- 関
- one-way、unidirectional、unidirectionally
- moving or permitting movement in one direction only; "one-way streets"; "a one-way ticket"
- operating or moving or allowing movement in one direction only; "a unidirectional flow"; "a unidirectional antenna"; "a unidirectional approach to a problem"
- used informally as an intensifier; "that is one fine dog"
- the smallest whole number or a numeral representing this number; "he has the one but will need a two and three to go with it"; "they had lunch at one" (同)1, I, ace, single, unity
- a single person or thing; "he is the best one"; "this is the one I ordered"
- used of a single unit or thing; not two or more; "`ane is Scottish" (同)1, i, ane
- having the indivisible character of a unit; "a unitary action"; "spoke with one voice" (同)unitary
- being a single entity made by combining separate components; "three chemicals combining into one solution"
- indefinite in time or position; "he will come one day"; "one place or another"
- of the same kind or quality; "two animals of one species"
- indicates continuity or persistence or concentration; "his spirit lives on"; "shall I read on?"
- (of events) planned or scheduled; "the picnic is on, rain or shine"; "we have nothing on for Friday night"
- in a state required for something to function or be effective; "turn the lights on"; "get a load on"
- in operation or operational; "left the oven on"; "the switch is in the on position"
- the spatial relation between something and the course along which it points or moves; "he checked the direction and velocity of the wind"
- a message describing how something is to be done; "he gave directions faster than she could follow them" (同)instruction
- a line leading to a place or point; "he looked the other direction"; "didnt know the way home" (同)way
- a general course along which something has a tendency to develop; "I couldnt follow the direction of his thoughts"; "his ideals determined the direction of his career"; "they proposed a new direction for the firm"
- relating to or indicating directions in space; "a directional microphone"
- relating to direction toward a (nonspatial) goal; "he tried to explain the directional trends of modern science"
- 一方向だけの / 《米》(切符の)片道の / (話など)一方的な
- 一方だけに作用する,一定方向の
- 『1個の』,一人の,単一の;《補語にのみ用いて》1歳の / 《時を表す名詞と共に》『ある』… / 《人名に付けて》…という[名の]人 / 同一の,同じ(the same) / 《theまたは所有格を付けて》たった一つの,唯一の / 《another, [the]otherと対比して》一方の / 〈U〉〈C〉『1つ』,1個,一人,1時,1歳 / 〈C〉(数字の)『1』;1の記号(1,Iなど) / 《the O-》超人的なもの / 〈U〉《しばしばa ~》(攻撃・冗談・うそなどの)一発 / 《前に述べた可算名詞を受けて》『それ』 / 《修飾語を伴わないで》 / 《修飾語句を伴って》 / 《後》に「of+複数名詞・代名詞」を伴ってその名詞・代名詞の》『一つ』,一人 / 《後にanother, [the]otherと対照して》一つ,一方 / 《修飾語句を伴って》(特定の)『人』,者 / 《総称的に》『人』 / 私,自分
- (また《文》upon)《位置・場所》…『の上に』,の上で,の上の / (また《文》upon)《運動・動作の方向・対象》…『に』[向かって] / 《話》…を身につけて / (また《文》upon)《近接して場所》…の近くに,…に面して,…の側に / 《特定の日時》…『に』 / 《状態》…『して』,…中で,…すると / (また《文》upon)…『について』,…に関して / 《目的》…『で』,…に / (また《文》upon)…に基づいて,…によって,…の支え(助け)で / 《所属を表して》(委員会・チームなどの)一員で / (また《文》upon)…を軸にして,…で / (また《文》upon)《前後に同じ名詞を並べて》…に加えて,…についで / 『上に』,『身につけて』 / (電気・水道・ガス・ラジオなどが)『ついて』,通じて / 行われて,続けて,従事して / 《時の副詞[句]を伴って》前方へ,ずっと
- 〈C〉〈U〉『方向』,方角;方面 / 〈C〉(思想・行動の)『傾向』,(事態が向かう)方向,(情報の)線 / 〈U〉『監督』,管理;指揮,指導 / 〈C〉《通例複数形で》(…についての)『指示』,指図,命令《+『for』(『about』)+『名』/+『asto』『名』(『wh-句』)》 / 〈U〉(音楽・演劇・映画などの)『指揮』,演出,監督
- 方向上の,方向を示す / (無線の電波が)指向性の
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English Journal
- Mycalolide B dissociates dynactin and abolishes retrograde axonal transport of dense-core vesicles.
