- 関
- choice、choose、elective、opt、optional、select、selection、selective
- the right to buy or sell property at an agreed price; the right is purchased and if it is not exercised by a stated date the money is forfeited
- one of a number of things from which only one can be chosen; "what option did I have?"; "there no other alternative"; "my only choice is to refuse" (同)alternative, choice
- see fit or proper to act in a certain way; decide to act in a certain way; "She chose not to attend classes and now she failed the exam"
- select as an alternative over another; "I always choose the fish over the meat courses in this restaurant"; "She opted for the job on the East coast" (同)prefer, opt
- pick out, select, or choose from a number of alternatives; "Take any one of these cards"; "Choose a good husband for your daughter"; "She selected a pair of shoes from among the dozen the salesgirl had shown her" (同)take, select, pick out
- not compulsory; "elective surgery"; "an elective course of study"
- subject to popular election; "elective official" (同)elected
- appealing to refined taste; "choice wine"
- the act of choosing or selecting; "your choice of colors was unfortunate"; "you can take your pick" (同)selection, option, pick
- the person or thing chosen or selected; "he was my pick for mayor" (同)pick, selection
- of superior grade; "choice wines"; "prime beef"; "prize carnations"; "quality paper"; "select peaches" (同)prime, prize, quality, select
- an assortment of things from which a choice can be made; "the store carried a large selection of shoes"
- tending to select; characterized by careful choice; "an exceptionally quick and selective reader"- John Mason Brown
- characterized by very careful or fastidious selection; "the school was very selective in its admissions"
- an option granted to corporate executives if the company achieves certain financial goals (同)incentive stock option
- a put or call option for which the seller or buyer has no underlying security position
- in an optional manner; "this rule is applied optionally"
- an option to sell
- an option to buy
- 〈U〉選択すること,選択の権利(自由) / 〈C〉(・・・として)選択できるもの;(・・・の)選択科目《+『for』+『名』》 / 〈C〉(・・・の)選択売買権(一定期間内に一定価格で売買する権利)《+『on』+『名』》
- (多数の中から)〈人・物〉'を'『選択する』,選ぶ / 〈事〉‘に'『決める』 / (…の中から)『選択をする』,選ぶ《~『between』(『from』)+『名』》 / 欲する,望む
- 選挙で選ばれた,選挙による / 選択の(=optional) / 選択科目
- 〈C〉〈U〉(…を)『選択』,えり好み《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈U〉『選択権』,宣択の機会,宣択力 / 〈C〉『選ばれた物』(『人』) / 〈C〉えり抜きの物,最上等品 / えり抜きの,精選した
- 〈U〉《時にA~》『選ぶこと』,選抜,選出;(…から)選び出すこと《+『from』(『out of, among』)+『名』》 / 〈C〉(…から)『選び抜かれた人』(『物』);(…の)抜粋,選集《+『from』(『of』)+『名』》 / 〈C〉《単数形で》(商店などの)品揃え / 〈U〉淘汰(とうた):natural selection自然淘汰
- 選択の,染択する / 注意して選ばれた / 淘汰(とうた)の / (無線が)選択度の高い
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/10/16 10:16:14」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
ウィキペディアにおいてのオプションはHelp:個人設定を参照してください。 |
- 1 選択肢
- 2 選択権
- 3 ビデオゲーム
- 4 固有名詞
- 製品やサービスにおける追加注文のこと。一般に、一定の完成品に対して利用者が選択的に追加することで、機能を追加したり性能を高めるといった目的を持ったものを指す。また、その製品・サービス自体を指す。
- 一例として、自動車の注文装備など。対義としては標準装備。
- 標準装備を削除するオプションのことをレスオプションと呼ぶ。例:オーディオレス。
- ソフトウェアの設定を変更するモード。「コンフィグ」あるいは「セッティング」とも。
- オプション取引 - デリバティブの一種。
- ストックオプションの略。
- プロボクシングのタイトルマッチにおける興行権。タイトルマッチ#興行権(オプション)を参照。
- コナミのシューティングゲーム、『グラディウス』シリーズにおける自機の装備の1つ。他のビデオゲームにおいても同種のフィーチャーの名称・俗称として用いられている。詳細はグラディウスシリーズ#オプションを参照。
- 『セクシーパロディウス』に登場するキャラクター。上記の「オプション」が自機になり替わったという設定。
- Option (雑誌) - 三栄書房が発行する自動車雑誌。
- オプション (企業) - ベルギーの通信機器メーカー(en:Option N.V.)。
このページは曖昧さ回避のためのページです。一つの語句が複数の意味・職能を有する場合の水先案内のために、異なる用法を一覧にしてあります。お探しの用語に一番近い記事を選んで下さい。このページへリンクしているページを見つけたら、リンクを適切な項目に張り替えて下さい。 |
[Wiki en表示]
- 1 Aviation
- 2 Computing
- 3 Entertainment
- 4 History
- 5 Legal rights
- 6 Organisations
- 7 Publications
- 8 Sport
Option may refer to:
