- a small vascular growth on the surface of a mucous membrane (同)polypus
- one of two forms that coelenterates take (e.g. a hydra or coral): usually sedentary with a hollow cylindrical body usually with a ring of tentacles around the mouth; "in some species of coelenterate, polyps are a phase in the life cycle that alternates with a medusoid phase"
- of or relating to or situated in the larynx; "laryngeal infection"
- ポリプ(ヒドラ,イソギンチャクなどの生物)・ポリープ(鼻などの粘膜にできるおでき)
- 喉頭(こうとう)の;(音声が)喉頭音の
- =polytechnic
- 《話》政治家
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English Journal
- Association between odontogenic infections and unilateral sinus opacification.
- Matsumoto Y1, Ikeda T1, Yokoi H2, Kohno N1.
- Auris, nasus, larynx.Auris Nasus Larynx.2015 Aug;42(4):288-93. doi: 10.1016/j.anl.2014.12.006. Epub 2015 Jan 28.
- OBJECTIVES: Consideration of the causes of unilateral paranasal sinusitis, which frequently occurs in routine medical care and is often associated with odontogenic infection.STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective data analysis.METHODS: A review of the charts of all 190 patients treated for unilateral paranasal
- PMID 25638394
- Classification of laryngeal disorders based on shape and vascular defects of vocal folds.
- Irem Turkmen H1, Elif Karsligil M2, Kocak I3.
- Computers in biology and medicine.Comput Biol Med.2015 Jul 1;62:76-85. doi: 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2015.02.001. Epub 2015 Feb 10.
- Vocal fold disorders such as laryngitis, vocal nodules, and vocal polyps may cause hoarseness, breathing and swallowing difficulties due to vocal fold malfunction. Despite the fact that state of the art medical imaging techniques help physicians to obtain more detailed information, difficulty in dif
- PMID 25912989
- Endoscopic transnasal resection of Eustachian-tube dermoid in a new-born infant.
- Lepera D1, Volpi L2, De Bernardi F1, Shawkat SA1, Cimetti L3, Bignami M1, Castelnuovo P1.
- Auris, nasus, larynx.Auris Nasus Larynx.2015 Jun;42(3):235-40. doi: 10.1016/j.anl.2014.10.015. Epub 2015 Jan 9.
- INTRODUCTION: Dermoids of the Eustachian tube are rare benign developmental tumours that typically occur in female children. General consensus of classification and nomenclature has still not been reached. The treatment of choice consists of a radical surgical excision. Several approaches have been
- PMID 25582821
Japanese Journal
- 楠 威志,文珠 敏郎,池田 勝久
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床 106(5), 455-461, 2013
- … Eight cases with vocal fold nodules, 6 cases with vocal fold polyps and 6 cases with laryngeal granulomas underwent our method of voice training. … In 5 of 6 cases with vocal fold polyps and 3 of 6 cases with laryngeal granulomas, reduction or disappearance was seen. … These results suggested that our method of voice training could be useful for some cases of vocal fold polyps and laryngeal granulomas, in addition to vocal fold nodules. …
- NAID 130003374067
- 平野 滋,楯谷 一郎,大野 覚,児嶋 剛
- 喉頭 = The Larynx Japan 22(2), 57-60, 2010-12-01
- … Angiolytic lasing utilizing the KTP⁄green laser has become a popular means to treat various laryngeal lesions. … This laser has proven useful in treating hemangioma, microvascular lesions, hemorrhagic polyp as well as recurrent papillomatosis, dysplasia, and CIS on the vocal folds. …
- NAID 10027844307
- 堀 真也,金子 賢一,金井 理絵 [他],窪 誠太
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床 100(1), 57-60, 2007-01-01
- … A rare case of large vocal cord polyp causing dyspnea is reported. … Laryngeal endoscopy showed a large mass located between the vocal cords, which moved up and down in accordance with breathing. … The histopathological findings indicated a diagnosis of vocal cord polyp. … We consider that tracheostomy is the safest and most useful procedure to guarantee the upper airway in cases of large vocal cord polyp showing dyspnea. …
- NAID 10018715297
Related Links
- laryngeal polyp Etymology: Gk, larynx + poly, many, pous, foot a polyp on the vocal cords that causes hoarseness, resulting from vocal abuse or smoking. laryngeal pertaining to the larynx. laryngeal adductory reflex, adduction test ...
- Laryngeal polyp information including symptoms, causes, diseases, symptoms, treatments, and other medical and health issues. ... Introduction: Laryngeal polyp Description of Laryngeal polyp Laryngeal polyp: Related Topics These ...
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- 英
- laryngeal polyp
- 同
- 声帯ポリープ vocal cord polyp ← 国試ではこちらが使われるが、耳鼻喉頭科学では喉頭ポリープが使われている。意味は同じ、らしい。
- 関
- 喉頭
- 声帯縁に好発する広基性/有茎性の浮腫性腫瘤。(SOTO.538)
- 表面平滑で、周囲の粘膜と比して色調差が認められる。(SOTO.538)
- 声帯の前方1/3に好発。一側性が多いが、両側性もありうる。
- 声の乱用(声を使う職業など)、喫煙、局所の急性炎症
- 保存的治療:(軽度病変)発声指導(沈黙療法)
- 手術療法 :(高度病変、明らかな腫瘤形成)顕微鏡下手術
- 関
- multi
- 関
- larynx