- after death or after an event; "a postmortem examination to determine the cause of death"; "the postmortem discussion of the Presidents TV address"
- discussion of an event after it has occurred (同)post-mortem
- occurring or done after death; "postmortem changes"; "a postmortem examination to determine cause of death"; "postmortal wounds" (同)postmortal
- the physical property of being stiff and resisting bending (同)rigidness
- 死後の,検死の / 事後の / 死体解剖,検死 / 事後の検討
- 三いこと,硬直 / 厳格;厳密,厳正
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- 1. 大脳皮質基底核変性症corticobasal degeneration [show details]
…percent) Axial rigidity (27 and 69 percent) Tremor (20 and 39 percent) Limb dystonia (20 and 38 percent) Myoclonus (15 and 27 percent) In many cases, motor symptoms begin in one limb. Rigidity can be profound… the postmortem examination is necessary to make a definitive diagnosis of CBD.…
- 2. パーキンソン病の臨床症状clinical manifestations of parkinson disease [show details]
…patients with PD have cogwheel rigidity; many instead will have lead-pipe rigidity, a tonic resistance that is smooth throughout the entire range of passive movement. Rigidity can affect any part of the body …
- 3. スティッフパーソン症候群stiff person syndrome [show details]
…trunk is generally spared . The SLS is characterized by focal rigidity of one leg and differs from SPS in various ways : contractions and rigidity are limited to the affected extremity, it is rarely associated …
- 4. 成人における詳細な神経学的検査the detailed neurologic examination in adults [show details]
…the extensors of the lower extremity. Rigidity, in contrast to spasticity, is characterized by increased resistance throughout the movement. Lead-pipe rigidity applies to resistance that is uniform throughout …
- 5. 進行性核上性麻痺(PSP):臨床的特徴および診断progressive supranuclear palsy psp clinical features and diagnosis [show details]
… Axial rigidity is more prominent than appendicular rigidity and retrocollis is often present.… Postmortem studies of patients with PSP have demonstrated a marked reduction in striatal D2 receptors,…
English Journal
- Neuropathology of Parkinson disease.
- Dickson DW1.
- Parkinsonism & related disorders.Parkinsonism Relat Disord.2018 Jan;46 Suppl 1:S30-S33. doi: 10.1016/j.parkreldis.2017.07.033. Epub 2017 Aug 1.
- PMID 28780180
- Sudden death due to malignant hyperthermia with a mutation of RYR1: autopsy, morphology and genetic analysis.
- Li W1,2, Zhang L1, Liang Y1, Tong F1, Zhou Y3.
- Forensic science, medicine, and pathology.Forensic Sci Med Pathol.2017 Dec;13(4):444-449. doi: 10.1007/s12024-017-9925-y. Epub 2017 Nov 4.
- PMID 29101530
Japanese Journal
- 剖検により全身性炎症の合併が判明した心臓突然死の一例
- 林田 昌子,伊関 憲,篠崎 克洋,大江 倫太郎,山川 光徳
- 山形大学紀要. 医学 : 山形医学 30(1), 23-31, 2012-02-25
- 53 歳、男性。夜間就寝中に、数時間のうなり声を最後に、翌朝心肺停止状態で見つかった。心電図上は心静止であり、心肺蘇生法を施行しながら、当院救急部へ搬送された。すでに死後硬直および紫斑が出現しており、死亡が確認された。Autopsy imaging を施行したが、明らかな死因の特定に至らず、剖検を行った。左室優位の全周性求心性肥大を認め、心室壁の一部に心筋細胞の錯綜配列を認めた。また、左室壁、中隔 …
- NAID 110008906961
- マルチーズ犬の頚部脊髄における退形成上衣腫(短報)(病理学)
- 道前 喜子,森田 剛仁,砂川 陽子 [他],澤田 倍美,岡本 芳晴,島田 章則
- The journal of veterinary medical science 66(9), 1155-1158, 2004-09-25
- 8歳6ヵ月齢の雌のマルチーズが頚背部筋の硬直と前傾姿勢を示し,固有受容器反応および痛覚の消失を呈した.剖検の結果,第4頚髄から第5頚髄の中央領域を占める腫瘤が認められた.腫瘤は組織学的に著明な異型性を示す腫瘍性上衣細胞から成り,時折上衣型ロゼットの形成が認められた.以上より,本腫瘍を退形成上衣腫と診断した.腫瘍細胞は免疫組織学的にグリア線維性蛋白に陰性を,ビメンチンとサイトケラチンに弱陽性を示した …
- NAID 110003886529
Related Links
- Define postmortem rigidity: stiffening of the body, 1-7 hours after death, from hardening of the muscular tissues as a consequence of the coagulation of the myosinogen and... Postmortem rigidity - definition of postmortem rigidity ...
- Postmortem rigidity definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Look it up now! Thesaurus Translate Puzzles & Games Word of the Day Blog Slideshows Apps by Dictionary ...
Related Pictures

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- 英
- postmortem rigidity, rigor mortis
- 同
- 死体硬直 cadaveric rigidity cadaveric spasm、強硬性死体硬直、電撃性死体硬直 instantaneous rigor
- 関
- 早期死体現象
- 死後2-3時間で発現(顎関節、頚関節→上肢関節→下肢関節)。6-8時間で全身の関節に及ぶ。12-15時間で最高となる。死後1日から1日半持続。30-36時間で発現した順序に従って緩解が始まる。夏2-3日、冬4-5日で完全に緩解、消失(SLE.263)
- 同
- 硬直、強剛、固縮、強直
- this type of dysfunction is caused by lesions of the basal ganglia, most commonly the nigrostriatal dopaminergic pathway.
- mortem