English Journal
- Povidone iodine: features of critical systemic absorption.
- Lakhal K, Faidherbe J, Choukhi R, Boissier E, Capdevila X.SourceRéanimation polyvalente, service d'anesthésie-réanimation A, hôpital Lapeyronie, centre hospitalier universitaire, 375, avenue du Doyen-Gaston-Giraud, 34295 Montpellier cedex 5, France. lakhal_karim@yahoo.fr
- Annales françaises d'anesthèsie et de rèanimation.Ann Fr Anesth Reanim.2011 Jul-Aug;30(7-8):e1-3. Epub 2011 Jun 15.
- Povidone iodine (PI), a skin antiseptic, is sometimes used internally but this procedure exposes to potentially lethal iodine absorption. Indeed, a 41-year-old woman, with no relevant medical history, developed a transient hypotension, anuric renal failure, hemolysis, coagulopathy and uterine infarc
- PMID 21680134
- [Transcervical endoscopic surgery: an update].
- Koizumi M, Hiroi H, Momoeda M.SourceObstetrics and Gynecology, University of Tokyo.
- Nihon rinsho. Japanese journal of clinical medicine.Nihon Rinsho.2010 Jul;68(7):1324-7.
- Hysteroscopic surgery is considered to be a minimally-invasive procedure. This technique is associated with a shorter hospital stay and a rapid recovery time. At present, with the development of operative technique and instrumention, hysteroscopic surgery is widely performed to disease of endometria
- PMID 20662214
Japanese Journal
- 内視鏡治療の進歩 産科婦人科領域(経膣的治療) (特集 内視鏡・内視鏡外科治療最前線--低侵襲治療の進歩)
- 腹腔鏡下に施行した卵管色素通水検査が卵管妊娠の診断に寄与した一例
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- hydrotubation hy·dro·tu·ba·tion (hī'drō-tōō-bā'shən, -tyōō-) n. The injection of liquid medication or saline solution through the cervix into the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes for therapeutic purposes.
- hydrotubation /hy·dro·tu·ba·tion/ (hi″dro-too-ba´shun) introduction into the uterine tube of hydrocortisone in saline solution followed by chymotrypsin in saline solution to maintain its patency. hy·dro·tu·ba·tion (hī′drō-tōō-bā′shən) n. The ...
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- 英
- uterine tube (Z), oviduct
- ラ
- tuba uterina
- 同
- ファロピウス管 Fallopian管 Fallopian tube、輸卵管、ラッパ管
- 関
- 子宮
- 卵巣から排卵された卵子を子宮に運ぶ環状臓器
- 長さ約10cm、太さ約8mm、1対の管。
- 外性器:外陰唇、内陰唇、陰核
- 内性器:子宮、付属器、膣
- HIS.400
- 3層からなる
- 粘膜上皮:単層円柱上皮。ヒダを有する。分泌細胞と線毛細胞からなる。
- 1. 分泌細胞:(=無線毛細胞、小桿細胞)。この細胞の分泌液は精子に栄養を与え保護する。また、精子の受精能獲得にも関与しているといわれているが、不明。受精卵への栄養を与えることもある
- 2. 線毛細胞:分泌液、受精卵を子宮に向かわせるような方向に運動する。
Henry Gray (1825-1861). Anatomy of the Human Body. 1918.
- 英
- hydrotubation
- 同
- 卵管通水法