- perform mathematical and logical operations on (data) according to programmed instructions in order to obtain the required information; "The results of the elections were still being processed when he gave his acceptance speech"
- a sustained phenomenon or one marked by gradual changes through a series of states; "events now in process"; "the process of calcification begins later for boys than for girls" (同)physical process
- (psychology) the performance of some composite cognitive activity; an operation that affects mental contents; "the process of thinking"; "the cognitive operation of remembering" (同)cognitive_process, mental_process, operation, cognitive operation
- a natural prolongation or projection from a part of an organism either animal or plant; "a bony process" (同)outgrowth, appendage
- a mental process that you are not directly aware of; "the process of denial" (同)unconscious process
- subject to a process or treatment, with the aim of readying for some purpose, improving, or remedying a condition; "process cheese"; "process hair"; "treat the water so it can be drunk"; "treat the lawn with chemicals" ; "treat an oil spill" (同)treat
- deal with in a routine way; "Ill handle that one"; "process a loan"; "process the applicants"
- preparing or putting through a prescribed procedure; "the processing of newly arrived immigrants"; "the processing of ore to obtain minerals"
- subjected to a special process or treatment; "prepared ergot"; "processed cheeses are easy to spread"
- prepared or converted from a natural state by subjecting to a special process; "processed ores"
- (自然の)『作用』,過程 / (物事の)『手順』,方法 / (技術上の)製法,工程 / 召喚状,出頭令状;訴訟過程 / (動植物の組織の)隆起,突起 / 加工(処理,調整)した / 〈食品〉‘を'加工する / 〈写真フイルム〉‘を'現像する / 〈資料〉‘を'コンピューターにかける / …‘を'一定の手順で処理する,(整理する,調査する)
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2012/12/18 15:31:40」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Bone: Dens (anatomy) |
Second cervical vertebra, or epistropheus, from above. (Dens labeled at center top.) |
Second cervical vertebra, epistropheus, or axis, from the side. (Odontoid process labeled at center top.) |
Latin |
Dens axis |
Gray's |
subject #21 99 |
The dens (also odontoid process or odontoid peg) is a protuberance (process or projection) of the axis (second cervical vertebra). It exhibits a slight constriction or neck, where it joins the main body of the vertebra. The condition, where the dens is separated from the body of the axis, is called os odontoideum, and may cause nerve and circulation compression syndrome.
On its anterior surface is an oval or nearly circular facet for articulation with that on the anterior arch of the atlas.
On the back of the neck, and frequently extending on to its lateral surfaces, is a shallow groove for the transverse atlantal ligament which retains the process in position.
The apex is pointed, and gives attachment to the apical odontoid ligament; below the apex the process is somewhat enlarged, and presents on either side a rough impression for the attachment of the alar ligament; these ligaments connect the process to the occipital bone.
The internal structure of the odontoid process is more compact than that of the body.
The odontoid peg is the ascension of the atlas fused to the ascension of the axis. The peg has an articular facet at its front and forms part of a joint with the anterior arch of the atlas. It is a non-weight bearing joint. The alar ligaments, together with the apical ligaments, are attached from the sloping upper edge of the odontoid peg to the margins of the foramen magnum. The inner ligaments limit rotation of the head and are very strong. The weak apical ligament lies in front of the upper longitudinal bone of the cruciform ligament, and joins the apex of the deltoid peg to the anterior margin of the foramen magnum. It is the fibrous remnant of the notochord.
Fracture types
A fracture of the base of the dens as seen on plain X ray
A fracture of the base of the dens as seen on CT
Fractures of the dens, also known as Hangman's fractures, may generally be classified into three categories:
- Type I Fracture - Extends through the tip of the dens. This type is usually stable.
- Type II Fracture - Extends through the base of the dens. It is the most commonly encountered fracture for this region of the axis. This type is never stable.
- Type III Fracture - Extends through the vertebral body of the axis. This type can be stable or unstable and may require surgery.[1]
Additional images
Articulation between odontoid process and atlas.
Median sagittal section through the occipital bone and first three cervical vertebræ.
Sagittal section of nose mouth, pharynx, and larynx.
