- establish a conditioned response
- the state of (good) health (especially in the phrases `in condition or `in shape or `out of condition or `out of shape' (同)shape
- a state at a particular time; "a condition (or state) of disrepair"; "the current status of the arms negotiations" (同)status
- a mode of being or form of existence of a person or thing; "the human condition"
- an illness, disease, or other medical problem; "a heart condition"; "a skin condition"
- apply conditioner to in order to make smooth and shiny; "I condition my hair after washing it"
- put into a better state; "he conditions old cars"
- the procedure that is varied in order to estimate a variables effect by comparison with a control condition (同)experimental_condition
- an assumption on which rests the validity or effect of something else (同)precondition, stipulation
- (usually plural) a statement of what is required as part of an agreement; "the contract set out the conditions of the lease"; "the terms of the treaty were generous" (同)term
- established by conditioning or learning; "a conditioned response" (同)learned
- physically fit; "exercised daily to keep herself in condition" (同)in condition
- the prevailing context that influences the performance or the outcome of a process; "there were wide variations in the conditions of observation"
- the set of circumstances that affect someones welfare; "hazardous working conditions"; "harsh living conditions"
- a learning process in which an organisms behavior becomes dependent on the occurrence of a stimulus in its environment
- 〈U〉(事物の)『状態』;(人の)健康状態 / 〈C〉《通例複数形で》(周囲の)『状況』,事情,形勢 / 〈C〉(…の)条件,必要条件《+『of』(『for』)+『名』》;(条件を示す)条項 / 〈C〉(社会的)地位,身分,境遇 / 〈C〉(慢性の)病気,症状 / (…に備えて)〈体など〉'を'『適当な状態にする』,‘の'調子を整える《+『名』+『for』+『名』》 / 〈物事が〉…‘の'条件となる,…を左右する,決定する / 〈人・動物など〉'を'慣らす,適応させる
- 条件つきの / (体など)調子を整えた
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English Journal
- Enhanced erythroid cell differentiation in hypoxic condition is in part contributed by miR-210.
- Sarakul O, Vattanaviboon P, Tanaka Y, Fucharoen S, Abe Y, Svasti S, Umemura T.SourceDepartment of Clinical Microscopy, Faculty of Medical Technology, Mahidol University, Bangkok 10700, Thailand; Thalassemia Research Center, Institute of Molecular Biosciences, Mahidol University, Nakhon Pathom 73170, Thailand.
- Blood cells, molecules & diseases.Blood Cells Mol Dis.2013 Aug;51(2):98-103. doi: 10.1016/j.bcmd.2013.03.005. Epub 2013 Apr 24.
- Erythropoiesis, a process of erythroid production, is controlled by several factors including oxygen level. In this study, the effect of oxygen tension on erythropoiesis was investigated in K562 erythroleukemic cell line and erythroid progenitor cells derived from normal and β-thalassemia/hemoglobi
- PMID 23623309
- Protective and survival efficacies of Rv0160c protein in murine model of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
- Singh SK, Tripathi DK, Singh PK, Sharma S, Srivastava KK.SourceDivision of Microbiology, CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow, 226001, India.
- Applied microbiology and biotechnology.Appl Microbiol Biotechnol.2013 Jul;97(13):5825-37. doi: 10.1007/s00253-012-4493-2. Epub 2012 Oct 27.
- The proline-glutamic acid (PE) and proline-proline-glutamic acid (PPE) multi-gene families code for approximately 10 % of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) genome. These proteins are thought to be virulence factors that participate in impounding the host immune responses. While some members have
- PMID 23104642
- Hypoxaemia affects male reproduction: a case study of how to differentiate between primary and secondary hypoxic testicular toxicity due to chemical exposure.
- Bomhard EM, Gelbke HP.SourceREACh ChemConsult GmbH Dresden, Dresden, Germany, ernst.bomhard@t-online.de.
- Archives of toxicology.Arch Toxicol.2013 Jul;87(7):1201-18. doi: 10.1007/s00204-013-1024-6. Epub 2013 Feb 21.
- Classification for fertility is based on two conditions, namely on evidence of an adverse effect on sexual function and fertility and that the effect is not secondary to other toxic effects. To decide on an adverse effect is a relatively simple day-to-day decision in toxicology but whether this effe
- PMID 23430139
Japanese Journal
- 断続的な貧酸素曝露がアサリの栄養状態および貧酸素耐性に与える影響 (アサリ特集号)
- Conjugated Linoleic Acids Inhibit Hypoxia Inducible Factor-1α Stabilization under Hypoxic Condition in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells
- Yamasaki Masao,Nagatomo Taku,Matsuyama Tetsuya [他]
- Journal of Oleo Science 61(9), 491-496, 2012-09-00
- NAID 40019384593
- 異なるレベルの低酸素環境における小筋群のレジスタンス運動に対するホルモン応答
- 黒部 一道,黄 忠,西脇 雅人 [他],山本 正嘉,金久 博昭,荻田 太
- 日本運動生理学雑誌 19(2), 87-94, 2012-07-20
- … 2) exercise in hypoxic conditions corresponding to 3000m above sea level (H1); … N, H1, and H2 performed 3 sets of exhaustive arm curl exercise at the workload of 8 repetition maximum in each condition, and C just kept rest in the condition. … These results suggest that GH and cortisol were increased in a hypoxic conditions corresponding to 5000m above sea level compared to normal conditions, but not in 〜3000m above sea level. …
- NAID 110009479355
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- hypoxic condition
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- 低酸素状態
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- aspect、circumstance、circumstantial、context、position、situation、situational、state、status
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- acclimation、acclimatisation、acclimatization、domestication
- 関
- hypoxia