internal genitalia



  1. work as an intern; "The young doctor is interning at the Medical Center this year"
  2. an advanced student or graduate in medicine gaining supervised practical experience (`houseman is a British term) (同)interne, houseman, medical intern
  3. deprive of freedom; "During WW II, Japanese were interned in camps in the West"
  4. happening or arising or located within some limits or especially surface; "internal organs"; "internal mechanism of a toy"; "internal party maneuvering"
  5. occurring within an institution or community; "intragroup squabbling within the corporation" (同)intragroup
  6. of or relating to the external sex organs; "genital herpes"; "venereal disease" (同)venereal
  7. external sex organ (同)genital_organ, genitals, private_parts, privates, crotch


  1. (特に戦時中)〈人・船など〉‘を'強制収容する,抑留する
  2. 『内側の』,内部にある / 『国内の』(domestic) / 内からとる,内用の
  3. 生殖の,生殖器の
  4. =genitals

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English Journal

  • Genetic of gonadal determination.
  • Morel Y1, Roucher F2, Mallet D2, Plotton I2.
  • Annales d'endocrinologie.Ann Endocrinol (Paris).2014 Apr 29. pii: S0003-4266(14)00039-0. doi: 10.1016/j.ando.2014.04.005. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Fetal sexual differentiation results from complex subsequent intracellular signaling and hormonal events that interact together in a definite timing. This process contributes to the setting of gonad determination, internal and external genitalia resulting in a female or male phenotype. Here, we revi
  • PMID 24793987
  • Characterization of a novel CYP19A1 (aromatase) R192H mutation causing virilization of a 46,XX newborn, undervirilization of the 46,XY brother, but no virilization of the mother during pregnancies.
  • Bouchoucha N1, Samara-Boustani D2, Pandey AV1, Bony-Trifunovic H3, Hofer G1, Aigrain Y4, Polak M2, Flück CE5.
  • Molecular and cellular endocrinology.Mol Cell Endocrinol.2014 Apr 4;390(1-2):8-17. doi: 10.1016/j.mce.2014.03.008. [Epub ahead of print]
  • BACKGROUND: P450 aromatase (CYP19A1) is essential for the biosynthesis of estrogens from androgen precursors. Mutations in the coding region of CYP19A1 lead to autosomal recessive aromatase deficiency. To date over 20 subjects have been reported with aromatase deficiency which may manifest during fe
  • PMID 24705274
  • Testicular migration chronology: do the right and the left testes migrate at the same time? Analysis of 164 human fetuses.
  • Favorito LA1, Sampaio FJ.
  • BJU international.BJU Int.2014 Apr;113(4):650-3. doi: 10.1111/bju.12574.
  • OBJECTIVE: To determine if the right and the left testes migrate at the same time during the human fetal period.SUBJECTS AND METHODS: We studied 164 human fetuses (328 testes) ranging in age from 12 to 35 weeks post-conception. The fetuses were carefully dissected with the aid of a stereoscopic lens
  • PMID 24238431

Japanese Journal

  • Activity of male internal genitalia and breeding season in the lesser Japanese mole, Mogera imaizumii, inferred from morphometric and histological analyses
  • A systematic study of the grashopper tribe Podismini in Japan (Orthoptera:Acrididae)
  • Insecta matsumurana. Series entomology : Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture Hokkaido University;New Series 71, 1-119, 2015-11
  • NAID 120005672376
  • 性の分化とその異常




internal genitalia, internal genital organ




  • adj.
  • 生殖の、性器の、生殖器の、陰部の


  • genital herpes 性器ヘルペス
accessory sex organgenerativegenital organgenital tractgenitaliagenitaliumreproductionreproductivereproductive organsexual organ




  • adj.
  • 内部の、内の、体内の、内的な
endoin vivointeriorinternallyintra




  • n.