- 関
- acute yellow atrophy
- imposing in scale or scope or degree or power; "massive retaliatory power"; "a massive increase in oil prices"; "massive changes"
- imposing in size or bulk or solidity; "massive oak doors"; "Moores massive sculptures"; "the monolithic proportions of Stalinist architecture"; "a monumental scale" (同)monolithic, monumental
- being the same substance throughout; "massive silver"
- consisting of great mass; containing a great quantity of matter; "Earth is the most massive of the terrestrial planets"
- pertaining to or affecting the liver; "hepatic ducts"; "hepatic cirrhosis"
- the localized death of living cells (as from infection or the interruption of blood supply) (同)mortification, gangrene, sphacelus
- 『大きくて重い』,どっしりした;大規模な / (容ぼう,特に頭が)がっちりした / (精神などが)しっかりした,堂々とした / (投薬量が)定量以上の
- 肝臓の;肝臓にきく,肝臓のような色の
- 壊疽(えそ)
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English Journal
- Delta-Like Ligand 4 Modulates Liver Damage by Down-Regulating Chemokine Expression.
- Shen Z1, Liu Y2, Dewidar B3, Hu J4, Park O5, Feng T6, Xu C1, Yu C1, Li Q6, Meyer C6, Ilkavets I6, Müller A6, Stump-Guthier C7, Munker S6, Liebe R8, Zimmer V9, Lammert F9, Mertens PR10, Li H11, Ten Dijke P12, Augustin HG13, Li J14, Gao B5, Ebert MP6, Dooley S6, Li Y15, Weng HL16.
- The American journal of pathology.Am J Pathol.2016 Jul;186(7):1874-89. doi: 10.1016/j.ajpath.2016.03.010. Epub 2016 May 10.
- Disrupting Notch signaling ameliorates experimental liver fibrosis. However, the role of individual Notch ligands in liver damage is unknown. We investigated the effects of Delta-like ligand 4 (Dll4) in liver disease. DLL4 expression was measured in 31 human liver tissues by immunohistochemistry. Dl
- PMID 27171900
- The role of inflammatory and oxidative stress, CYP2E1 and bile acid disturbance in rat liver injury induced by isoniazid and lipopolysaccharide co-treatment.
- Hassan HM1, Guo H2, Yousef BA2, Guerram M2, Hamdi AM2, Zhang L3, Jiang Z4.
- Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy.Antimicrob Agents Chemother.2016 Jun 20. pii: AAC.00854-16. [Epub ahead of print]
- Isoniazid (INH) remains the core in tuberculosis management, but serious hepatotoxicity and potentially fatal liver injury still coming alongside with INH consumption. Among numerous theories that have been established to explain INH-induced liver injury, inflammatory stress theory recently widely u
- PMID 27324775
- CCR2+ monocytes aggravate the early phase of acetaminophen induced acute liver injury.
- Mossanen JC1,2, Krenkel O1, Ergen C1, Govaere O3, Liepelt A1, Puengel T1, Heymann F1, Kalthoff S4, Lefebvre E5, Eulberg D6, Luedde T1, Marx G2, Strassburg CP4, Roskams T3, Trautwein C1, Tacke F1.
- Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.).Hepatology.2016 Jun 15. doi: 10.1002/hep.28682. [Epub ahead of print]
- Acetaminophen (APAP, paracetamol) poisoning is a leading cause of acute liver failure (ALF) in humans and induces hepatocyte necrosis, followed by the activation of the innate immune system further aggravating liver injury. The role of infiltrating monocytes during the early phase of ALF is still am
- PMID 27302828
Japanese Journal
- 慢性活動性EBウイルス感染症関連の亜広範肝壊死の1例
- 樋上 勝也,石井 耕司,澤 美里 [他],篠原 美絵,渡邉 学,田村 晃,中島 早苗,渋谷 和俊,倉持 茂,住野 泰清
- 肝臓 51(12), 706-713, 2010-12-25
- 症例は65歳男性,慢性腎不全で加療されていた.2008年4月に原因不明の肝障害が出現し当科紹介,原因検索したが不明のまま血清AST,ALTは自然軽快した.9月に再び肝障害が増悪した際,EBV-VCA IgG抗体価が高値で,ISH法とPCR法により血中,肝組織内のEBV-DNAを確認したことから,慢性活動性EBウイルス感染症(CAEBV)と診断.強力ミノファーゲンC 60 ml /日投与により肝障害 …
- NAID 10027661677
- 甲斐 敬太,三好 篤,有尾 啓介 [他],北原 賢二,水田 敏彦,川添 聖治,入江 裕之,徳永 藏,能城 浩和,宮崎 耕治
- 肝臓 51(6), 312-318, 2010-06-25
- 血管造影後に無治療で高度壊死に陥った比較的大型の肝細胞癌を2例経験したので報告する.症例1は肝炎ウィルス陰性の58歳女性.糖尿病で加療中だが飲酒歴はなかった.肝S6/7の径11 cm大の腫瘍が,血管造影後に4 cm程に縮小した.血清PIVKA-II は38627 mAU/ml と高値であったが1400 mAU/ml まで低下した.症例2はC型慢性肝炎,糖尿病を有する49歳男性で,門脈浸潤を伴う径6 …
- NAID 10026515243
- 症例 門脈枝塞栓後に広範な肝壊死をきたした肝内胆管癌肝門浸潤の1例
Related Links
- Definition of massive hepatic necrosis in the Medical Dictionary. massive hepatic necrosis explanation. Information about massive hepatic necrosis in Free online English dictionary. What is massive hepatic necrosis? Meaning of ...
- Translations of massive hepatic necrosis. massive hepatic necrosis synonyms, massive hepatic necrosis antonyms. Information about massive hepatic necrosis in the free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. http://www ...
- 英
- acute yellow liver atrophy
- 関
- 急性黄色肝萎縮、劇症肝炎、massive hepatic necrosis
- (病気が)組織の広範囲に及ぶ、重症の、広範囲の
- 巨大な、大量の、大規模の。(程度が)はなただしい
- 大きく見える、がっしりとした。
- 関
- abundance、abundant、abundantly、agglomerative、aggregated、bulk、copious、great、high-potency、high-power、intensive、intensively、large、large amount、large dose、large scale、massively、potent、potentially、potently、powerful、powerfully、profuse、sizable、wide range、wide-ranging
- 関
- hepato、hepatogenic、liver