- 関
- musculus vastus lateralis、vastus lateralis
- remarkable or out of the ordinary in degree or magnitude or effect; "a great crisis"; "had a great stake in the outcome"
- a person who has achieved distinction and honor in some field; "he is one of the greats of American music"
- of major significance or importance; "a great work of art"; "Einstein was one of the outstanding figures of the 20th centurey" (同)outstanding
- relatively large in size or number or extent; larger than others of its kind; "a great juicy steak"; "a great multitude"; "the great auk"; "a great old oak"; "a great ocean liner"; "a great delay"
- make ones way by force; "He muscled his way into the office"
- animal tissue consisting predominantly of contractile cells (同)muscular_tissue
- one of the contractile organs of the body (同)musculus
- authority or power or force (especially when used in a coercive way); "the senators used their muscle to get the party leader to resign"
- lying away from the median and sagittal plane of a body; "lateral lemniscus"
- situated at or extending to the side; "the lateral branches of a tree"; "shot out sidelong boughs"- Tennyson (同)sidelong
- comparative of the adverb `late; "he stayed later than you did"
- coming at a subsequent time or stage; "without ulterior argument"; "the mood posterior to" (同)ulterior, posterior
- (規模・範囲などが)『大きい』,巨大な / 『多数の』;『多量の』 / 『偉大な』,すぐれた;《the Great》《称号・肩書に用いて》 / (身分・地位などの)高い / 気高い,崇高な / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》重要な,重大な / 《人を表す名詞の前にのみ用いて》大の,たいへんな / 《話》すてきな,すばらしい / 《名詞的に》《the great》偉大な人たち,重要人物 / とても,すごく / とてもよく(very well) / 大物,花形
- 〈U〉(動物体の組織としての)『筋肉』,筋(きん);〈C〉(体の各部を動かす)筋肉 / 〈U〉力,(特に)筋力,腕力 / 《俗に》(…に)強引に割り込む《+『in on』(『into, through』)+『名』》
- 横の,側面の;横からの / (音声が)側音の / 側面,(道路の)側溝(そっこう) / 側音(英語の[1]など)
- 《補語にのみ用いて》(人などが)(…するのが)『もっと遅い』《+『in』+『名』(do『ing』)》 / (時刻・時期が)『もっと遅い』,もっと後の / 後で,のちほど / (lateの比較級)(定刻・予定時間・他の人(物))より遅れて,遅く
- 筋肉の,筋力のある / 力ずくの
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English Journal
- Impact of the method of exposure in total hip arthroplasty on balancing ability in response to sudden unidirectional perturbation in the first six months of the postoperative period.
- Holnapy G, Kiss RM.SourceSemmelweis University, Department of Orthopaedics, Hungary.
- Journal of electromyography and kinesiology : official journal of the International Society of Electrophysiological Kinesiology.J Electromyogr Kinesiol.2013 Feb 2. pii: S1050-6411(13)00022-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jelekin.2013.01.005. [Epub ahead of print]
- INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVE: Total hip arthroplasty affects 3-5% of the elderly population. Therefore, the effectiveness of surgery and the ensuing rehabilitation is of great significance. This study investigated balancing ability in response to sudden unidirectional perturbation changes during the f
- PMID 23384788
- The persistent challenge of parastomal herniation: A review of the literature and future developments.
- Hotouras A, Murphy J, Thaha M, Chan C.SourceAcademic Surgical Unit, Barts Health NHS Trust, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK.
- Colorectal disease : the official journal of the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland.Colorectal Dis.2013 Feb 1. doi: 10.1111/codi.12156. [Epub ahead of print]
- AIM: The aim of this review article is to outline current evidence relating to the treatment and prevention of parastomal herniation with a view to guide surgeons dealing with patients potentially affected by this complication.METHOD: Medline and PubMed databases were searched using the keywords par
- PMID 23374759
- Anatomical landmarks to avoid injury to the great auricular nerve during rhytidectomy.
- Lefkowitz T, Hazani R, Chowdhry S, Elston J, Yaremchuk MJ, Wilhelmi BJ.SourceManhattan Eye, Ear, and Throat Hospital/Lenox Hill Hospital, New York, New York, USA.
- Aesthetic surgery journal / the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic surgery.Aesthet Surg J.2013 Jan;33(1):19-23. doi: 10.1177/1090820X12469625.
- BACKGROUND: An estimated 116 086 facelifts were performed in 2011. Regardless of the technique employed, facial flap elevation carries with it anatomical pitfalls of which any surgeon performing these procedures should be aware. Injury to the great auricular nerve (GAN) is the most common of these i
- PMID 23277616
Japanese Journal
- 松山 崇弘,貞村 ゆかり,川端 隆史,籾 博晃,東元 一晃
- 日本呼吸器学会雑誌 = The journal of the Japanese Respiratory Society 48(9), 702-705, 2010-09-10
- NAID 10027677666
- Kuno-Mizumura Mayumi,Mizumura Kuno-
- 体力科學 56(1), 33, 2007-02-01
- … So the purpose of this study was to investigate the functional significance of nexibility by muscle architectural components and neural component of monosynaptic reflex during stretching. …
- NAID 110006203690
- 経皮内視鏡的胃瘻造設術による腹壁の壊死性筋膜炎の1例
- 陳 尚顯,村田 順,亀岡 信悟,CHIN Shohken,MURATA Jun,KAMEOKA Shingo
- 東京女子医科大学雑誌 76(3), 128-131, 2006-03-00
- … She was found to have an abdominal abscess with subcutaneous air on the upper and left lateral abdomen. … CT scan showed emphysema of the abdominal wall with extensive destruction of the bilateral rectus muscle and the left oblique muscle during an inflammatory process, suggesting abdominal wall necrotizing fasciitis. …
- NAID 110007525422
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Related Pictures

- 関
- lateral great muscle、musculus vastus lateralis、quadriceps femoris、quadriceps muscle、rectus femoris、vastus intermedius、vastus medialis
- 関
- lateral great muscle、vastus lateralis
- [限定]偉大な、卓越した。有名な、著明な
- [限定](規模・形の)大きな、巨大な
- (比較)(同種の中で)大きい方の、大形種の
- [限定](数量の)多い、多数[大量]の。(時間・距離の)長い
- (程度の)大きな、非常な
- [程度表示の可能な、人を表す名詞を限定して]大の、真にその名にふさわしい
- [限定]重要な。(比較)[the ~]主要な
- [限定]身分/地位の高い
- (考え・行為などが)高潔な
- [限定]好んで使われる
- 関
- a large number of、a lot of、large、large number、manifold、many、massive、multitude、numerous、sizable
- 関
- aspect、external、externally、flanking、laterale、lateralis、laterally、outer、outside、profile、side、sided、sidedness