- 関
- a priori、congenital、congenitally
- present at birth but not necessarily hereditary; acquired during fetal development (同)inborn, innate
- 生まれつきの,先天的な
- (病気・身体的欠陥など)生まれつきの,先天的な
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English Journal
- Death or survival with major morbidity in VLBW infants born at Brazilian neonatal research network centers.
- Guinsburg R1, de Almeida MF1, de Castro JS1, Silveira RC2, Caldas JP3, Fiori HH4, Vale MS5, Abdallah VO6, Cardoso LE7, Alves Filho N8, Moreira ME9, Acquesta AL10, Ferrari LS11, Bentlin MR12, Venzon PS13, Gonçalves Ferri WA14, Meneses Jdo A15, Diniz EM16, Zanardi DM17, Dos Santos CN18, Bandeira Duarte JL19, Rego MA20.
- The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine : the official journal of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Federation of Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies, the International Society of Perinatal Obstetricians.J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med.2016 Mar;29(6):1005-9. doi: 10.3109/14767058.2015.1031740. Epub 2015 Apr 2.
- OBJECTIVE: To analyze unfavorable outcomes at hospital discharge of preterm infants born at Brazilian public university centers.METHODS: Prospective cohort of 2646 inborn infants with gestational age 23-33 weeks and birth weight 400-1499 g, without malformations, born at 20 centers in 2012-2013. U
- PMID 25812674
- Decreased hazard of necrotizing enterocolitis in preterm neonates receiving red cell transfusions.
- Sood BG1,2, Rambhatla A2, Thomas R2, Chen X3.
- The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine : the official journal of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Federation of Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies, the International Society of Perinatal Obstetricians.J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med.2016 Mar;29(5):737-44. doi: 10.3109/14767058.2015.1016422. Epub 2015 Mar 3.
- BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Many observational studies reporting a temporal association between red cell transfusions (RBCTs) and necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) in preterm infants fail to take into account RBCTs in infants without NEC. The objective of this study was to investigate the association b
- PMID 25731658
- Homo imitans? Seven reasons why imitation couldn't possibly be associative.
- Heyes C1.
- Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences.Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci.2016 Jan 19;371(1686). pii: 20150069. doi: 10.1098/rstb.2015.0069.
- Many comparative and developmental psychologists believe that we are Homo imitans; humans are more skilled and prolific imitators than other animals, because we have a special, inborn 'intermodal matching' mechanism that integrates representations of others with representations of the self. In contr
- PMID 26644604
Japanese Journal
- Metabolic Survey of Hidden Inherited Metabolic Diseases in Children With Apparent Life-Threatening Event(ALTE)or Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy(SUDI)by Analyses of Organic Acids and Acylcarnitines Using Mass Spectrometries
- 思春期のメンタルヘルスと心身症(<特集>現代の若者のメンタルヘルス)
- iPS細胞研究最前線 : 疾患モデルから臓器再生まで(Vol.21)ヒトES細胞を用いた先天性代謝異常症に対する再生医療
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- Inborn definition, naturally present at birth; innate. See more. Thesaurus Translate Puzzles & Games Reference Word of the Day Blog Slideshows Apps by Dictionary My Account Log Out Log In follow Dictionary.com Dictionary ...
- inbornとは。意味や和訳。[形]持って生まれた,生まれつきの,生得の,天性の,先天的な,先天性の.[古英語inboren] - goo英和辞書は14万項目以上を収録し、発音、音声、慣用句、例文が分かる英和辞書です。
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- 演繹的な、経験的な、先天的に、先験的に、経験的に、演繹的に
- 関
- congenital、congenitally、deductive、empiric、empirical、empirically、experimental、inborn
- 英
- congenital、inborn、congenitally、a priori
- 関
- 経験的、先験的、先天、先天性、演繹的
- 関
- a priori、congenita、congenital、inborn