- feel or suffer from the lack of; "He misses his mother"
- a failure to hit (or meet or find etc) (同)misfire
- fail to experience; "Fortunately, I missed the hurricane" (同)escape
- be without; "This soup lacks salt"; "There is something missing in my jewelry box!" (同)lack
- fail to perceive or to catch with the senses or the mind; "I missed that remark"; "She missed his point"; "We lost part of what he said" (同)lose
- be absent; "The child had been missing for a week"
- fail to attend an event or activity; "I missed the concert"; "He missed school for a week"
- fail to reach or get to; "She missed her train"
- fail to reach; "The arrow missed the target"
- not able to be found; "missing in action"; "a missing person"
- 《呼び掛けに用いて》お嬢さん
- 〈C〉未婚婦人;《複数形で》少女(girl) / 《M-》《未婚婦人の姓・姓名の前に付けて》…『嬢』,…『さん』 / 《通例M-》《おもに英》《生徒が女の先生に対して》…先生 / 《通例M-》《単独で呼び掛けに用いて》お嬢さん;《ふざけて》おねえちゃん / 《M-》《おもに容姿端麗のため一国・一団の代表に選ばれた未婚女性に対して》ミス…
- 〈ボールなど〉‘を'『打ち損なう』,〈的(まと)など〉‘を'『外す』 / 〈人〉‘に'『会い損なう』,〈列車・船など〉‘を'『捕まえ損なう』;〈約束など〉‘に'間に合わない / …‘を'『見落とす』,見そこなう,見矢う / 〈物事〉‘を'『逃す』,逸する / 〈会合・学校など〉‘に'出席しない / …‘を'理解できない / …‘が'ない(いない)のを残念に思う / …‘が'ない(いない)のに気付く / …‘を'避ける,免れる(avoid, escape) / …‘を'欠く / …‘の'答えの間違う / 的(まと)を外れる,当たり損なう;受け損なう / (…で)失敗する《+『in』+『名』》 / 発火しない,点火しない / やり損ない,失敗(failure);免れること,回避(escape)
- 粉失した,行方不明の / 欠けている,ない(lacking) / 《the ~;名詞的に》行方不明者
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For other uses including people with the family name Missy, see Missy (disambiguation).
Missy is a feminine first name, often a short form of Melissa.
People named Missy include:
- Michele Avila (1968-1985), American murder victim
- Missy Cummings, Associate Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and former U.S. Navy fighter pilot
- Missy Elliott (born 1971), American rapper, singer, songwriter and record producer
- Missy Giove (born 1972), American former professional mountain bike rider
- Missy Gold (born 1970), American former child actress
- Missy Franklin (born 1995), American competitive swimmer
- Missy Higgins (born 1983), Australian singer and songwriter
- Missy LeHand (1898–1944), longtime private secretary to U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt
- Missy Malone, British burlesque performer
- Missy Mazzoli (born 1980), American composer and pianist
- Missy Peregrym, Canadian actress
- Missy Raines (born 1962), American bluegrass bassist
- Missy Robbins (born 1971), American chef
- Missy Schwen-Ryan (born 1972), American rower
- Missy (actress), American pornographic actress
- Missy Hyatt (born 1963), an American professional wrestling valet
- Missy (short for The Mistress), a female incarnation of villain The Master from the British science fiction series Doctor Who
See also
- Missi Pyle, American actress
English Journal
- Characteristics and Outcomes of Patients with Lung Cancer Harboring Multiple Molecular Alterations: Results from the IFCT Study Biomarkers France.
- Guibert N1, Barlesi F2, Descourt R3, Léna H4, Besse B5, Beau-Faller M6, Mosser J7, Pichon E8, Merlio JP9, Ouafik L10, Guichard F11, Mastroianni B12, Moreau L13, Wdowik A14, Sabourin JC15, Lemoine A16, Missy P17, Langlais A17, Moro-Sibilot D18, Mazieres J19.
- Journal of thoracic oncology : official publication of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer.J Thorac Oncol.2017 Feb 9. pii: S1556-0864(17)30097-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jtho.2017.02.001. [Epub ahead of print]
- PMID 28189832
- Routine molecular profiling of patients with NSCLC - Authors' reply.
- Mazières J1, Merlio JP2, Missy P3, Moro-Sibilot D4, Barlesi F5.
- Lancet (London, England).Lancet.2016 Sep 10;388(10049):1054-5. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(16)31136-9.
- PMID 27628516
- Metal and Metalloid Size-Fractionation Strategies in Spatial High-Resolution Sediment Pore Water Profiles.
- Fabricius AL1, Duester L1, Ecker D1, Ternes TA1.
- Environmental science & technology.Environ Sci Technol.2016 Sep 6;50(17):9506-14. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.6b02843. Epub 2016 Aug 9.
- PMID 27504804
Japanese Journal
- New 6- and 4-cylinder petrol engines with high precision injection and stratified combustion
- New 6- and 4-Cylinder Petrol Engines with High Precision Injection and Stratified Combustion
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- 関
- agenesis、defect、defective、deficiency、deficient、deficit、deletion、deletional、lose、missing
- 関
- agenesis、defect、defective、deficiency、deficient、deficit、deletion、deletional、miss