- located at or near or behind a part or near the end of a structure
- a major thoroughfare that bears important traffic
- a blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the body (同)arteria, arterial blood vessel
- any of three arteries in the brain that make up the circle of Willis (同)arteria communicans
- 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》(生物学的に,位置が)後ろの,後部の / (時間・順序が)後の;(…より)後の《+『to』+『名』》(later) / しり(buttocks)
- 動脈 / (道路・水路・鉄道などの)勘線,(通信の)主チャンネル
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/08/18 19:24:24」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Posterior communicating artery |
Schematic representation of the arterial circle and arteries of the brain. Blood flows up to the brain through the vertebral arteries and the internal carotid arteries.
The brain and the arteries of the base of the brain, viewed from below, with the front of the brain at the top of the image. The temporal pole of the cerebrum and a portion of the cerebellar hemisphere have been removed on the right side.
Details |
Latin |
arteria cerebri communicans posterior |
Identifiers |
Gray's |
p.573 |
TA |
A12.2.06.018 |
50084 |
Anatomical terminology |
In human anatomy, the left and right posterior communicating arteries are arteries at the base of the brain that form part of the circle of Willis. Each posterior communicating artery connects the three cerebral arteries of the same side. Anteriorly, it connects to the internal carotid artery (ICA) prior to the terminal bifurcation of the ICA into the anterior cerebral artery and middle cerebral artery. Posteriorly, it communicates with the posterior cerebral artery.
The brain is supplied with blood by the internal carotid arteries and also by the posterior cerebral arteries; the posterior communicating arteries connects the two systems. This provides redundancies or collaterals in the cerebral circulation so that, if one system is blocked or narrowed, the other can take over.
- 1 Pathology
- 2 Fetal origin
- 3 References
- 4 External links
Aneurysms of the posterior communicating artery are the third most common circle of Willis aneurysm[1] (the most common are anterior communicating artery aneurysms) and can lead to oculomotor nerve palsy.[2]
Fetal origin
The development of the posterior cerebral artery (PCA) in the fetal brain occurs relatively late and arises from the fusion of several embryonic vessels near the caudal end of the posterior communicating artery.
The PCA begins as a continuation of the posterior communicating artery in 70-90% of fetuses with the remainder of PCAs having a basilar origin. The fetal carotid origin of the PCA usually regresses as the vertebral and basilar arteries become dominant and it finds a new origin in the basilar artery. About 20% of adults retain PCA origin from the posterior communicating artery, and in turn, the internal carotid arteries.[3]
- ^ Beck J, Rohde S, Berkefeld J, Seifert V, Raabe A. Size and location of ruptured and unruptured intracranial aneurysms measured by 3-dimensional rotational angiography. Surg Neurol. 2006 Jan;65(1):18-25; discussion 25-7. PMID 16378842.
- ^ Dimopoulos VG, Fountas KN, Feltes CH, Robinson JS, Grigorian AA. Literature review regarding the methodology of assessing third nerve paresis associated with non-ruptured posterior communicating artery aneurysms. Neurosurg Rev. 2005 Oct;28(4):256-60. PMID 15947958.
