- a substance that exerts some force or effect
- a businessman who buys or sells for another in exchange for a commission (同)factor, broker
- any agent or representative of a federal agency or bureau (同)federal agent
- a representative who acts on behalf of other persons or organizations
- an active and efficient cause; capable of producing a certain effect; "their research uncovered new disease agents"
- how long something has existed; "it was replaced because of its age"
- a time of life (usually defined in years) at which some particular qualification or power arises; "she was now of school age"; "tall for his eld" (同)eld
- begin to seem older; get older; "The death of his wife caused him to age fast"
- make older; "The death of his child aged him tremendously"
- 『代理人』;周旋人 / 働き(作用)を起こすもの;作用物,薬剤 / (政府機関,特にFBI,CIAなどの)部員,機関員
- 〈U〉(一般に)『年齢』,寿命;〈C〉(個々の)『年齢』,年 / 〈U〉成年(おとなとしての資格・権利を得る年齢;通例18または21歳) / 〈U〉『老齢』;《集合的に》老人たち / 〈U〉(人生の)『一時期』;〈C〉世代(generation) / 〈U〉〈C〉《しばしばA-》(歴史上の)『時代』 / 〈C〉《話》長い間 / 年をとる,ふける;〈物が〉古くなる / 〈年〉'を'とらせる;〈物〉'を'古びさせる
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English Journal
- 5-HT2C receptors in psychiatric disorders: A review.
- Chagraoui A1, Thibaut F2, Skiba M3, Thuillez C4, Bourin M5.
- Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry.Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry.2016 Apr 3;66:120-35. doi: 10.1016/j.pnpbp.2015.12.006. Epub 2015 Dec 29.
- 5-HT2Rs have a different genomic organization from other 5-HT2Rs. 5HT2CR undergoes post-transcriptional pre-mRNA editing generating diversity among RNA transcripts. Selective post-transcriptional editing could be involved in the pathophysiology of psychiatric disorders through impairment in G-protei
- PMID 26739950
- Retrospective evaluation of patients at follow-up with acute poisoning in Intensive Care Unit.
- Yaylaci S1, Genc AB, Demir MV, Cinemre H, Tamer A.
- Nigerian journal of clinical practice.Niger J Clin Pract.2016 Mar-Apr;19(2):223-6. doi: 10.4103/1119-3077.164340.
- OBJECTIVE: Poisonings are among the major causes of emergency visits and intensive care hospitalizations. The aim of our study is to evaluate intoxicated patients at follow-up and treated in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in terms of demographic characteristics, type of poisonings and results of trea
- PMID 26856285
- Paliperidone Palmitate-induced Urinary Incontinence: A Case Report.
- Karslıoǧlu EH1, Özalp E1, Çayköylü A1.
- Clinical psychopharmacology and neuroscience : the official scientific journal of the Korean College of Neuropsychopharmacology.Clin Psychopharmacol Neurosci.2016 Feb 29;14(1):96-100. doi: 10.9758/cpn.2016.14.1.96.
- Urinary incontinence, although rarely reported, is one of the most important adverse effects of antipsychotic medication. It can be an embarrassing, distressing, and potentially treatment-limiting. Several antipsychotics, including both typical and atypical varieties, are known to induce urinary inc
- PMID 26792046
Japanese Journal
- 悪性症候群の既往をもつ向精神薬長期服用患者の全身麻酔経験
- 斎藤 恒夫,西脇 公俊
- 有病者歯科医療 14(3), 229-233, 2005
- 悪性症候群の既往をもつ向精神薬長期服用患者の全身麻酔管理を経験したので報告する.<BR>患者は48歳の男性で, 統合失調症にて向精神薬を6年間服用中に, 2度にわたる悪性症候群発症の既往があった. 両側の手指の不随意運動, 体幹の背屈, 頸部の後屈を認めたが, 術前に幻覚, 妄想などの精神症状はほとんど出現せず, 日常生活に支障はなかった. 陳旧性両側顎関節前方脱臼に対して両側顎関節形 …
- NAID 130004298453
- Prophylactic Consecutive Administration of Haloperidol Can Reduce the Occurrence of Postoperative Delirium in Gastrointestinal Surgery
- Kaneko Tetsuya
- Yonago Acta medica 42(3), 179-184, 1999-12
- … Haloperidol is a psychopharmacological agent that has been used to treat the delirium and agitation, especially in geriatric patients. … No significant neuroleptic side effects were seen in any of the patients. …
- NAID 110001219357
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- 23 Jun 2010 ... Neuroleptic Agent Toxicity. The neuroleptic agents (antipsychotics) can reduce confusion, delusions, hallucinations, and psychomotor agitation in psychotic patients.
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- 関
- antipsychotic agent、antipsychotic drug、antipsychotics、major tranquilizer、neuroleptic、neuroleptic agent
- 代行者、代理人。代理業者
- 政府職員、官吏
- ある後位をする人、ある作用をするもの。動員、動力因、作用因。(文法)動作主。科学的変化を起こさせるもの、薬品、~剤。病原体
- 関
- agonist、agonistic、attorney、delegate、drug、etiologic agent、fomes、fomites、mediator、pathogen、pathogenic、pharmaceutical preparation、vector、vehicle
- 関
- aged、ageing、aging、year old