- Flight Options, a private airline founded by Kenn Ricci
- Option key, a key on Apple computer keyboards
- Option type, a polymorphic data type in programming languages
- Command-line option, an optional parameter to a command
- OPTION unit, a fictional weapons platform for the Vic Viper in the Gradius series of video games
- Option (オプション?), a catch-all term for similar satellite weapon units which orbit some sort of main unit, appearing in various Japanese video games
- Options (novel), a novel by Robert Sheckley
- "Options" (Welcome to Paradox), an episode of Welcome to Paradox
- "Options", a song by Pedro the Lion from his 2007 album Control
- "The Option", an alternate name for the South Tyrol Option Agreement, a resettlement program of German speakers living in Italy initiated by Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini
Legal rights[edit]
- Option (filmmaking), a contractual agreement between a film producer and a writer, in which the producer obtains the right to buy a screenplay from the writer before a certain date.
- Option (finance), an instrument that conveys the right, but not the obligation, to engage in a future transaction (for example, on some underlying security or on a parcel of real property), or in a futures contract
- Option contract, a type of legal contract
- Option N.V., a company providing wireless technology solutions
- Options (Capital Markets IAAS Provider), a service provider of infrastructure products to the Global Financial Services sector
- Option (car magazine), a Japanese car magazine
- Option (music magazine), a defunct American music magazine
- Option (baseball), a baseball player who can be moved back and forth between major and minor league teams
- Option offense, an offensive scheme in American football primarily predicated on option runs
- Option run, a play in American and Canadian football
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English Journal
- Development and evaluation of 5-fluorouracil loaded chitin nanogels for treatment of skin cancer.
- Sabitha M, Sanoj Rejinold N, Nair A, Lakshmanan VK, Nair SV, Jayakumar R.SourceAmrita Centre for Nanosciences and Molecular Medicine, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University, AIMS Health Sciences Campus, Kochi 682041, India; Amrita School of Pharmacy, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University, AIMS Health Sciences Campus, Kochi 682041, India.
- Carbohydrate polymers.Carbohydr Polym.2013 Jan 2;91(1):48-57. doi: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2012.07.060. Epub 2012 Aug 9.
- This study focuses on development and evaluation of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) loaded chitin nanogels (FCNGs). It formed good, stable aqueous dispersion with spherical particles in 120-140nm size range and showed pH responsive swelling and drug release. The FCNGs showed toxicity on melanoma (A375) in a c
- PMID 23044104
- Endovascular management of posthemorrhagic cerebral vasospasm: indications, technical nuances, and results.
- Rahme R, Jimenez L, Pyne-Geithman GJ, Serrone J, Ringer AJ, Zuccarello M, Abruzzo TA.SourceDepartment of Neurosurgery, University of Cincinnati and Mayfield Clinic, Cincinnati, OH, USA.
- Acta neurochirurgica. Supplement.Acta Neurochir Suppl.2013;115:107-12.
- Posthemorrhagic cerebral vasospasm (PHCV) is a common problem and a significant cause of mortality and permanent disability following aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. While medical therapy remains the mainstay of prevention against PHCV and the first-line treatment for symptomatic patients, endov
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- Deep brain stimulation as a therapy for alcohol addiction.
