- 関
- naphazoline、naphazoline hydrochloride
- any compound containing the nitrate group (such as a salt or ester of nitric acid)
- treat with nitric acid, so as to change an organic compound into a nitrate; "nitroglycerin is obtained by nitrating glycerol"
- vasoconstrictor (trade names Privine and Sudafed) used in nasal sprays to treat symptoms of nasal congestion and in eyedrops to treat eye irritation (同)Privine, Sudafed
- 硝酸塩 / 硝酸塩類化学肥料
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English Journal
- Topical naphazoline in the treatment of myasthenic blepharoptosis.
- Nagane Y, Utsugisawa K, Suzuki S, Masuda M, Shimizu Y, Utsumi H, Uchiyama S, Suzuki N.SourceDepartment of Neurology, Hanamaki General Hospital, 4-28 Kajoh-chou, Hanamaki 025-0075, Japan.
- Muscle & nerve.Muscle Nerve.2011 Jul;44(1):41-4. doi: 10.1002/mus.22002. Epub 2011 Apr 12.
- Introduction. When treating ocular myasthenia gravis (MG), the risk/benefit profile of corticosteroids is unclear, and acetylcholinesterase inhibitors are not very effective. We examined the efficacy of topical naphazoline in the treatment of myasthenic blepharoptosis. Methods. Sixty MG patients wit
- PMID 21491460
- Assessment of Nasal Fibroscopy to Explore Olfactory Cleft.
- Porez F, de Pommerol MJ, Krief P, Conso F, Stoll D, de Gabory L.SourceDepartment of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, University Hospital of Bordeaux, Centre F-X Michelet, place Amelie Raba-Leon, France.
- Otolaryngology--head and neck surgery : official journal of American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery.Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg.2011 May 27. [Epub ahead of print]
- Objective. To assess whether flexible nasoendoscopy can be used to visualize all parts of the olfactory cleft (OC) without morbidity. Study Design. Single-center, prospective, observational study. Setting. French tertiary referral center. Subjects and Methods. 100 consecutive patients were divided i
- PMID 21622802
Japanese Journal
- リン酸基を側鎖に有する高分子ゲルの薬物徐放性コンタクトレンズへの応用
- 向井 將
- 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 91(12), 2089-2095, 1988
- 1. 嗅動作に同期して声帯は内転する.2. 嗅動作時の声門は吸気にもかかわらず狭くなる.3. 嗅動作は呼吸動作とは別の行為である.4. 嗅動作時の声帯の内転運動は鼻でクンクン〓ごうとする時にのみ起こる.5. 嗅動作における声帯内転運動は完全嗅覚脱失者でも観察された.6. 嗅動作時の声帯の内転運動は反射的声門閉鎖とは異なっていた.7. 嗅動作時の鼻腔通気度は安静呼吸時のそれよりも小さかった.
- NAID 130000808505
Related Links
- Zinc sulphate, 0,2 mg. Naphazoline nitrate, 0,05 mg. Preservative: Benzoxonium chloride, 0,01% m/v ... Naphazoline is a vasoconstrictor, and reduces inflammation and swelling of the conjunctiva. The effect of Naphazoline is due to ...
- 英
- naphazoline
- ラ
- naphazolinum
- 化
- 硝酸ナファゾリン naphazoline nitrate, naphazolini nitras。naphazoline hydrochloride
- 商
- プリビナ、コンドロンナファ
- 関
- naphazoline、naphazoline nitrate
ナファゾリン。naphazoline nitrate
- 関
- HNO3、nitration、nitric acid