- 関
- milk formula
- a representation of a substance using symbols for its constituent elements (同)chemical_formula
- a group of symbols that make a mathematical statement (同)expression
- a conventionalized statement expressing some fundamental principle
- a liquid food for infants
- exploit as much as possible; "I am milking this for all its worth"
- add milk to; "milk the tea"
- take milk from female mammals; "Cows need to be milked every morning"
- a white nutritious liquid secreted by mammals and used as food by human beings
- any of several nutritive milklike liquids
- produced by mammary glands of female mammals for feeding their young
- a Cypriot monetary unit equal to one thousandth of a pound
- a unit of length equal to one thousandth of an inch; used to specify thickness (e.g., of sheets or wire)
- an angular unit used in artillery; equal to 1/6400 of a complete revolution
- the syllable naming the third (mediant) note of any major scale in solmization
- a river that rises in the Rockies in northwestern Montana and flows eastward to become a tributary of the Missouri River (同)Milk River
- (あいさつなどの)『決まった言い方』;空虚な言葉 / (…の)習慣的なやり方,決まった方法《+『for』+『名』(do『ing』)》 / (…の)製法,調理法,処方せん《+『for』+『名』》 / (…の)『公式』,式《+『for』+『名』》
- (雌の哺乳(ほにゅう)動物が分泌する)乳,(特に食料としての)『牛乳』,『ミルク』 / (植物の)乳汁,乳剤,乳液 / 〈牛など〉‘の'乳をしぼる / 〈情報など〉‘を'引き出す;(…を)〈人〉‘から'しぼり取る《+『名』+『of』+『名』》 / (毒を)〈蛇〉‘から'抜き取る《+『名』+『of』+『名』》 / 〈牛などが〉乳を出す
- ミル(1000分の1インチ)
- ミ(全音階の第3音)
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English Journal
- Partly Fermented Infant Formulae With Specific Oligosaccharides Support Adequate Infant Growth and Are Well-Tolerated.
- Huet F1, Abrahamse-Berkeveld M, Tims S, Simeoni U, Beley G, Savagner C, Vandenplas Y, Hourihane JO.
- Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition.J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr.2016 Oct;63(4):e43-53. doi: 10.1097/MPG.0000000000001360.
- OBJECTIVE: Fermented formulae (FERM) and a specific mixture of 90% short-chain galacto-oligosaccharides and 10% long-chain fructo-oligosaccharides (scGOS/lcFOS; 9:1) have a potential beneficial effect on gastrointestinal function and microbiota development in infants. The present study assessed the
- PMID 27472478
- Role of Young Child Formulae and Supplements to Ensure Nutritional Adequacy in U.K. Young Children.
- Vieux F1, Brouzes CM2, Maillot M3, Briend A4,5, Hankard R6, Lluch A7, Darmon N8.
- Nutrients.Nutrients.2016 Sep 2;8(9). pii: E539. doi: 10.3390/nu8090539.
- The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) states that young child formulae (YCFs) "cannot be considered as a necessity to satisfy the nutritional requirements" of children aged 12-36 months. This study quantifies the dietary changes needed to ensure nutritional adequacy in U.K. young children who co
- PMID 27598195
- Post-discharge formula feeding in preterm infants: A systematic review mapping evidence about the role of macronutrient enrichment.
- Teller IC1, Embleton ND2, Griffin IJ3, van Elburg RM4.
- Clinical nutrition (Edinburgh, Scotland).Clin Nutr.2016 Aug;35(4):791-801. doi: 10.1016/j.clnu.2015.08.006. Epub 2015 Sep 5.
- BACKGROUND & AIMS: Preterm infants are a heterogeneous group and many accumulate growth deficits before and after initial hospital discharge. Although this is associated with worse cognitive outcome, recent meta-analyses suggest that nutrient fortification of breast milk, or the use of nutrient
- PMID 26499034
Japanese Journal
- 乳用種雄牛の国際遺伝評価値を国内の遺伝評価に利用した場合の育種価の安定性
- 河原 孝吉,後藤 裕作,萩谷 功一 [他],鈴木 三義,曽我部 道彦
- 日本畜産學會報 = The Japanese journal of zootechnical science 74(1), 13-21, 2003-02-25
- 本分析では,種雄牛の国際遺伝評価値(I-EBV)を国内の遺伝評価(N-EBV)に組み込むことにより,種雄牛と雌牛の育種価(B-EBV)を推定した.さらに,国内における情報量が増加した段階で推定されたB-EBVと比較し,情報量が少ない段階で推定されたB-EBVの安定性を調査した.使用した記録は,北海道地域のホルスタイン種における乳量の検定記録であり,2種類のデータセットを作成した.データセットIは1 …
- NAID 10025836328
- <集談会記録>ミルク, 母乳, 食品中のベタインとホモシステイン濃度(学位論文抄録)
- 育児用ミルク、母乳中のベタインとホモシステイン濃度
- Pediatrics international : official journal of the Japan Pediatric Society 43(6), 637-640, 2001-12-01
- NAID 10010092820
Related Pictures

- 英
- milk formula、milk formulae
- 関
- milk formulae
- (儀式などの)定式文句
- (交渉・行動の前庭として定式化して示した)定則、基本原理
- (数・化学)式、公式(for)
- 歯式
- 法式、定式、定則(for)
- 製法、(薬)処方、処方薬。(解決などのための)一定の案(方式)。秘訣(for)
- 調合乳、フォーミュラ)(一定の処方によって作られた乳幼児用のミルク)
- 関
- Eq.、equation、expression、formal、formally、formula、official、prescription
- mi-, mio-
- ?
- MI