- 関
- one-directional、one-way layout、unidirectional、unidirectionally
- moving or permitting movement in one direction only; "one-way streets"; "a one-way ticket"
- operating or moving or allowing movement in one direction only; "a unidirectional flow"; "a unidirectional antenna"; "a unidirectional approach to a problem"
- the elapsed time it takes for light (or radio signals) to travel between the Earth and a celestial object (同)OWLT
- a street on which vehicular traffic is allowed to move in only one direction
- to a great degree or by a great distance; very much (`right smart is regional in the United States); "way over budget"; "way off base"; "the other side of the hill is right smart steeper than the side we are on" (同)right_smart
- a portion of something divided into shares; "they split the loot three ways"
- the condition of things generally; "thats the way it is"; "I felt the same way"
- a course of conduct; "the path of virtue"; "we went our separate ways"; "our paths in life led us apart"; "genius usually follows a revolutionary path" (同)path, way of life
- a journey or passage; "they are on the way"
- any artifact consisting of a road or path affording passage from one place to another; "he said he was looking for the way out"
- the property of distance in general; "its a long way to Moscow"; "he went a long ways"
- a general category of things; used in the expression `in the way of; "they didnt have much in the way of clothing"
- doing as one pleases or chooses; "if I had my way"
- used informally as an intensifier; "that is one fine dog"
- the smallest whole number or a numeral representing this number; "he has the one but will need a two and three to go with it"; "they had lunch at one" (同)1, I, ace, single, unity
- a single person or thing; "he is the best one"; "this is the one I ordered"
- used of a single unit or thing; not two or more; "`ane is Scottish" (同)1, i, ane
- having the indivisible character of a unit; "a unitary action"; "spoke with one voice" (同)unitary
- being a single entity made by combining separate components; "three chemicals combining into one solution"
- indefinite in time or position; "he will come one day"; "one place or another"
- of the same kind or quality; "two animals of one species"
- indicates continuity or persistence or concentration; "his spirit lives on"; "shall I read on?"
- (of events) planned or scheduled; "the picnic is on, rain or shine"; "we have nothing on for Friday night"
- in a state required for something to function or be effective; "turn the lights on"; "get a load on"
- in operation or operational; "left the oven on"; "the switch is in the on position"
- structure consisting of a sloping way down to the water from the place where ships are built or repaired (同)shipway, slipway
- 一方向だけの / 《米》(切符の)片道の / (話など)一方的な
- 一方だけに作用する,一定方向の
- 〈C〉(…へ向かう)『道』,通り道;(…への)道筋《+to+名》 / 〈C〉『方向』,方角 / 〈U〉道を進むこと,進行,前進 / 〈U〉《しばしば a way》距離,道程 / 〈U〉《しばしば形容詞とともに》『やり方』,方法,手段 / 〈C〉特有なやり方,流儀,癖 / 〈U〉《しばしば複数形で》《単数扱い》習慣,風習,しきたり / 〈C〉《in…way[s]の形で》(…の)点(箇所)で / 〈U〉《しばしば a way》(特に健康の)ぐあい,様子 / 〈C〉経験の及ぶ範囲;人生(行動,経験)の道 / 通行権(the right of way)
- はるかに,大いに,ずっと
- 『1個の』,一人の,単一の;《補語にのみ用いて》1歳の / 《時を表す名詞と共に》『ある』… / 《人名に付けて》…という[名の]人 / 同一の,同じ(the same) / 《theまたは所有格を付けて》たった一つの,唯一の / 《another, [the]otherと対比して》一方の / 〈U〉〈C〉『1つ』,1個,一人,1時,1歳 / 〈C〉(数字の)『1』;1の記号(1,Iなど) / 《the O-》超人的なもの / 〈U〉《しばしばa ~》(攻撃・冗談・うそなどの)一発 / 《前に述べた可算名詞を受けて》『それ』 / 《修飾語を伴わないで》 / 《修飾語句を伴って》 / 《後》に「of+複数名詞・代名詞」を伴ってその名詞・代名詞の》『一つ』,一人 / 《後にanother, [the]otherと対照して》一つ,一方 / 《修飾語句を伴って》(特定の)『人』,者 / 《総称的に》『人』 / 私,自分
- (また《文》upon)《位置・場所》…『の上に』,の上で,の上の / (また《文》upon)《運動・動作の方向・対象》…『に』[向かって] / 《話》…を身につけて / (また《文》upon)《近接して場所》…の近くに,…に面して,…の側に / 《特定の日時》…『に』 / 《状態》…『して』,…中で,…すると / (また《文》upon)…『について』,…に関して / 《目的》…『で』,…に / (また《文》upon)…に基づいて,…によって,…の支え(助け)で / 《所属を表して》(委員会・チームなどの)一員で / (また《文》upon)…を軸にして,…で / (また《文》upon)《前後に同じ名詞を並べて》…に加えて,…についで / 『上に』,『身につけて』 / (電気・水道・ガス・ラジオなどが)『ついて』,通じて / 行われて,続けて,従事して / 《時の副詞[句]を伴って》前方へ,ずっと
- week / width / weight
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/11/30 15:20:01」(JST)
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Look up one-way or one way in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
One-way or one way may refer to:
- One-way traffic, a street either facilitating only one-way traffic, or designed to direct vehicles to move in one direction
- One-way function, a function that is easy to compute on every input, but hard to invert given the image of a random input
- One-way encryption
- One-way mirror, a glass through which one can see only in one way
One Way may refer to:
- 1 Books
- 2 Film
- 3 Music
- 4 See also
- One-Way (novel) (French Un aller simple)
- One Way (film), director Reto Salimbeni's 2006 film
- One Way (American band), R&B/funk band popular from late 1970s through the 1980s
- One Way (South Korean band), a contemporary South Korean R&B/Hip Hop group managed by YJ Media
- One Way (Selwyn album), Australian R&B singer Selwyn's second album
- One Way (Turbo album), the tenth studio album by Polish heavy metal band Turbo
See also
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English Journal
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- Tilley P, Sales Luis JP, Branco Ferreira M.SourceDepartment of Clinics, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Avenida da Universidade Técnica, 1300 Lisboa, Portugal.
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- 英
- unidirectional、one-way、one-directional、unidirectionally
- 関
- 一元配置
- 関
- one-directional、one-way、unidirectionally
- 関
- one-way、unidirectional、unidirectionally
- 関
- one-directional、one-way、unidirectional
- 英
- one-way layout、one-way
- 関
- 一方向性
- 関
- unidirectional valve
- 関
- one-way
- 関
- direction、fashion、manner、means、method、mode、procedure、process