- a sullen moody resentful disposition (同)sullenness, moroseness, sourness
- a feeling of sulky resentment (同)huffishness
- group of people related by blood or marriage (同)kin group, kinship group, kindred, clan, tribe
- a person having kinship with another or others; "hes kin"; "hes family" (同)kinsperson, family
- 雌牛(cows);牛(cattle)
- すねていること,不きげん,仏頂づら
- 急に動くこと,けいれんすること / 愚かなこと
- 《古・話》《複数扱い》親族,親類 / 〈U〉(…との)親類関係《+『to』+『名』》 / (…にとって)親類で,血族で;(…の)同類で《+『to』+『名』》
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2012/03/21 02:59:12」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Kine may refer to:
- An archaic plural for Robin
- Kine or Miko, Greek-English prefix referring to motion
- A pestle used with the Japanese usu
- A helper character from the Kirby video game series
- A vampire's term for "human" in World of Darkness and The Dresden Files
- Da kine, Hawaiian Pidgin for "excellent" or "whatcha' call it"
- The first book of the The Kine Saga trilogy, later republished as Marshworld
- Abbreviation of Kinescope, which is the recording of a television program by filming the picture from a video monitor.
English Journal
- Differential protein biomarker expression and their time-course in patients with a spectrum of stable and unstable coronary syndromes in the Integrated Biomarker and Imaging Study-1 (IBIS-1).
- Wykrzykowska JJ, Garcia-Garcia HM, Goedhart D, Zalewski A, Serruys PW.SourceInterventional Cardiology, Thoraxcentrum, Erasmus MC, 's Gravendijkwal 230 Ba 583, 3015 CE Rotterdam, Netherlands.
- International journal of cardiology.Int J Cardiol.2011 May 19;149(1):10-6. Epub 2010 Jan 12.
- OBJECTIVES: IBIS-1 was a pilot study undertaken to correlate coronary imaging with circulating biomarker expression in patients with stable angina, unstable angina and acute myocardial infarction. We hypothesized that patients at high risk of future events could be identified in the future by a comb
- PMID 20060182
- Circulating endothelial progenitor cells and erectile dysfunction: possibility of nutritional intervention?
- Ichim TE, Zhong Z, Mikirova NA, Jackson JA, Hunninghake R, Mansilla E, Marin G, Nunez L, Patel AN, Angle N, Murphy MP, Dasanu CA, Alexandrescu DT, Bogin V, Riordan NH.SourceDepartment of Urology, Medistem Inc, San Diego, CA 92121, USA. thomas.ichim@gmail.com
- Panminerva medica.Panminerva Med.2010 Jun;52(2 Suppl 1):75-80.
- To provide an overview of molecular and cellular processes involved in erectile dysfunction (ED) with emphasis on circulating endothelial progenitor cells (EPC) and discuss possible nutraceutical means of intervention. A review of literature on Pubmed related to EPC and ED was conducted. Patients wi
- PMID 20657539
Japanese Journal
- The Study on the Behavior under Dynamic and Static Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Core Wall-Perimeter Steel Frame Hybrid Structure, Part II
- Li Wei,Kawano Akihiko,Sakino Kenji,Nakahara Hiroyuki,李 維,河野 昭彦,崎野 健治,中原 浩之,カワノ アキヒコ,サキノ ケンジ,ナカハラ ヒロユキ
- 都市・建築学研究 (15), 111-119, 2009-01-15
- … We have compared the storey drift angle(SDA) between IDA(ten different intensities, PGV from 10kine to 100kine) and static pushover analysis to estimate more thoroughly structural performance with plastic development; …
- NAID 120002816341
- Application of MEMS accelerometer to geophysics
- AIZAWA Takao,KIMURA Toshinori,MATSUOKA Toshifumi,TAKEDA Tetsuya,ASANO Youichi
- International Journal of the JCRM 4(2), 33-36, 2008-12
- … The noise level of the MEMS 3-C accelerometer in natural earthquake observation was about 10-4kine (cm/s), and the useable frequency band extends to below 1Hz. …
- NAID 120001587276
Related Links
- Hawaiian 105 KINE...The Hawaiian Music Station, Playing the Best MIX of Yesterday & Today With 50 Minutes of Music Every Hour That Means the Mos.
Related Pictures

- 英
- action, behavior, bodily movement, kine, motion, movement, performance
- 関
- kinetosome
- 関
- chemokinesis
- 関
- brother、cousin