- based on or arising from the possession of money or wealth; "moneyed interests" (同)monied
- the most common medium of exchange; functions as legal tender; "we tried to collect the money he owed us"
- the official currency issued by a government or national bank; "he changed his money into francs"
- wealth reckoned in terms of money; "all his money is in real estate"
- 金のある,金持ちの(wealthy)
- 〈U〉『金』(かね),金銭;通貨 / 〈U〉(金銭的な)利益,もうけ;富,財産 / 《複数形で》(政府・公共事業などの)財源,基金(funds)
English Journal
- Male, mobile, and moneyed: loss to follow-up vs. transfer of care in an urban African antiretroviral treatment clinic.
- Marson KG1, Tapia K, Kohler P, McGrath CJ, John-Stewart GC, Richardson BA, Njoroge JW, Kiarie JN, Sakr SR, Chung MH.
- PloS one.PLoS One.2013 Oct 24;8(10):e78900. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0078900. eCollection 2013.
- OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to analyze characteristics, reasons for transferring, and reasons for discontinuing care among patients defined as lost to follow-up (LTFU) from an antiretroviral therapy (ART) clinic in Nairobi, Kenya.DESIGN: The study used a prospective cohort of patients
- PMID 24205345
- Some historical remarks on microcrystalline arthritis (gout and chondrocalcinosis).
- Marson P1, Pasero G.
- Reumatismo.Reumatismo.2012 Jan 19;63(4):199-206. doi: 10.4081/reumatismo.2011.199.
- The history of microcrystalline arthritis only began in 1961 when Daniel McCarty and Joseph Lee Hollander demonstrated the presence of sodium monourate crystals in the synovial fluid of gouty patients. However, gout is a historical disease, thanks to the descriptions of Hippocrates, Caelius Aurelian
- PMID 22303526
- Selling to the moneyed masses.
- Nunes PF1, Johnson BA, Breene RT.
- Harvard business review.Harv Bus Rev.2004 Jul-Aug;82(7-8):94-104, 188.
- Over the past decade, the distribution of household incomes has shifted so much that a much larger proportion of consumers now earn significantly higher-than-average incomes--while still falling short of being truly rich. As a result, what used to be a no-man's-land for new product introductions has
- PMID 15241956
Japanese Journal
- マルクスの「資本の過多Plethora of Capital」概念の形成
- 松尾 純
- 桃山学院大学経済経営論集 54(2), 41-93, 2012-10-29
- … of this term by stating that "so-called plethora of capital" "is a term that refers always to plethora of moneyed capital." Thereafter, instead of "plethora of capital," Marx uses the expression "Plethora von moneyed capital, Plethora of moneyed capital," indicating a clear awareness and recognition of the difference between "plethora of capital" and "plethora of moneyed capital." Subsequently, the terminology used by Marx shifts from "Ueberproduction von Capital" to …
- NAID 110009895758
- マルクスは"monied capital"という語をどこからとったのか--『資本論』第3部第5篇のキーワードの出どころを探る
- 大谷 禎之介
- 経済志林 79(2), 19-89[含 英語文要旨], 2011-09
- … Marx used the term "monied capital" (or "moneyed capital") very frequently in Chapter 5 of the first manuscript for Book III of Capital (used by Engels for Sec. … The term monied (moneyed) capital, far from being coined by Marx, was already used widely in the English-speaking world of the time in a variety of fields. …
- NAID 40018974101
- 「貨幣貸付資本と現実資本」論,その現代的意義 : MEGA版(手稿)によって(<特集>現代の貨幣・信用論争)
- 小林 賢齊
- 季刊経済理論 45(2), 26-35, 2008-07-20
- … Moreover, he regarded that moneyed capital was identical with real capital, and using such 'strange jumble of words', he gave Ricardo's old theory on money the new mode. … First: is the accumulation of moneyed capital identical with the accumulation of real capital? … Second: is the accumulation of moneyed capital affected by the quantity of money in the country? …
- NAID 110009845938
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