- relating to the act of appointing; "appointive powers"
- subject to appointment (同)appointed
- not compulsory; "elective surgery"; "an elective course of study"
- subject to popular election; "elective official" (同)elected
- filled by popular election rather than by appointment
- 任命(任用)による
- 選挙で選ばれた,選挙による / 選択の(=optional) / 選択科目
English Journal
- New tool for landfill location.
- Vasiloglou VC.Author information Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering Division, Department of Civil Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 54006 Thessaloniki, Greece. vvasilog@anka.grAbstractIn the present paper a decision-making process for the potential location of new landfill areas with wide community participation and acceptance is suggested. The main scientific contribution of this work is the elaboration of an independent decision-making tool, which can be used in landfill site selection. Specifically, at a first level it acts as an intermediary between experts (i.e. engineers, technical advisors) and decision-makers (i.e. elected representatives, appointive advisors), helping decision-makers to use experts' knowledge. At a higher level, it acts as an independent processor of decision-makers judgments thereby giving a result that is in accordance with pre-chosen criteria. In this way, the local authorities can effectively participate in the decision-making process and avert the violation of possible agreements. Furthermore, the criteria (pre-selection - evaluation) and the methodology of multicriteria analysis for new landfill location are presented.
- Waste management & research : the journal of the International Solid Wastes and Public Cleansing Association, ISWA.Waste Manag Res.2004 Dec;22(6):427-39.
- In the present paper a decision-making process for the potential location of new landfill areas with wide community participation and acceptance is suggested. The main scientific contribution of this work is the elaboration of an independent decision-making tool, which can be used in landfill site s
- PMID 15666446
- Choosing qualified chiefs of service by an appointive-elective system.
- Clark BB.
- Hospitals.Hospitals.1966 Aug 1;40(15):80-4.
- PMID 5919677
Japanese Journal
- 国立大学法人による学長選考と文部科学大臣の学長任命権--高知大学学長任命処分取消訴訟を素材として
- 16-17世紀東部アナトリアにおけるオスマン支配 : 2つの地方行政組織を例に
- 清朝によるオーロト各オトク支配の展開:モンゴル諸部に対する「旗」支配の導入
- 分権改革下における東京都区市部指導室(課)長人事の広域化をめぐる問題(II 研究報告)
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- No. 32 - Appt Sole Appointive Assessor Pursuant to Art 3 and Public Hearing August 14, 2014
- appointiveとは。意味や和訳。[形容詞]1 任命[指名]による. cf. ELECTIVEan appointive office任命[任用]職.2 任命権がある,指定[指名]する権限を持つthe premier's appointive powers総理大臣の持つ任命権.[語源]1881.米語 - 80 ...
- ap·poin·tive (ə-poin′tĭv) adj. Relating to or filled by appointment: an appointive office. appointive (əˈpɔɪntɪv) adj chiefly US relating to or filled by appointment: an appointive position. ap•poin•tive (əˈpɔɪn tɪv) adj. pertaining to or filled by ...
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- 選挙による、選挙に基づいた(職・権能など)(cf.appointive)。選挙の/に関する。選挙権を有する
- (科目が)随意選択の
- (手術など)選択的な(緊要ではない)。(根治的ではなく症状を緩和させるような) 待期的な
- colonoscopic placement of an expandable stent is an alternative that can relieve the malignant obstruction without emergency surgery and permit bowel preparation for an elective one-stage operation.(HIM.1842)
- 関
- choice、choose、election、facultative、opt、option、optional、select、selection、selective、volitional