- provide with heat; "heat the house"
- a form of energy that is transferred by a difference in temperature (同)heat energy
- make hot or hotter; "the sun heats the oceans"; "heat the water on the stove" (同)heat_up
- gain heat or get hot; "The room heated up quickly" (同)hot up, heat_up
- the trait of being intensely emotional (同)warmth, passion
- the sensation caused by heat energy (同)warmth
- a preliminary race in which the winner advances to a more important race
- means of maintenance of a family or group
- the unauthorized interference in a legal action by a person having no interest in it (as by helping one party with money or otherwise to continue the action) so as to obstruct justice or promote unnecessary litigation or unsettle the peace of the community; "unlike champerty, criminal maintenance does not necessarily involve personal profit" (同)criminal maintenance
- the 5th letter of the Hebrew alphabet
- marked by emotional heat; vehement; "a heated argument"
- made warm or hot (`het is a dialectal variant of `heated' (同)heated up, het, het_up
- the process of becoming warmer; a rising temperature (同)warming
- 〈U〉『熱さ』,『暑さ』,熱い状態 / 〈U〉熱度,温度 / 〈U〉(家などの)暖房装置 / 〈U〉熱心,熱烈;(物事の)最高潮《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈U〉(エネルギーとしての)熱 / 〈C〉(競技の)1回,1ラウンド / …‘を'『熱する』,暖める《+『up』+『名,』+『名』+『up』》 / …‘を'興奮させる,怒らせる《+『up』+『名,』+『名』+『up』》 / 熱くなる,暖まる《+『up』》
- (雌の)発情(in heatとして使う)・金・銭・緊迫、プレッシャー、批判、批評、警察の追跡
- (…の)維持,持続,保全,保守[管理]《+『of』+『名』》 / (…の)維持(持続)された状態《+『of』+『名』》 / 維持費,生活費
- 彼は,彼が / 《指す人の性別が分からないか,または分かる必要のない場合に》その人,あの人,自分 / 《he who(that)の形で》《文》…するものはだれでも / (動物の)おす(雄)
- 鬼ごっこ(tag,tick,tig)
- 熱せられた / 興奮した,怒った
- 加熱;暖房[装置]
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English Journal
- Inactivation of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG by fixation modifies its probiotic properties.
- Markowicz C1,2, Kubiak P2,2, Grajek W2,2, Schmidt MT2,2.
- Canadian journal of microbiology.Can J Microbiol.2016 Jan;62(1):72-82. doi: 10.1139/cjm-2015-0249. Epub 2015 Oct 28.
- Probiotics are microorganisms that have beneficial effects on the host and are safe for oral intake in a suitable dose. However, there are situations in which the administration of living microorganisms poses a risk for immunocompromised host. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influenc
- PMID 26634746
- Post-warmup strategies to maintain body temperature and physical performance in professional rugby union players.
- West DJ1, Russell M1, Bracken RM2, Cook CJ3, Giroud T4, Kilduff LP2,4.
- Journal of sports sciences.J Sports Sci.2016 Jan;34(2):110-5. doi: 10.1080/02640414.2015.1040825. Epub 2015 Apr 30.
- We compared the effects of using passive-heat maintenance, explosive activity or a combination of both strategies during the post-warmup recovery time on physical performance. After a standardised warmup, 16 professional rugby union players, in a randomised design, completed a counter-movement jump
- PMID 25925751
- Pain inhibits pain; human brainstem mechanisms.
- Youssef AM1, Macefield VG2, Henderson LA3.
- NeuroImage.Neuroimage.2016 Jan 1;124(Pt A):54-62. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2015.08.060. Epub 2015 Sep 4.
- Conditioned pain modulation is a powerful analgesic mechanism, occurring when a painful stimulus is inhibited by a second painful stimulus delivered at a different body location. Reduced conditioned pain modulation capacity is associated with the development of some chronic pain conditions and the e
- PMID 26343321
Japanese Journal
- 200℃以下のボイラー排ガスから低温廃熱回収が可能な高効率ふっ素樹脂熱交換器のご紹介:―酸露点以下まで熱回収可能―
- 石田 雅弓
- 紙パ技協誌 68(7), 757-764, 2014
- 省エネ,省電力はあらゆる工場で取り組まれている重要課題である。<BR>従来より,そのまま捨てていた低温廃熱を有効利用したいと言う要望は有るが,低温領域での廃熱は酸露点腐食,汚れ付着による伝熱管性能低下等の課題により有効に回収することは困難とされていた。潤工社では,この課題をふっ素樹脂PFA伝熱管および構造の工夫により解決した。<BR>低温領域での廃熱回収を行うにあたり要求さ …
- NAID 130004695744
- デシカント空調機を用いた冷水熱源の作成の実験的検討:家庭用燃料電池の廃熱を利用した住宅における省エネかつ快適な冷暖房方式の開発
- 金 政一,加藤 信介,朴 炳龍
- 日本建築学会環境系論文集 79(695), 99-106, 2014
- … Heat use in the residential, most of the thermal use is space heating and hot water heating. … In summer, a cooling demand is greater, the heat source of cooling should also be considered. … Regarding the efficient use of heat by cogeneration, it is a fundamental requirement. … As a device of heating and cooling heat source by using the waste heat from cogeneration, the absorption chiller has been spread. …
- NAID 130004506517
- Contributing Factors of the Heavy Rainfall Event at Amami-Oshima Island, Japan, on 20 October 2010
- TSUGUTI Hiroshige,KATO Teruyuki
- 気象集誌. 第2輯 92(2), 163-183, 2014
- … To clarify the factors underlying this event, the supply mechanism and formation process of low-level humid air and the formation and maintenance mechanisms of the precipitation systems causing the heavy rainfall were examined using observation data, objective analysis data, and numerical simulation results. … This dry air was transformed into humid air on the way to the island by receiving large latent heat flux from the sea surface (air-parcel transformation). …
- NAID 130004435280
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- 短縮熱
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- estrous、estrus、heating、hot、rewarming
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- heat、rewarming