- Münte TF, Heinze HJ, Visser-Vandewalle V.SourceClinic for Neurology, Ratzeburger Allee 160, 23538, Lübeck, Germany, thomas.muente@neuro.uni-luebeck.de.
- Current topics in behavioral neurosciences.Curr Top Behav Neurosci.2013;13:709-27.
- Deep brain stimulation (DBS) has been firmly established as a therapy for movement disorders. Recently, evidence from case reports and small case series also suggests DBS to be effective in psychiatric disorders including addiction. Here we review the rationale of DBS in addiction and the selection
- PMID 22678648
Japanese Journal
- 金野 美奈子(1966-)
- 東京女子大学社会学年報 3, 17-32, 20150302-00-00
- … Examples of such controversies include the introduction of the option of separate surnames for Japanese husbandsand wives or of same-sex or polygamous marriage in the broader context.Do we, as citizens of a liberal democratic political society, have reason to believe that non-traditional forms of marriage should be included in the institution of marriage? …
- NAID 120005601982
- 第80回東京女子医科大学学会総会シンポジウム「東京女子医大 小児医療の最前線!-"なおらない"から"なおる"へ-」Part 1 (1)小児腎臓病診療の進歩
- 服部 元史
- 東京女子医科大学雑誌 85(2), 39-43, 2015-04-25
- 小児腎臓病診療の進歩に関して、小児慢性糸球体腎炎の早期発見と治療、そして小児末期腎不全診療の点からその一端を紹介する。1974年に学校検尿が始まったが、それ以降、慢性糸球体腎炎による小児末期腎不全患者数は確実に減少している。慢性糸球体腎炎に対する治療法の進歩とも相まって、慢性糸球体腎炎の早期発見と早期治療に果たしてきた学校検尿の役割は高く評価される。また、過去約30年間の末期腎不全診療の進歩は目覚 …
- NAID 110009900090
- How Should the Thai Government Change its Policy for Narrowing Income Disparity among the Provinces?
- 江川 暁夫
- 桃山学院大学経済経営論集 56(4), 43-71, 2015-03-31
- … A best policy option for income inequality alleviation is a direct rich-to-poor income transfer, but, as only formal sector workers are currently covered by the individual income tax system in Thailand, introducing a tax schedule which guarantees a more direct rich-to-poor income transfer would realise an income transfer only among high-income persons. …
- NAID 110009899340
- Microencapsulation of Metal-based Phase Change Material for High-temperature Thermal Energy Storage
- Nomura Takahiro,Zhu Chunyu,Sheng Nan,Saito Genki,Akiyama Tomohiro
- Scientific Reports 5, 9117, 2015-03-13
- … Latent heat storage using alloys as phase change materials (PCMs) is an attractive option for high-temperature thermal energy storage. …
- NAID 120005602513
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- 選挙による、選挙に基づいた(職・権能など)(cf.appointive)。選挙の/に関する。選挙権を有する
- (科目が)随意選択の
- (手術など)選択的な(緊要ではない)。(根治的ではなく症状を緩和させるような) 待期的な
- colonoscopic placement of an expandable stent is an alternative that can relieve the malignant obstruction without emergency surgery and permit bowel preparation for an elective one-stage operation.(HIM.1842)
- 関
- choice、choose、election、facultative、opt、option、optional、select、selection、selective、volitional
- 英
- selection、choice、option、select、choose、opt、selective、elective、optional
- 関
- 選ぶ、選挙、選択肢、選択性、選択的、任意、オプション、選抜、セレクション、選定、待期的、随意
- 淘汰
- 関
- choice、choose、elect、elective、opt、option、optional、prefer、selection、selective、single
- (過去chose-過去分詞chosen)選択する、選ぶ
- 関
- choice、elect、elective、opt、option、optional、prefer、select、selection、selective
- 関
- choice、choose、elective、opt、option、optional、select、selection、selectively、selectivity
- 関
- arbitrarily、arbitrary、choice、choose、elective、facultative、opt、option、select、selection、selective、volitional
- 関
- adopt