- Cavolo SL1, Zhou C1, Ketcham SA2, Suzuki MM3, Ukalovic K3, Silverman MA3, Schroer TA2, Levitan ES4.
- Molecular biology of the cell.Mol Biol Cell.2015 May 28. pii: mbc.E14-11-1564. [Epub ahead of print]
- Axonal transport is critical for maintaining synaptic transmission. Interestingly, anterograde and retrograde axonal transport appear to be interdependent, as perturbing one directional motor often impairs movement in the opposite direction. Here, live imaging of Drosophila and hippocampal neuron de
- PMID 26023088
- Gene × cognition interaction on stress-induced eating: effect of rumination.
- Schepers R1, Markus CR2.
- Psychoneuroendocrinology.Psychoneuroendocrinology.2015 Apr;54:41-53. doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2015.01.013. Epub 2015 Jan 25.
- People often crave for high-caloric sweet foods when facing stress and this 'emotional eating' is a most important cause for weight gain and obesity. Eating under stress contrasts with the normally expected response of a loss of appetite, yet in spite of intensive research from neurobiological and c
- PMID 25678186
- Simultaneous bilateral stenosis of the vertebral arteries treated by unilateral decompression: a case report.
- Park JH1, You SH, Roh SW, Hwang IS, Lee SY.
- Neurologia medico-chirurgica.Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo).2015;55(2):183-7. doi: 10.2176/nmc.cr.2013-0094. Epub 2013 Dec 27.
- A 56-year-old man presented with a 3-month history of progressive dizziness. His dizziness was aggravated when his head was rotated to the right side. Diagnostic angiography showed that a normal right-sided vertebral artery in the neutral position became an abnormal vertebral artery with two stenoti
- PMID 24390179
Japanese Journal
- 1層非対称Z型ノンコンプレションブレース架構の振動台実験
- 高松 隆夫,玉井 宏章,山西 央朗,小松 真吾
- 広島工業大学紀要. 研究編 47, 79-85, 2013-02
- … Z-type non-compression braced plane frames show one-directional horizontal deformation characteristics. …
- NAID 120005403101
- Simultaneous Bilateral Stenosis of the Vertebral Arteries Treated by Unilateral Decompression: A Case Report
- PARK Jin Hoon,YOU Seung Hoon,ROH Sung Woo,HWANG In Seok,LEE Sang-Youl
- Neurologia medico-chirurgica, 2013
- … The patient was successfully treated withdecompression of only one level (C5–6). … We conclude that if a bilateral stenosis is found upon one directional head rotation and the bilateral vertebral arteries are similarly sized, a one-sided treatment may suffice. …
- NAID 130003383295
- 不凍糖タンパク質の氷/水界面吸着と結晶成長制御 (氷の物理と化学の新展開) -- (生体内の水・氷・クラスレート)
- 古川 義純,Zepeda Salvador,宇田 幸弘 [他],中谷 浩之,中坪 俊一
- 低温科学 71, 69-79, 2013
- … 本解説では, 氷結晶成長界面でのタンパク質の吸着・拡散挙動, 結晶成長の抑制との関連, 不凍糖タンパク質の界面への2段階可逆吸着など, 不凍糖タンパク質の凍結抑制機構に迫る最新の成果について紹介する.In situ observations of ice crystal growth in the supercooled solution of antifreeze glycoprotein (AFGP) labeled by the fluorescent molecule were carried out based on the one-directional growth and free growth methods. …
- NAID 120005228434
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- 関
- one-directional、one-way layout、unidirectional、unidirectionally
- 英
- unidirectional、one-way、one-directional、unidirectionally
- 関
- 一元配置
- 関
- one-directional、one-way、unidirectionally
- 関
- one-directional、one-way、unidirectional
- 関
- coach、conduct、direct、guidance、guide、instruct、instruction、tutorial、way
- 関
- directionality、directionally、polarity、vectorial