- ^ Osborn, Anne G.; Jacobs, John M. (1999), Diagnostic Cerebral Angiography, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, pp. 153
External links
- Media related to Posterior communicating artery at Wikimedia Commons
- MedEd at Loyola Neuro/neurovasc/navigation/pcom.htm
- Anatomy photo:28:09-0209 at the SUNY Downstate Medical Center
- Anatomy diagram: 13048.000-1 at Roche Lexicon - illustrated navigator, Elsevier
- Anatomy diagram: 13048.000-3 at Roche Lexicon - illustrated navigator, Elsevier
Arteries of the head and neck
CC |
EC |
sup. thyroid |
- superior laryngeal
- sternocleidomastoid branch
- infrahyoid branch
- cricothyroid branch
- glandular branches
asc. pharyngeal |
- posterior meningeal
- pharyngeal branches
- inferior tympanic
lingual |
- suprahyoid
- dorsal lingual
- deep lingual
- sublingual
facial |
- cervical branches (ascending palatine, tonsillar, submental, glandular)
- facial branches (inferior labial
- superior labial / nasal septum
- lateral nasal
- angular)
occipital |
- sternocleidomastoid
- meningeal
- occipital
- auricular
- descending
post. auricular |
- stylomastoid
- stapedial
- auricular
- occipital
- Parotid
sup. temporal |
- transverse facial
- middle temporal (zygomatico-orbital)
- anterior auricular
- frontal
- parietal
maxillary |
1st part / mandibular |
- anterior tympanic
- deep auricular
- middle meningeal (superior tympanic, petrosal)
- accessory meningeal
- inferior alveolar (mental, mylohyoid)
2nd part / pterygoid |
- to muscles of mastication (deep temporal, pterygoid, masseteric)
- buccal
3rd part / pterygopalatine |
- posterior superior alveolar
- infraorbital (anterior superior alveolar)
- descending palatine (greater palatine, lesser palatine)
- artery of the pterygoid canal
- sphenopalatine (posterior septal branches, posterior lateral nasal)
- pharyngeal
IC |
cervical |
petrous |
ophthalmic |
- orbital group:anterior ethmoidal (anterior septal, anterior lateral nasal, anterior meningeal)
- posterior ethmoidal
- lacrimal (lateral palpebral)
- medial palpebral
- terminal (supraorbital, supratrochlear, dorsal nasal)
ocular group: central retinal
- ciliary (short posterior, long posterior, anterior)
- hypophysial (superior, inferior)
Willis/Cerebral |
- ACA (anterior communicating, medial striate)
- MCA (anterolateral central, Orbitofrontal artery, Prefrontal artery, Superior terminal branch, Inferior terminal branch, Anterior temporal branch)
- posterior communicating
- anterior choroidal
SC |
vertebral artery |
- meningeal
- spinal (posterior, anterior)
- basilar: pontine
- labyrinthine
- cerebellar (AICA, SCA, PICA)
- cerebral (PCA)
thyrocervical trunk |
inferior thyroid |
- inferior laryngeal
- tracheal
- esophageal
- ascending cervical
- pharyngeal
- glandular branches
transverse cervical |
- superficial branch
- deep branch / dorsal scapular
suprascapular |
costocervical trunk |
- deep cervical
- Supreme Intercostal artery
Index of the circulatory system
Description |
- Anatomy
- Arteries
- head and neck
- arms
- chest
- abdomen
- legs
- Veins
- head and neck
- arms
- chest
- abdomen and pelvis
- legs
- Development
- Cells
- Physiology
Disease |
- Congenital
- Neoplasms and cancer
- Lymphatic vessels
- Injury
- Vasculitis
- Other
- Symptoms and signs
Treatment |
- Procedures
- Drugs
- beta blockers
- channel blockers
- diuretics
- nonsympatholytic vasodilatory antihypertensives
- peripheral vasodilators
- renin–angiotensin system
- sympatholytic antihypertensives
- vasoprotectives
UpToDate Contents
全文を閲覧するには購読必要です。 To read the full text you will need to subscribe.
English Journal
- Endovascular treatment of internal carotid-posterior communicating artery wide-necked aneurysm using 2 Enterprise stents in Y-configuration.
- Kim TG, Kim SH, Cho KG, Chung SS.SourceDepartment of Neurosurgery, Bundang CHA Hospital, CHA University, College of Medicine, 351 Yatap-dong, Bundang-gu, Seongnam 463-712, Republic of Korea. Electronic address: tgkim@chamc.co.kr.
- Clinical neurology and neurosurgery.Clin Neurol Neurosurg.2013 Jul;115(7):1117-20. doi: 10.1016/j.clineuro.2012.08.036. Epub 2012 Sep 26.
- PMID 23021077
- Coil embolization of intracranial aneurysm in polyarteritis nodosa. A case report and review of the literature.
