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- (adj.)profuse
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- 1. 化膿性肉芽腫(小葉状毛細血管腫)pyogenic granuloma lobular capillary hemangioma [show details]
…treatment is usually required because PG rarely resolves spontaneously and often bleeds repeatedly and profusely. This topic will discuss the pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of …
- 2. 成人の外傷患者に生じるショックの初期評価と非出血性ショックのマネージメントinitial evaluation of shock in the adult trauma patient and management of non hemorrhagic shock [show details]
…external wounds. The thigh can hold up to approximately 1 to 2 L of blood. Scalp lacerations can bleed profusely, especially if the patient is on anticoagulants or antiplatelet medications. These wounds can be …
- 3. 巨細胞動脈炎の発症機序pathogenesis of giant cell arteritis [show details]
…promote Th17 differentiation, which is maintained by IL-23 and results in IL-17A expression . IL-17A, profusely expressed in GCA lesions , is a potent proinflammatory cytokine with pleiotropic effects on a variety…
- 4. HIV感染患者におけるバルトネラ感染症の疫学および臨床症状epidemiology and clinical manifestations of bartonella infections in hiv infected patients [show details]
…may erode, with or without crusting. The lesions usually have a vascular appearance and may bleed profusely with trauma Most often, BA lesions are solitary or several in number, but rarely may appear in…
- 5. 皮膚の良性病変の概要overview of benign lesions of the skin [show details]
…older adult patients. They usually occur as multiple lesions, most commonly on the trunk, and bleed profusely with any traumatic rupture. The pathogenesis is incompletely understood. Oncogenic mutations in …
English Journal
- JC polyomavirus circulation in one-year surveillance in wastewater in Santiago, Chile.
- Levican J, Levican A, Ampuero M, Gaggero A.
- Infection, genetics and evolution : journal of molecular epidemiology and evolutionary genetics in infectious diseases. 2019 Jul;71()151-158.
- Human polyomavirus JC (JCPyV) is a widely distributed viral agent and because it high resistance against environmental conditions it is frequently recovered from diverse sources of water and is considered a good marker for human pollution. Phylogenetic analysis of JCPyV isolated in different part of
- PMID 30905776
- Systemic signalling through TCTP1 controls lateral root formation in Arabidopsis.
- Branco R, Masle J.
- Journal of experimental botany. 2019 Apr;().
- The plant body plan and primary organs are established during embryogenesis. However, contrary to animals plants have the ability to generate new organs throughout their whole life. These give them an extraordinary developmental plasticity to modulate their size and architecture according to environ
- PMID 31037291
- Draculab: A Python Simulator for Firing Rate Neural Networks With Delayed Adaptive Connections.
- Verduzco-Flores S, De Schutter E.
- Frontiers in neuroinformatics. 2019 ;13()18.
- Draculab is a neural simulator with a particular use scenario: firing rate units with delayed connections, using custom-made unit and synapse models, possibly controlling simulated physical systems. Draculab also has a particular design philosophy. It aims to blur the line between users and develope
- PMID 31001101
Japanese Journal
- ESDで適応拡大治癒切除できた粘膜内限局リンパ球浸潤胃癌の1例
- 奥田 隆史,香川 惠造,柏木 里織,堀田 祐馬,藤野 誠司,辻 俊史,原田 大司,奥田 孝太郎,小牧 稔之,永田 昭博
- 日本消化器内視鏡学会雑誌 57(5), 1266-1270, 2015
- 症例は57歳の男性.当院人間ドックの上部消化管内視鏡検査にて,胃体中部小弯後壁よりに長径約20mmの陥凹性病変を認めた.生検ではリンパ球浸潤の目立つ低分化腺癌と診断された.拡大内視鏡観察では未分化型癌に特徴的な微小血管模様が観察された.適応拡大病変の可能性もあり,診断的治療目的でESDを施行した.病理組織学的には粘膜内に限局したリンパ球浸潤胃癌であり,Epstein-Barr virus(EBV) …
- NAID 130005072126
- 珪藻 Placoneis flabellata (F.Meister) Kimura, H.Fukush. et Ts.Kobay. comb. nov.の分類学的研究
- 木村 努,福島 博,小林 艶子
- 分類 15(2), 125-136, 2015
- 2009年8月,スラウェシ島(インドネシア)Batimurung自然保護区の川の岸に繁茂したアオミドロと底泥からNavicula flabellata F.Meisterを大量に得た.光学顕微鏡で葉緑体と珪殻の形態構造,電子顕微鏡で縦溝などの形態を観察した結果,葉緑体の形,縦溝の形はPlaconeis型であることが分かった.したがって,本種はPlaconeis flabellata (F.Meis …
- NAID 110010014715
- オークニー諸島(英国)の流水域の藻類植生(調査報告)
- 福島 博,木村 努,保坂 昭雄 [他],小林 艶子,吉武 佐紀子
- 分類 14(1), 37-58, 2014
- オークニー諸島の主島,ポモナ島の西南部,Standing Stone近くの小流水の石礫付着藻を調査した.定量的に調査した結果,藍藻1 taxon,珪藻35 taxa,緑藻5 taxaを見出した.付着藻の現存量は67,480cells/mm^2であった.優占種は珪藻でNitzschia palea, Cocconeis pediculus, Achnanthes minutissima, Fragi …
- NAID 110009810918
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- profusely 【副】 豊富に、豊かに・We tipped profusely. : 気前よくチップをあげた。 過度に、やたらと・H... - アルクがお届けするオンライン英和・和英辞書検索サービス。
- Profusely definition, spending or giving freely and in large amount, often to excess; extravagant (often followed by in): profuse praise. See more. Dictionary.com Thesaurus.com Everything After Z Word of the Day Video Word Facts ...
- Synonyms: profuse, exuberant, lavish, lush 1, luxuriant, prodigal These adjectives mean marked by unrestrained abundance: profuse apologies; an exuberant growth ... She wrote at great length the same day; cried profusely over her ...
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- 豊富な、おびただしい。おおまかな、気前のよい、贅沢な
- 関
- (adv.)profusely
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- abundance, abundant, abundantly, bulk, copious, large amount, large dose, large scale, massive, massively