- 関
- hilus hepatis、porta hepatis
- turn or go to the port or left side, of a ship; "The big ship was slowly porting"
- an opening (in a wall or ship or armored vehicle) for firing through (同)embrasure, porthole
- sweet dark-red dessert wine originally from Portugal (同)port wine
- a place (seaport or airport) where people and merchandise can enter or leave a country
- located on the left side of a ship or aircraft (同)larboard
- bring to port; "the captain ported the ship at night"
- carry or hold with both hands diagonally across the body, especially of weapons; "port a rifle"
- carry, bear, convey, or bring; "The small canoe could be ported easily"
- drink port; "We were porting all in the club after dinner"
- land at or reach a port; "The ship finally ported"
- modify (software) for use on a different machine or platform
- put or turn on the left side, of a ship; "port the helm"
- the approximate amount of something (usually used prepositionally as in `in the region of' (同)neighborhood
- the extended spatial location of something; "the farming regions of France"; "religions in all parts of the world"; "regions of outer space" (同)part
- a knowledge domain that you are interested in or are communicating about; "it was a limited realm of discourse"; "here we enter the region of opinion"; "the realm of the occult" (同)realm
- a large indefinite location on the surface of the Earth; "penguins inhabit the polar regions"
- a grand and imposing entrance (often extended metaphorically); "the portals of the cathedral"; "the portals of heaven"; "the portals of success"
- pertaining to or affecting the liver; "hepatic ducts"; "hepatic cirrhosis"
- 〈C〉〈U〉『港』 / 〈C〉『港町』,『港市』
- (船の)左舷(さげん);(飛行機の)(機首に向かって)左側 / 左舷の,左側の / 〈かじなど〉‘を'左舷に向ける
- =porthole / (船の)荷役口 / (装甲車・城壁などの)銃眼,砲門
- ポートワイン(ポルトガル原産の甘口のぶどう酒で深紅色)
- 控え銃(つつ)の姿勢(銃をからだの正面に斜めに保持し先端が左肩の近くにくる) / 〈銃など〉‘を'控え銃にする
- (地理的な)『地域』,『地帯』;(特に広大な)地方 / 《複数形で》(宇宙などの)区分,界,属 / (身体の)部分 / (学問などの)分野,領域 / 《複数形で》(都会から離れた)地方
- 〈C〉(堂々とした)門,入り口 / 《複数形》《文》(大きな建物の)正門,表玄関 / 《複数形》《文》(…の)発端《+『of』+『名』》
- 肝臓の;肝臓にきく,肝臓のような色の
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English Journal
- Heterotopic Auxiliary Rat Liver Transplantation With Flow-regulated Portal Vein Arterialization in Acute Hepatic Failure.
- Schleimer K1, Kalder J2, Grommes J2, Jalaie H2, Tawadros S2, Greiner A2, Jacobs M2, Kokozidou M2.
- Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE.J Vis Exp.2014 Sep 13;(91). doi: 10.3791/51115.
- In acute hepatic failure auxiliary liver transplantation is an interesting alternative approach. The aim is to provide a temporary support until the failing native liver has regenerated.(1-3) The APOLT-method, the orthotopic implantation of auxiliary segments- averts most of the technical problems.
- PMID 25285729
- Evaluation of graft stiffness using acoustic radiation force impulse imaging after living donor liver transplantation.
- Ijichi H1, Shirabe K, Matsumoto Y, Yoshizumi T, Ikegami T, Kayashima H, Morita K, Toshima T, Mano Y, Maehara Y.
- Clinical transplantation.Clin Transplant.2014 Sep 9. doi: 10.1111/ctr.12457. [Epub ahead of print]
- Acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI) imaging is an ultrasound-based modality to evaluate tissue stiffness using short-duration acoustic pulses in the region of interest. Virtual touch tissue quantification (VTTQ), which is an implementation of ARFI, allows quantitative assessment of tissue stiffn
- PMID 25203425
- Evaluation of the use of common sculpin (Myoxocephalus scorpius) organ histology as bioindicator for element exposure in the fjord of the mining area Maarmorilik, West Greenland.
- Sonne C1, Bach L2, Søndergaard J2, Rigét FF2, Dietz R2, Mosbech A2, Leifsson PS3, Gustavson K2.
- Environmental research.Environ Res.2014 Aug;133:304-11. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2014.05.031. Epub 2014 Jul 1.
- The former Black Angel lead-zinc mine in Maarmorilik, West Greenland, is a historic example of how mining activity may result in a significant impact on the surrounding fjord system in terms of elevated concentrations of especially lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn) in seawater, sediments and surrounding biota
- PMID 24991745
Japanese Journal
- 坂口 達馬,海堀 昌樹,石崎 守彦,松井 康輔,松島 英之,沖田 美香,長尾 泰孝,權 雅憲
- 肝臓 53(9), 570-574, 2012-09-25
- 肝動脈瘤は,画像診断の進歩により発見例が増加している.破裂例は致死率が高く,未破裂例の取り扱いが問題になる.今回,肝内側副血行路上に発生した仮性動脈瘤の1例を経験した.症例は67歳,男性.38歳時,胆嚢摘出術の既往あり.45歳時よりHCV抗体陽性のため近医で経過観察中であったが,USで肝腫瘤を指摘され当科紹介された.Dynamic CTで肝門部に接し動脈と等濃度で造影される結節像を認め,肝動脈瘤と …
- NAID 10031039200
- 胃管での経管栄養を施行中に, 胃壁内気腫を伴う門脈気腫症を発症した血液透析患者の1例
- 西田 佳奈子,浦 佳莉子,池田 裕史,松浦 秀司,吉本 剛志,原田 直彦,鶴屋 和彦,中山 勝
- 日本透析医学会雑誌 = Journal of Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy 45(8), 651-656, 2012-08-28
- 症例は78歳,男性.膜性腎症による慢性腎不全に対して加療中であった.平成22年5月心不全,腎不全の急性増悪のため緊急入院し,その後,血液透析を導入.2回にわたり人工呼吸器管理を要し,抜管後より嚥下機能障害を認めていたため,経鼻胃管での栄養を行っていた.入院6か月目,全身状態が安定した後に,それまで基準値内だった肝胆道系酵素の上昇がみられた.明らかな自覚症状はなく,バイタルサインにも著変はみられなか …
- NAID 10031064043
- 臨床報告 肝門部圧排をきたしたアメーバ肝膿瘍の1例
Related Links
- Previous studies indicate that the hepatic portal region is innervated by afferent nerves that detect substrates and hormones in the circulation. For example, it has been shown that changes in plasma glucose and glucagon are ...
- A wide range of evidence points to a role for GLP-1 to regulate food intake. Anorectic effects of GLP-1 are most apparent when the peptide is administered direc
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- 英
- hepatic portal region、porta hepatis、hilus hepatis
- 関
- hepatic portal region、porta hepatis
- 関
- hepatic portal region、hilus hepatis
- 関
- area、district、division、domain、local、moiety、part、partial、piece、portion、realm、regional、segment、segmental、territory、universe
- 関
- gateway
- 関
- hepato、hepatogenic、liver
- 関
- portal vein