- Gupta V, Chinchure SD, Goe G, Jha AN, Malviya S, Gupta R.SourceInterventional Neuroradiology, Institute of Neurosciences; Gurgaon, Haryana, India - E-mail: swatichinchure@yahoo.com.
- Interventional neuroradiology : journal of peritherapeutic neuroradiology, surgical procedures and related neurosciences.Interv Neuroradiol.2013 Jun 25;19(2):203-8. Epub 2013 May 21.
- Polyarteritis nodosa (PAN) is a rare multisystem disease characterized by systemic necrotizing arteritis of small and medium size arteries. The skin, joints, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract and peripheral nerves are most commonly involved. Although aneurysms are commonly seen in the visceral vessels
- PMID 23693044
- Pure arterial malformation of the posterior cerebral artery: importance of its recognition.
- McLaughlin N, Raychev R, Duckwiler G, Martin NA.SourceDepartments of Neurosurgery and.
- Journal of neurosurgery.J Neurosurg.2013 Jun 7. [Epub ahead of print]
- The finding of dilated, elongated, and tortuous vessels on brain imaging should prompt clinicians to determine what vascular anomaly is present. Importantly, not all suspicious serpentine flow voids are manifestations of arteriovenous malformations or arteriovenous fistulas. Other types of intracran
- PMID 23746101
Japanese Journal
- Tailored Flow Alteration Treatment for Intracranial Internal Carotid Artery Aneurysms : Strategy Beyond Parent Artery Occlusion With Bypass : Case Report
- SATO Kimitoshi,YAMADA Masaru,ABE Katsutoshi,OKA Hidehiro,KURATA Akira,FUJII Kiyotaka
- Neurologia medico-chirurgica = 神経外科 52(4), 213-216, 2012-04-15
- … A 58-year-old woman with multiple right internal carotid artery (ICA) aneurysms detected incidentally was referred to us. … Aneurysm clipping with preservation of the anterior choroidal artery and posterior communicating artery was not possible because these vessels could not be adequately identified. …
- NAID 10030127834
- Pupil-Sparing Oculomotor Nerve Palsy Caused by Upward Compression of a Large Posterior Communicationg Artery Aneurysm : Case Report
- MOTOYAMA Yasushi,NONAKA Junichi,HIRONAKA Yasuo,PARK Young-Soo,NAKASE Hiroyuki
- Neurologia medico-chirurgica = 神経外科 52(4), 202-205, 2012-04-15
- … A 69-year-old woman without diabetes or hypertension presented with a large posterior communicating artery aneurysm projecting beneath the oculomotor nerve manifesting as a 2-week history of progressive diplopia. … Neuroimaging showed a large aneurysm in the left internal carotid artery projecting postero-inferiorly. …
- NAID 10030127776
- 阿部 英治,丸岩 光,一ノ宮 知典,藤木 稔
- 脳卒中の外科 = Surgery for cerebral stroke 40(2), 129-134, 2012-03-31
- NAID 10030125439
Related Links
- n an elastic artery with an abundant supply of elastic tissue and a great reduction of smooth muscle. The tunica intima is thick, and the endothelial cells are round or polygonal. The tunica media is the thickest of the three layers. It ...
- pos·te·ri·or com·mu·ni·cat·ing ar·ter·y [TA] origin, internal carotid; distribution, optic tract, crus cerebri, interpeduncular region, and hippocampal ... One patient had been referred to us from another unit where an attempt to clip a posterior communicating artery ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- posterior communicating artery Pcom, PCoA
- ラ
- arteria communicans posterior
- 関
- 小脳の動脈、ウィリス動脈輪、内頸動脈
fetal type, adult type
- fetal type: 脳底動脈 に栄養される後大脳動脈
- adult type: 後交通動脈に栄養される後大脳動脈
- 関
- anterior communicating artery aneurysm、basilar artery aneurysm、berry aneurysm、cerebral aneurysm、intracranial aneurysm、middle cerebral artery aneurysm、saccular aneurysm
- 関
- after、afterward、afterwards、backward、behind、following、late、post、posteriorly、subsequent