- 演繹的な、経験的な、先天的に、先験的に、経験的に、演繹的に
- 関
- congenital、congenitally、deductive、empiric、empirical、empirically、experimental、inborn
- present at birth but not necessarily hereditary; acquired during fetal development (同)inborn, innate
- relating to or based on experiment; "experimental physics"
- relying on observation or experiment; "experimental results that supported the hypothesis" (同)data-based, observational
- of the nature of or undergoing an experiment; "an experimental drug"
- derived from experiment and observation rather than theory; "an empirical basis for an ethical theory"; "empirical laws"; "empirical data"; "an empirical treatment of a disease about which little is known" (同)empiric
- relating to logical deduction; "deductive reasoning"
- involving inferences from general principles
- in an empirical manner; "this can be empirically tested" (同)through empirical observation, by trial and error
- relying on medical quackery; "empiric treatment" (同)empirical
- the head of a religious order; in an abbey the prior is next below the abbot
- the 1st letter of the Roman alphabet (同)a
- the blood group whose red cells carry the A antigen (同)type_A, group A
- a public promotion of some product or service (同)advertisement, advertizement, advertising, advertizing, advert
- (病気・身体的欠陥など)生まれつきの,先天的な
- 実験の,実験に基づく: / 実験に使われる,実験用の / 実験的な,試験的な
- 経験を基礎とする,実験に基づいた
- 演繹(えんえき)的な,推論的な
- (…と)『同じくらい』,『同様に』 / 《比較》『…ほど』,『…くらい』,…ように / 《様態・程度》『…のように』,…と同じように / 《時》『…のときに』(when);…の間に,…するうちに(while) / 《話》《原因・理由》『…だから』,…なので / 《譲歩》《文》…だけれども(though) / 《先行する名詞の内容を制限して》『…のような』 / 《先行の,または後続の節の内容を受けて》『それは…だが』,…のように / 《役割・資格・機能などを表して》『…として』 / 《seem,appear,consider,pass,regard,treat,know,think of などの動詞の後で補語の働きをする語の前に置いて》…と[して] / 《前置詞・形容詞・分詞などの前に置いてその意味を限定して》…として[の],…とみなして,…と考えて / たとえば(for instance)
- (時間・順序が)『前の』先の;(重要さが)優先する
- 小修道院長;(時に)修道院の副院長(abbotの次に位する)
- answer / ampere
- 《話》広告(advertisementの略)
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/12/15 09:46:47」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Look up a priori in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
A priori may refer to:
- A priori knowledge, that is justified by arguments of a certain kind
- A priori (languages), a type of constructed language
- A priori estimate, an estimate for the size of a solution of a differential equation
- A priori probability, that is derived by deductive reasoning
- Apriori algorithm, an algorithm for learning association rules
See also
- A priori and a posteriori
- Priory, a monastery headed by a prior or prioress
- A posteriori (disambiguation)
- Ex-ante
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English Journal
- Discovering networks altered by potential threat ("anxiety") using quadratic discriminant analysis.
- McMenamin BW1, Pessoa L2.
- NeuroImage.Neuroimage.2015 Aug 1;116:1-9. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2015.05.002. Epub 2015 May 10.
- Researchers have only recently begun using functional neuroimaging to explore the human response to periods of sustained anxious anticipation, namely potential threat. Here, we investigated brain responses acquired with functional MRI during an instructed threat of shock paradigm used to create sust
- PMID 25969398
- The association of gray matter volumes in the frontoparietal attention network with temperamental effortful control in young adults: A voxel-based morphometry study.
- Zhang W1, Li H2, Chen J3, Liu Q3, Liu X4, Wang D4, Shen J4.
- Psychiatry research.Psychiatry Res.2015 Jul 30;233(1):43-9. doi: 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2015.04.009. Epub 2015 May 6.
- Structural MRI studies have identified a link between cortical maturation and temperamental effortful control (EC), which is a trait-like risk factor for psychopathology during adolescence. However, little research has explored the underlying neural basis of EC in adults. We aimed to examine the rel
- PMID 26003305
- Independent evidence for an association between general cognitive ability and a genetic locus for educational attainment.
- Trampush JW1,2,3, Lencz T1,2,3, Knowles E4, Davies G5,6, Guha S1, Pe'er I7,8, Liewald DC5, Starr JM5,9, Djurovic S10,11, Melle I10,11,12, Sundet K10,12, Christoforou A13,14, Reinvang I15, Mukherjee S1,2, DeRosse P1,2, Lundervold A16,17,18, Steen VM13,14, John M1,2, Espeseth T15,19, Räikkönen K20, Widen E21, Palotie A21,22,23, Eriksson JG24,25,26,27,28, Giegling I29, Konte B29, Ikeda M30, Roussos P31, Giakoumaki S32, Burdick KE31, Payton A33, Ollier W33, Horan M34, Scult M35, Dickinson D36, Straub RE36,37, Donohoe G38, Morris D38, Corvin A38, Gill M38, Hariri A35, Weinberger DR36,37, Pendleton N39, Iwata N30, Darvasi A40, Bitsios P41, Rujescu D29, Lahti J20,42, Le Hellard S13,14, Keller MC43, Andreassen OA10,11,12, Deary IJ5,6, Glahn DC4, Malhotra AK1,2,3.
- American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics.Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet.2015 Jul;168(5):363-73. doi: 10.1002/ajmg.b.32319. Epub 2015 May 7.
- Cognitive deficits and reduced educational achievement are common in psychiatric illness; understanding the genetic basis of cognitive and educational deficits may be informative about the etiology of psychiatric disorders. A recent, large genome-wide association study (GWAS) reported a genome-wide
- PMID 25951819
Japanese Journal
- 『風の谷のナウシカ』前史の生命環境倫理学 ─ 現実と虚構のあいだで〈進化史的アプリオリ〉を考える ─
- 『風の谷のナウシカ』前史の生命環境倫理学 : 現実と虚構のあいだで〈進化史的アプリオリ〉を考える
- 横地 徳広
- 人文社会科学論叢 = Studies in the humanities and social sciences (7), 332-315, 2019-08
- NAID 40022022439
- Extension of unsaturated soil mechanics and its applications
- Iizuka Atsushi,Tachibana Shinya,Takeyama Tomohide,Sugiyama Yuri,Nomura Shun,Ohta Hideki
- Geotechnical Research, 1800004, 2019-05-07
- … The governing equations of two seepage problems describing the movements of pore water and pore air are formulated by a priori introduction of Darcy's law. …
- NAID 120006708254
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- 関
- a priori、empiric、empirical、empirically、experiment、experimentally
- 英
- empirical、empiric、experimental、a priori、empirically、a priori
- 関
- 実験、実験的、先験的、先天的、演繹的、実験上、実験用
- 経験的な。経験のみにたよる、観察のみにたよる。経験によって立証できる、
- 関
- a priori、empiric、empirically、experimental
- 英
- congenital、inborn、congenitally、a priori
- 関
- 経験的、先験的、先天、先天性、演繹的
- 英
- deductive、a priori、a priori
- 関
- 経験的、先験的、先天的、演繹法
- 関
- anterior、before、fore、former、pre、preference、priority