External links
- Odontoid+process at the US National Library of Medicine Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)* Diagram at umich.edu (Odontoid process is #3)
- Atlas of anatomy at UMich back_bone11 - "C2, 2nd Cervical Vertebra or Axis - Superior View (Dens is #1)"
- Atlas of anatomy at UMich back_bone12 - "C2, 2nd Cervical Vertebra or Axis - Posterior View (Dens is #1)"
- SUNY Labs 31:st-0204 - "Pharynx - Bones"
- Walid MS et al.: A Variation Of Type III Odontoid Fracture Presenting As Isolated Jaw Pain. The Internet Journal of Orthopedic Surgery. 2007. Volume 7 Number 1. [2]
This article incorporates text from a public domain edition of Gray's Anatomy.
Bones of torso (TA A02.2,3, GA 2.96–128)
Vertebra |
General structures
- body of vertebra
- vertebral arch (pedicle, lamina, vertebral notch)
- foramina (vertebral, intervertebral)
- processes (transverse, articular/zygapophysis, spinous)
- spinal canal
Cervical vertebrae
- Uncinate process of vertebra
- Transverse foramen
- Anterior tubercle
- Carotid tubercle
- Posterior tubercle
- C1 (lateral mass, anterior arch, posterior arch)
- C2 (dens)
- C3
- C4
- C5
- C6
- C7
Thoracic vertebrae
- T1
- T2
- T3
- T4
- T5
- T6
- T7
- T8
- T9
- T10
- T11
- T12
- costal facets (superior, inferior, transverse)
- Uncinate process of vertebra
Lumbar vertebrae
- L1, L2, L3, L4, L5
- processes (accessory, mammillary)
- Base: sacral promontory
- ala of sacrum
- Lateral surface: sacral tuberosity
- pelvic surface (anterior sacral foramina)
- Dorsal surface: posterior sacral foramina
- median sacral crest
- medial sacral crest
- lateral sacral crest
- sacral canal (sacral hiatus)
Thoracic skeleton |
- specific ribs (1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 12, true – 1–7, false – 8–12, floating – 11–12)
- parts (Angle, Tubercle, Costal groove, Neck, Head)
- Suprasternal notch
- Manubrium
- Sternal angle
- Body of sternum
- Xiphisternal joint
- Xiphoid process
Thoracic cage
- Superior thoracic aperture
- Inferior thoracic aperture
- Intercostal space
- Costal margin
- Infrasternal angle
anat (c/f/k/f, u, t/p, l)/phys/devp/cell
noco/cong/tumr, sysi/epon, injr
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English Journal
- Treatment of basilar invagination with atlantoaxial dislocation: atlantoaxial joint distraction and fixation with transoral atlantoaxial reduction plate (TARP) without odontoidectomy.
- Xia H1, Yin Q, Ai F, Ma X, Wang J, Wu Z, Zhang K, Liu J, Xu J.
- European spine journal : official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society.Eur Spine J.2014 Aug;23(8):1648-55. doi: 10.1007/s00586-014-3378-8. Epub 2014 May 18.
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- Bedoya A, Landa Nieto Z, Zuluaga LL, Rocabado M.
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Japanese Journal
- Botulinum毒素療法を施行した脳性麻痺児にみられたos odontoideumによる頚髄症の1例
- 吉村 歩,木部 哲也,横地 健治
- 脳と発達 46(4), 307-310, 2014
- 患者は早産・核黄疸に起因する脳性麻痺の男児でdystoniaが主症状だった. 3歳6カ月時にbotulinum毒素 (BoNT-A) 療法を施行し, dystoniaの改善を見たが, 頚部の過剰な前屈と嚥下障害の副作用が出現したため, 再投与は中止となった. dystoniaの再燃はなかったが, 8歳時に四肢の自発運動低下と足クローヌス出現, 画像で上位頚髄に囊胞性病変とos odontoide …
- NAID 130004728668
- 軸椎歯突起骨折遷延治癒に対してテリパラチドが奏功した1例
Related Links
- The dens (also odontoid process or odontoid peg) is a protuberance (process or projection) of the axis (second cervical vertebra). It exhibits a slight constriction or neck, where it joins the main body of the vertebra. The condition, where the ...
- 英
- dens of axis, odontoid process
- ラ
- dens axis
- 関
- 環軸関節、軸椎
Henry Gray (1825-1861). Anatomy of the Human Body. 1918.
- 関
- course、fashion、manner、means、method、mode、procedure、processing、protrusion、way
- 関
- application、handle、process、transaction、treat、treatment