- 関
- variable
- smooth and unconstrained in movement; "a long, smooth stride"; "the fluid motion of a cat"; "the liquid grace of a ballerina" (同)fluid, liquid, smooth
- liable to or capable of change; "rainfall in the tropics is notoriously variable"; "variable winds"; "variable expenses"
- a quantity that can assume any of a set of values (同)variable quantity
- a symbol (like x or y) that is used in mathematical or logical expressions to represent a variable quantity
- something that is likely to vary; something that is subject to variation; "the weather is one variable to be considered"
- (used of a device) designed so that a property (as e.g. light) can be varied; "a variable capacitor"; "variable filters in front of the mercury xenon lights"
- an affluent person; a person who is financially well off; "the so-called emerging affluents"
- having an abundant supply of money or possessions of value; "an affluent banker"; "a speculator flush with cash"; "not merely rich but loaded"; "moneyed aristocrats"; "wealthy corporations" (同)flush, loaded, moneyed, wealthy
- exerting influence
- a conduit to carry off smoke
- (人が)『流ちょうにしゃべれる』,すらすら書くことができる / 流ちょうに話された,すらすら書かれた(演奏された);(言葉が)流ちょうな
- 『変わりやすい』,一定しない,気まぐれの / 変えられる,可変の,調節できる / 《英》《遠回しに》(演技などが)むらがある / 変化するもの,変化しやすいもの / (数学で)変数
- (物質的に)裕福な / (思考・言葉などが)豊富な,たくさんの;(…が)豊富な《+『in』+『名』》 / (川の)支流
- 煙突などの煙・蒸気・排気ガスなどの)通路,導管;(煙突の)煙道,(煙管ボイラーの)炎管
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/03/09 17:48:35」(JST)
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Look up fluent in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Fluent can refer to:
- fluent (mathematics), in mathematics, a continuous function
- fluent (artificial intelligence), in artificial intelligence, a condition that varies over time
- Fluent, Inc., a company that develops software for computational fluid dynamics
- Fluent interface, a software engineering object-oriented construct
- Fluent (user interface), introduced in the 2007 Microsoft Office system
- Fluentd, open source data collection software.
- fluency, in linguistics, the ability to communicate quickly.
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English Journal
- Effects of turbulence modelling on prediction of flow characteristics in a bench-scale anaerobic gas-lift digester.
- Coughtrie AR, Borman DJ, Sleigh PA.SourceSchool of Civil Engineering, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK. Electronic address: A.R.Coughtrie@leeds.ac.uk.
- Bioresource technology.Bioresour Technol.2013 Jun;138:297-306. doi: 10.1016/j.biortech.2013.03.162. Epub 2013 Apr 6.
- Flow in a gas-lift digester with a central draft-tube was investigated using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and different turbulence closure models. The k-ω Shear-Stress-Transport (SST), Renormalization-Group (RNG) k-∊, Linear Reynolds-Stress-Model (RSM) and Transition-SST models were tested
- PMID 23624047
- ERPs and morphological processing: the N400 and semantic composition.
- Coch D, Bares J, Landers A.SourceDepartment of Education, Reading Brains Lab, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, USA, donna.coch@dartmouth.edu.
- Cognitive, affective & behavioral neuroscience.Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci.2013 Jun;13(2):355-70. doi: 10.3758/s13415-012-0145-3.
- Both behavioral and electrophysiological evidence suggests that fluent readers decompose morphologically complex words into their constituent parts. Previous event-related potential (ERP) research has been equivocal with regard to whether the N400 component indexes morphological decomposition or the
- PMID 23271630
- Word-level information influences phonetic learning in adults and infants.
- Feldman NH, Myers EB, White KS, Griffiths TL, Morgan JL.SourceDepartment of Linguistics, University of Maryland, United States. Electronic address: nhf@umd.edu.
- Cognition.Cognition.2013 Jun;127(3):427-38. doi: 10.1016/j.cognition.2013.02.007. Epub 2013 Apr 2.
- Infants begin to segment words from fluent speech during the same time period that they learn phonetic categories. Segmented words can provide a potentially useful cue for phonetic learning, yet accounts of phonetic category acquisition typically ignore the contexts in which sounds appear. We presen
- PMID 23562941
- Computational fluid dynamics analysis of surgical adjustment of left ventricular assist device implantation to minimise stroke risk.
- Osorio AF, Osorio R, Ceballos A, Tran R, Clark W, Divo EA, Argueta-Morales IR, Kassab AJ, Decampli WM.Sourcea Department of Mechanical Materials and Aerospace Engineering, College of Engineering and Computer Science, University of Central Florida , Orlando , FL , USA.
- Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering.Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Engin.2013 Jun;16(6):622-38. doi: 10.1080/10255842.2011.629616. Epub 2011 Dec 21.
- Background. Currently, mechanical support is the most promising alternative to cardiac transplantation. Ventricular assist devices (VADs) were originally used to provide mechanical circulatory support in patients awaiting planned heart transplantation ('bridge-to-transplantation' therapy). The succe
- PMID 22185643
Japanese Journal
- 機械翻訳サービスと編集サービスの相互連携における翻訳品質と編集者適応
- 山口 卓郎,菱山 玲子,北川 大輔,中島 悠,稲葉 利江子,林 冬惠
- 情報処理学会論文誌 55(4), 1303-1315, 2014-04-15
- 本研究では,人間の手により行われる翻訳リペアサービスと翻訳文の書き換えサービスを機械翻訳連携サービスのサービスフローに連携させ,翻訳品質および作業コスト面において,この連携がどのような効果を及ぼすかを明らかにする.実験では,越英(ベトナム語-英語)翻訳サービスと英日翻訳サービスを連携させて知識伝達を行う翻訳サービスフローを想定し,このフローにおいて,英日翻訳サービスにおける入力文としての英文に対し …
- NAID 110009752442
- The Effect of Topic-Selection Control on EFL Writing Fluency
- Dickinson Paul
- 新潟国際情報大学情報文化学部紀要 17, 15-25, 2014-04
- … The present study focuseson a timed writing activity designed to encourage language learners to produce more fluent andmeaningful written texts. …
- NAID 110009753137
- 486 層式換気の空調方式による温度場に関する研究(環境工学)
- 乳児における助詞利用の発達 : 単語を切り出し分類する手がかりとして(幼児言語発達,コミュニケーションの心理とライフステージ,及び一般)
- 針生 悦子,梶川 祥世
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. HCS, ヒューマンコミュニケーション基礎 113(426), 61-66, 2014-01-25
- 本研究では,期待違反法を用いて,日本語習得途上の乳児が,助詞'が'を手がかりとして隣接する単語を発話から切り出すことができるようになるのはいつからか,また,そのようにして切り出した単語を"名詞"という統語カテゴリに分類するようになるのはいつか,について検討した。実験1では,10か月児,12か月児,15か月児をテストし,15か月になるまでに子どもは,助詞を利用して発話から隣接する単語を切り出すように …
- NAID 110009837875
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- 詳細の表示を試みましたが、サイトのオーナーによって制限されているため表示できません。
- ANSYS Fluent software contains the broad physical modeling capabilities needed to model flow, turbulence, heat transfer, and reactions for industrial applications ranging from air flow over an aircraft wing to combustion in a furnace ...
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- 関
- fluent、inconsistent、indefinite、variability、variably、versatile
- 英
- fluent、variable
- 関
- 可変、可変性、変数、不定、流暢
- 英
- fluent
- 関
- 変量
- 関
- agrammatism、Broca aphasia、expressive aphasia、motor aphasia
- 関
- eluate
- 関
- primary progressive aphasia