリプトファンを分解するとインドールが生成する。
- インドールは吸収されて門脈循環にのり硫酸インドールが産生される。
- 硫酸インドールは尿中に排泄され、アルカリ尿かつ適切な酵素(インドールスルファターゼ、インドールフォスファターゼ)がある時にインドキシルに分解される。
- この分解産物はインジゴやインジルビンとよばれるもので、それぞれ青や赤を呈する。
- これらを産生する酵素を持つ細菌は、Providencia属やクレブシエラ属、プロテウス属が含まれる